
Showing posts from April 6, 2019

Checking and Proving the following by the Archimedean Property of Reals. First part I believe is done. Unsure about second part.Help proving the following using Archimedean Property of Realsliminf and limsup propertiesAn Exercise in The Convergence of Sequences of SetsEach bounded measurable function $f:[a,b]tomathbbR$ is almost a Borel function.Analysis Problem - Showing statements are true.Proof that a sequence of set has a set dense somewhere in $[a,b]$If $E_i$ is open show $cap E_i$ is openA Sequence of Real Values Measurable Functions can be Dominated by a SequenceUnderstanding density of irrational numbers and Archemedian propertyTernary expansion and Cantor set

Do I have a twin with permutated remainders? Are the number of citations and number of published articles the most important criteria for a tenure promotion? can i play a electric guitar through a bass amp? What typically incentivizes a professor to change jobs to a lower ranking university? Why "Having chlorophyll without photosynthesis is actually very dangerous" and "like living with a bomb"? How is it possible to have an ability score that is less than 3? Why Is Death Allowed In the Matrix? Python: next in for loop "to be prejudice towards/against someone" vs "to be prejudiced against/towards someone" Smoothness of finite-dimensional functional calculus Dragon forelimb placement How to format long polynomial? How old can references or sources in a thesis be? If I cast Expeditious Retreat, can I Dash as a bonus action on the same turn? How do we improve the relationship with a client software team that performs poor