Braille pattern dots-123 Contents Unified Braille Other braille Plus dots 7 and 8 related 8-dot kantenji patterns Notes Navigation menu"World Braille Usage""Introduction to Bharati Braille""Nemeth Braille (Mathematics Braille)"the original"Index of Topics in Braille Section"the originalWorld Braille Usage"ロービジョン相談と光学""盲人と文字 -漢点字の世界""漢点字""漢点字入門"the originale

1829 brailleInternational uniformityASCII brailleUnicode braille patternsAlbanianAmharicArabicArmenianAzerbaijaniBelarusianBharatiDevanagari (Hindi  / Marathi  / Nepali)BengaliPunjabiSinhaleseTamilUrduetc.BulgarianBurmeseCambodianCantoneseCatalanChineseCzechDutchDzongkhaEnglishUnified EnglishEsperantoEstonianFaroeseFrenchGeorgianGermanGhanaianGreekGuaraniHawaiianHebrewHungarianIcelandicInuktitutIñupiaqIPAIrishItalianKazakhKyrgyzLatvianLithuanianMalteseMongolianMāoriNavajoNigerianNorthern SamiPersianPhilippinePolishPortugueseRomanianRussianSamoanScandinavianSlovakSouth AfricanSpanishTatarTaiwanese MandarinThai & LaoTibetanTurkishUkrainianVietnameseWelshYugoslavAlgerian BrailleAmerican BrailleJapaneseKoreanTwo-Cell ChineseLuxembourgishKanjiGardner–Salinas braille codesBraille musicCanadian currency marksComputer Braille CodeGardner–Salinas braille codesInternational Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)Nemeth braille codeLouis BrailleCharles BarbierValentin HaüyThakur Vishva Narain SinghSabriye TenberkenWilliam Bell WaitDecapointMoon typeNew York PointNight writingVibratese

Braille patterns

BrailleBraille ASCIIunified international braillelateral approximantGardner-SalinasLuxembourgish BraillekantenjiJIS C 6226-1978

6-dot braille cells

The Braille pattern dots-123 ( ) is a 6-dot braille cell with all three left side dots raised, or an 8-dot braille cell with the top, upper-middle, and lower-middle left dots raised. It is represented by the Unicode code point U+2807, and in Braille ASCII with "L".

⠇ (braille pattern dots-123)
Unicode name
UTF-8226 160 135E2 A0 87
Numeric character reference
Braille ASCII764C

.mw-parser-output .toclimit-2 .toclevel-1 ul,.mw-parser-output .toclimit-3 .toclevel-2 ul,.mw-parser-output .toclimit-4 .toclevel-3 ul,.mw-parser-output .toclimit-5 .toclevel-4 ul,.mw-parser-output .toclimit-6 .toclevel-5 ul,.mw-parser-output .toclimit-7 .toclevel-6 uldisplay:none


  • 1 Unified Braille

    • 1.1 Table of unified braille values

  • 2 Other braille

  • 3 Plus dots 7 and 8

  • 4 related 8-dot kantenji patterns

    • 4.1 Kantenji using braille patterns 237, 1237, 2347, or 12347

      • 4.1.1 Variants and thematic compounds

      • 4.1.2 Compounds of 水

      • 4.1.3 Compounds of 朮

      • 4.1.4 Compounds of 旨

      • 4.1.5 Compounds of 賈

      • 4.1.6 Compounds of 丞

      • 4.1.7 Compounds of 泡

      • 4.1.8 Compounds of 壬

      • 4.1.9 Compounds of 西

      • 4.1.10 Compounds of 垂

      • 4.1.11 Compounds of 鬼

      • 4.1.12 Other compounds

  • 5 Notes

Unified Braille

In unified international braille, the braille pattern dots-123 is used to represent a lateral approximant, such as /l/, /ʟ/, or /ʎ/, and is otherwise assigned as needed.[1]

Table of unified braille values

French Braille

English Braille

English Contraction

German Braille

Bharati Braille
ल / ਲ / લ / ল / ଳ / ల / ಲ / ല / ல / ල / ل ‎[2]

Icelandic Braille

IPA Braille

Russian Braille

Slovak Braille

Arabic Braille

Persian Braille

Irish Braille

Thai Braille

Luxembourgish Braille
l (minuscule)


Other braille

Japanese Braille
ni / に / ニ [1]

Korean Braille
sa / 사 [1]

Mainland Chinese Braille
l [1]

Taiwanese Braille

Two-Cell Chinese Braille
l- -ī/-ū/-ǖ

Nemeth Braille

not an independent sign [3]

Algerian Braille
س ‎[1]

Plus dots 7 and 8

Related to Braille pattern dots-123 are Braille patterns 1237, 1238, and 12378, which are used in 8-dot braille systems, such as Gardner-Salinas and Luxembourgish Braille.

Character⡇ (braille pattern dots-1237)⢇ (braille pattern dots-1238)
⣇ (braille pattern dots-12378)
UTF-8226 161 135E2 A1 87226 162 135E2 A2 87226 163 135E2 A3 87
Numeric character reference

dots 1237dots 1238dots 12378

Gardner Salinas Braille [4]
L (capital)
λ (lambda)
Λ (Lambda)

Luxembourgish Braille [5]
L (capital)

related 8-dot kantenji patterns

In the Japanese kantenji braille, the standard 8-dot Braille patterns 237, 1237, 2347, and 12347 are the patterns related to Braille pattern dots-123, since the two additional dots of kantenji patterns 0123, 1237, and 01237 are placed above the base 6-dot cell, instead of below, as in standard 8-dot braille.

Character⡆ (braille pattern dots-237)⡇ (braille pattern dots-1237)⡎ (braille pattern dots-2347)
⡏ (braille pattern dots-12347)
UTF-8226 161 134E2 A1 86226 161 135E2 A1 87226 161 142E2 A1 8E226 161 143E2 A1 8F
Numeric character reference

Kantenji using braille patterns 237, 1237, 2347, or 12347

This listing includes kantenji using Braille pattern dots-123 for all 6349 kanji found in JIS C 6226-1978.

  • ⡏ (braille pattern dots-12347) - 水

Variants and thematic compounds

  • ⠃⡎ - selector 1 + に/氵 = 朮

  • ⡁⡎ - selector 3 + に/氵 = 奚

  • ⠑⡎ - selector 4 + に/氵 = 旨

  • ⠡⡎ - selector 5 + に/氵 = 賈

  • ⢁⡎ - selector 6 + に/氵 = 丞

  • ⡇⡈ - に/氵 + selector 3 = 泡

  • ⡇⠘ - に/氵 + selector 4 = 泳

  • ⢡⡎ - 数 + に/氵 = 壬

  • ⠱⡎ - 比 + に/氵 = 西

  • ⠥⡎ - 宿 + に/氵 = 垂

  • ⠕⡎ - お/頁 + に/氵 = 鬼

Compounds of 水

  • ⡵⡎ - と/戸 + に/氵 = 尿

  • ⢗⡎ - け/犬 + に/氵 = 泰

    • ⠣⢖⡎ - ら/月 + け/犬 + に/氵 = 滕

  • ⢱⠤⡎ - 氷/氵 + 宿 + に/氵 = 冰

  • ⡇⣄⢈ - に/氵 + 日 + selector 6 = 沓

    • ⣧⡎ - み/耳 + に/氵 = 踏

  • ⡇⢔⠊ - に/氵 + こ/子 + selector 1 = 汞

  • ⡇⣖⠌ - に/氵 + へ/⺩ + selector 2 = 漿

  • ⡇⣄⡨ - に/氵 + 日 + を/貝 = 潁

  • ⡇⠤⢌ - に/氵 + 宿 + ⺼ = 盥

  • ⡕⠤⡎ - の/禾 + 宿 + に/氵 = 粱

  • ⣵⠤⡎ - も/門 + 宿 + に/氵 = 閖

  • ⡵⣦⡎ - と/戸 + み/耳 + に/氵 = 鞜

  • ⡇⡺ - に/氵 + つ/土 = 塗

  • ⡇⡮ - に/氵 + ち/竹 = 池

  • ⡇⡾ - に/氵 + て/扌 = 決

    • ⡇⡆⡾ - に/氵 + に/氵 + て/扌 = 决

  • ⡇⣼ - に/氵 + も/門 = 汽

  • ⡇⠬ - に/氵 + 宿 = 沖

    • ⡇⡆⠬ - に/氵 + に/氵 + 宿 = 冲

  • ⡇⡜ - に/氵 + の/禾 = 没

    • ⡇⡆⡜ - に/氵 + に/氵 + の/禾 = 沒

  • ⡇⢊ - に/氵 + か/金 = 河

  • ⡇⡚ - に/氵 + ぬ/力 = 沼

  • ⡇⠞ - に/氵 + え/訁 = 沿

  • ⡇⢜ - に/氵 + こ/子 = 法

    • ⣗⡆⢜ - へ/⺩ + に/氵 + こ/子 = 琺

  • ⡇⣎ - に/氵 + ひ/辶 = 波

    • ⣣⡆⣎ - ま/石 + に/氵 + ひ/辶 = 碆

    • ⢥⡆⣎ - 心 + に/氵 + ひ/辶 = 菠

  • ⡇⣪ - に/氵 + ま/石 = 泣

    • ⡇⣢⠮ - に/氵 + ま/石 + り/分 = 潼

  • ⡇⢘ - に/氵 + 仁/亻 = 泥

  • ⡇⣞ - に/氵 + へ/⺩ = 注

    • ⡇⣖⠊ - に/氵 + へ/⺩ + selector 1 = 汪

    • ⡇⣖⢮ - に/氵 + へ/⺩ + し/巿 = 涛

  • ⡇⣈ - に/氵 + 龸 = 洗

  • ⡇⠾ - に/氵 + れ/口 = 洛

  • ⡇⢮ - に/氵 + し/巿 = 洩

  • ⡇⢾ - に/氵 + せ/食 = 活

    • ⣵⡆⢾ - も/門 + に/氵 + せ/食 = 濶

  • ⡇⢚ - に/氵 + く/艹 = 流

  • ⡇⣬ - に/氵 + 囗 = 浅

  • ⡇⠮ - に/氵 + り/分 = 浜

  • ⡇⣜ - に/氵 + ほ/方 = 浦

    • ⢥⡆⣜ - 心 + に/氵 + ほ/方 = 蒲

    • ⡇⣔⠊ - に/氵 + ほ/方 + selector 1 = 汐

      • ⡇⣔⡚ - に/氵 + ほ/方 + ぬ/力 = 洌

      • ⡇⣔⣈ - に/氵 + ほ/方 + 龸 = 淤

  • ⡇⡘ - に/氵 + や/疒 = 浪

  • ⡇⣊ - に/氵 + は/辶 = 海

    • ⡳⡆⣊ - つ/土 + に/氵 + は/辶 = 塰

  • ⡇⢼ - に/氵 + そ/馬 = 消

  • ⡇⢞ - に/氵 + け/犬 = 涙

  • ⡇⡊ - に/氵 + な/亻 = 液

  • ⡇⠚ - に/氵 + う/宀/#3 = 淑

  • ⡇⣸ - に/氵 + 火 = 淡

  • ⡇⢺ - に/氵 + す/発 = 深

  • ⡇⠸ - に/氵 + 比 = 混

  • ⡇⣨ - に/氵 + ん/止 = 渋

    • ⡇⡆⣨ - に/氵 + に/氵 + ん/止 = 澁

    • ⡇⣠⠜ - に/氵 + ん/止 + お/頁 = 瀕

  • ⡇⡬ - に/氵 + ゑ/訁 = 渡

  • ⡇⢌ - に/氵 + ⺼ = 温

    • ⢥⡆⢌ - 心 + に/氵 + ⺼ = 薀

  • ⡇⢪ - に/氵 + さ/阝 = 港

  • ⡇⠪ - に/氵 + ら/月 = 湖

  • ⡇⢨ - に/氵 + 数 = 湯

    • ⢅⡆⢨ - ⺼ + に/氵 + 数 = 盪

    • ⢓⡆⢨ - く/艹 + に/氵 + 数 = 蕩

  • ⡇⣘ - に/氵 + ゆ/彳 = 湾

  • ⡇⠎ - に/氵 + い/糹/#2 = 湿

  • ⡇⣾ - に/氵 + め/目 = 満

    • ⠳⡆⣾ - る/忄 + に/氵 + め/目 = 懣

    • ⡇⣶⠘ - に/氵 + め/目 + selector 4 = 湎

  • ⡇⣺ - に/氵 + む/車 = 溝

  • ⡇⡪ - に/氵 + た/⽥ = 溶

  • ⡇⡌ - に/氵 + ゐ/幺 = 滋

  • ⡇⢬ - に/氵 + 心 = 滝

  • ⡇⡸ - に/氵 + よ/广 = 滞

    • ⡇⡆⡸ - に/氵 + に/氵 + よ/广 = 滯

  • ⡇⠜ - に/氵 + お/頁 = 滴

  • ⡇⢎ - に/氵 + き/木 = 漆

  • ⡇⡨ - に/氵 + を/貝 = 漸

  • ⡇⣌ - に/氵 + 日 = 潮

  • ⡇⡼ - に/氵 + と/戸 = 澄

  • ⡇⢸ - に/氵 + 氷/氵 = 激

  • ⡇⠼ - に/氵 + ろ/十 = 濃

  • ⡣⡎ - た/⽥ + に/氵 = 沢

  • ⢵⡎ - そ/馬 + に/氵 = 洋

  • ⢕⡎ - こ/子 + に/氵 = 浩

  • ⢱⡎ - 氷/氵 + に/氵 = 淫

    • ⡧⢰⡎ - ち/竹 + 氷/氵 + に/氵 = 霪

  • ⣡⡎ - ん/止 + に/氵 = 渉

  • ⡅⡎ - ゐ/幺 + に/氵 = 渓

    • ⡅⡄⡎ - ゐ/幺 + ゐ/幺 + に/氵 = 溪

  • ⣇⡎ - ひ/辶 + に/氵 = 減

  • ⢳⡎ - す/発 + に/氵 = 渠

  • ⡑⡎ - や/疒 + に/氵 = 濯

  • ⡇⡆⣬ - に/氵 + に/氵 + 囗 = 淺

  • ⡇⡆⣾ - に/氵 + に/氵 + め/目 = 滿

  • ⡇⡆⠎ - に/氵 + に/氵 + い/糹/#2 = 濕

  • ⡇⡆⠮ - に/氵 + に/氵 + り/分 = 濱

  • ⡇⡆⢬ - に/氵 + に/氵 + 心 = 瀧

  • ⡇⡆⣘ - に/氵 + に/氵 + ゆ/彳 = 灣

  • ⢇⠤⡎ - き/木 + 宿 + に/氵 = 梁

  • ⡇⠤⢪ - に/氵 + 宿 + さ/阝 = 氾

  • ⡇⢠⡾ - に/氵 + 数 + て/扌 = 汀

  • ⡇⠤⠼ - に/氵 + 宿 + ろ/十 = 汁

  • ⡇⠐⣈ - に/氵 + selector 4 + 龸 = 汎

  • ⡇⡐⠊ - に/氵 + や/疒 + selector 1 = 汕

  • ⡇⠐⡌ - に/氵 + selector 4 + ゐ/幺 = 汲

  • ⡇⣂⣨ - に/氵 + は/辶 + ん/止 = 汳

  • ⡇⠤⠮ - に/氵 + 宿 + り/分 = 汾

  • ⡇⠤⢬ - に/氵 + 宿 + 心 = 沁

  • ⡇⠰⡨ - に/氵 + 比 + を/貝 = 沂

  • ⡇⠤⢞ - に/氵 + 宿 + け/犬 = 沃

  • ⡇⠰⣚ - に/氵 + 比 + ふ/女 = 沌

  • ⡇⠰⢌ - に/氵 + 比 + ⺼ = 沍

  • ⡇⠤⢎ - に/氵 + 宿 + き/木 = 沐

  • ⡇⣀⣨ - に/氵 + 龸 + ん/止 = 沚

  • ⡇⠤⢮ - に/氵 + 宿 + し/巿 = 沛

  • ⡇⢆⠨ - に/氵 + き/木 + selector 5 = 沫

  • ⡇⠠⢼ - に/氵 + selector 5 + そ/馬 = 沮

  • ⡇⠤⣎ - に/氵 + 宿 + ひ/辶 = 沱

  • ⡇⠤⡪ - に/氵 + 宿 + た/⽥ = 沺

  • ⡇⠶⠼ - に/氵 + れ/口 + ろ/十 = 沽

  • ⡇⠶⡼ - に/氵 + れ/口 + と/戸 = 沾

  • ⡇⠴⡸ - に/氵 + ろ/十 + よ/广 = 泄

  • ⡇⣤⡊ - に/氵 + 囗 + な/亻 = 泅

  • ⡇⣐⠊ - に/氵 + ゆ/彳 + selector 1 = 泓

  • ⡇⢠⠺ - に/氵 + 数 + る/忄 = 泗

  • ⡇⠦⢊ - に/氵 + り/分 + か/金 = 泙

  • ⡇⠄⡜ - に/氵 + selector 2 + の/禾 = 泛

  • ⡇⠂⡨ - に/氵 + selector 1 + を/貝 = 泝

  • ⡇⠤⣾ - に/氵 + 宿 + め/目 = 泪

  • ⡇⣦⣨ - に/氵 + み/耳 + ん/止 = 泯

  • ⡇⢖⠜ - に/氵 + け/犬 + お/頁 = 泱

  • ⡇⠠⢊ - に/氵 + selector 5 + か/金 = 洙

  • ⡇⣤⡼ - に/氵 + 囗 + と/戸 = 洞

  • ⡇⣐⡊ - に/氵 + ゆ/彳 + な/亻 = 洟

  • ⡇⠐⢜ - に/氵 + selector 4 + こ/子 = 洪

  • ⡇⠂⢌ - に/氵 + selector 1 + ⺼ = 洫

  • ⡇⢂⠘ - に/氵 + か/金 + selector 4 = 洲

  • ⡇⣒⠾ - に/氵 + ふ/女 + れ/口 = 洳

  • ⡇⣄⢺ - に/氵 + 日 + す/発 = 洵

  • ⡇⣴⢈ - に/氵 + も/門 + selector 6 = 洶

  • ⡇⣀⠌ - に/氵 + 龸 + selector 2 = 洸

  • ⡇⠦⣬ - に/氵 + り/分 + 囗 = 洽

  • ⡇⡶⡨ - に/氵 + て/扌 + を/貝 = 浙

  • ⡇⣀⣺ - に/氵 + 龸 + む/車 = 浚

  • ⡇⠒⠬ - に/氵 + う/宀/#3 + 宿 = 浣

  • ⡇⠰⠮ - に/氵 + 比 + り/分 = 浬

  • ⡇⠤⡊ - に/氵 + 宿 + な/亻 = 浹

  • ⡇⠤⡺ - に/氵 + 宿 + つ/土 = 涅

  • ⡇⣀⡺ - に/氵 + 龸 + つ/土 = 涌

  • ⡇⣂⠊ - に/氵 + は/辶 + selector 1 = 涎

  • ⡇⣀⠪ - に/氵 + 龸 + ら/月 = 涓

  • ⡇⣐⠬ - に/氵 + ゆ/彳 + 宿 = 涕

  • ⡇⡲⡨ - に/氵 + つ/土 + を/貝 = 涜

  • ⡇⣤⠼ - に/氵 + 囗 + ろ/十 = 涸

  • ⡇⠒⡸ - に/氵 + う/宀/#3 + よ/广 = 淀

  • ⡇⢆⠜ - に/氵 + き/木 + お/頁 = 淅

  • ⡇⣶⢌ - に/氵 + め/目 + ⺼ = 淆

  • ⡇⠐⢎ - に/氵 + selector 4 + き/木 = 淇

  • ⡇⢆⢎ - に/氵 + き/木 + き/木 = 淋

  • ⡇⢀⣊ - に/氵 + selector 6 + は/辶 = 淌

  • ⡇⣒⢪ - に/氵 + ふ/女 + さ/阝 = 淒

  • ⡇⠒⣺ - に/氵 + う/宀/#3 + む/車 = 淕

  • ⡇⠤⡼ - に/氵 + 宿 + と/戸 = 淘

  • ⡇⠒⡞ - に/氵 + う/宀/#3 + ね/示 = 淙

  • ⡇⢤⢜ - に/氵 + 心 + こ/子 = 淞

  • ⡇⠤⠺ - に/氵 + 宿 + る/忄 = 淪

  • ⡇⠔⠼ - に/氵 + お/頁 + ろ/十 = 淬

  • ⡇⠤⠎ - に/氵 + 宿 + い/糹/#2 = 淮

  • ⡇⠤⡚ - に/氵 + 宿 + ぬ/力 = 淵

  • ⡇⢀⢬ - に/氵 + selector 6 + 心 = 淹

  • ⡇⡆⣬ - に/氵 + に/氵 + 囗 = 淺

  • ⡇⠒⡚ - に/氵 + う/宀/#3 + ぬ/力 = 渊

  • ⡇⣀⡚ - に/氵 + 龸 + ぬ/力 = 渕

  • ⡇⣀⢌ - に/氵 + 龸 + ⺼ = 渙

  • ⡇⡴⣌ - に/氵 + と/戸 + 日 = 渚

  • ⡇⣀⣘ - に/氵 + 龸 + ゆ/彳 = 渝

  • ⡇⢀⡾ - に/氵 + selector 6 + て/扌 = 渟

  • ⡇⢆⣌ - に/氵 + き/木 + 日 = 渣

  • ⡇⡒⠼ - に/氵 + ぬ/力 + ろ/十 = 渤

  • ⡇⡴⣘ - に/氵 + と/戸 + ゆ/彳 = 渥

  • ⡇⠤⢊ - に/氵 + 宿 + か/金 = 渦

  • ⡇⠤⡸ - に/氵 + 宿 + よ/广 = 渫

  • ⡇⡢⢌ - に/氵 + た/⽥ + ⺼ = 渭

  • ⡇⠰⢊ - に/氵 + 比 + か/金 = 渮

  • ⡇⣂⡈ - に/氵 + は/辶 + selector 3 = 游

  • ⡇⣔⢼ - に/氵 + ほ/方 + そ/馬 = 渺

  • ⡇⠤⣺ - に/氵 + 宿 + む/車 = 渾

  • ⡇⣂⠎ - に/氵 + は/辶 + い/糹/#2 = 湃

  • ⡇⢖⢞ - に/氵 + け/犬 + け/犬 = 湊

  • ⡇⠤⡜ - に/氵 + 宿 + の/禾 = 湍

  • ⡇⢆⣾ - に/氵 + き/木 + め/目 = 湘

  • ⡇⠂⢎ - に/氵 + selector 1 + き/木 = 湛

  • ⡇⣄⣞ - に/氵 + 日 + へ/⺩ = 湟

  • ⡇⡒⡪ - に/氵 + ぬ/力 + た/⽥ = 湧

  • ⡇⡔⣸ - に/氵 + の/禾 + 火 = 湫

  • ⡇⠤⢘ - に/氵 + 宿 + 仁/亻 = 湲

  • ⡇⣄⢸ - に/氵 + 日 + 氷/氵 = 湶

  • ⡇⢆⡚ - に/氵 + き/木 + ぬ/力 = 溂

  • ⡇⠤⢺ - に/氵 + 宿 + す/発 = 溌

  • ⡇⡰⣼ - に/氵 + よ/广 + も/門 = 溏

  • ⡇⡲⢜ - に/氵 + つ/土 + こ/子 = 溘

  • ⡇⠢⡪ - に/氵 + ら/月 + た/⽥ = 溜

  • ⡇⣀⣌ - に/氵 + 龸 + 日 = 溟

  • ⡇⠐⡾ - に/氵 + selector 4 + て/扌 = 溥

  • ⡇⠢⣊ - に/氵 + ら/月 + は/辶 = 溯

  • ⡇⠤⠞ - に/氵 + 宿 + え/訁 = 溲

  • ⡇⠤⣬ - に/氵 + 宿 + 囗 = 溷

  • ⡇⣐⣘ - に/氵 + ゆ/彳 + ゆ/彳 = 溺

  • ⡇⢦⠼ - に/氵 + し/巿 + ろ/十 = 溽

  • ⡇⠤⣜ - に/氵 + 宿 + ほ/方 = 滂

  • ⡇⠦⠜ - に/氵 + り/分 + お/頁 = 滄

  • ⡇⢲⢎ - に/氵 + す/発 + き/木 = 滌

  • ⡇⠒⣪ - に/氵 + う/宀/#3 + ま/石 = 滓

  • ⡇⣤⣎ - に/氵 + 囗 + ひ/辶 = 滬

  • ⡇⠂⠚ - に/氵 + selector 1 + う/宀/#3 = 滲

  • ⡇⣠⠌ - に/氵 + ん/止 + selector 2 = 滷

  • ⡇⠖⢼ - に/氵 + え/訁 + そ/馬 = 滸

  • ⡇⠤⣈ - に/氵 + 宿 + 龸 = 滾

  • ⡇⡆⣾ - に/氵 + に/氵 + め/目 = 滿

  • ⡇⢴⠸ - に/氵 + そ/馬 + 比 = 漉

  • ⡇⠐⠎ - に/氵 + selector 4 + い/糹/#2 = 漓

  • ⡇⠤⢼ - に/氵 + 宿 + そ/馬 = 漕

  • ⡇⠤⢚ - に/氵 + 宿 + く/艹 = 漠

  • ⡇⣆⣺ - に/氵 + ひ/辶 + む/車 = 漣

  • ⡇⠤⣨ - に/氵 + 宿 + ん/止 = 漱

  • ⡇⣐⡼ - に/氵 + ゆ/彳 + と/戸 = 漲

  • ⡇⡔⡪ - に/氵 + の/禾 + た/⽥ = 潘

  • ⡇⣀⠼ - に/氵 + 龸 + ろ/十 = 潦

  • ⡇⠶⢮ - に/氵 + れ/口 + し/巿 = 潯

  • ⡇⠤⡨ - に/氵 + 宿 + を/貝 = 潰

  • ⡇⢖⠮ - に/氵 + け/犬 + り/分 = 潴

  • ⡇⠢⢸ - に/氵 + ら/月 + 氷/氵 = 潸

  • ⡇⠤⢜ - に/氵 + 宿 + こ/子 = 潺

  • ⡇⠒⣨ - に/氵 + う/宀/#3 + ん/止 = 澀

  • ⡇⠤⡘ - に/氵 + 宿 + や/疒 = 澂

  • ⡇⢀⡺ - に/氵 + selector 6 + つ/土 = 澆

  • ⡇⠤⠚ - に/氵 + 宿 + う/宀/#3 = 澎

  • ⡇⠤⠪ - に/氵 + 宿 + ら/月 = 澗

  • ⡇⠶⠚ - に/氵 + れ/口 + う/宀/#3 = 澡

  • ⡇⠴⢊ - に/氵 + ろ/十 + か/金 = 澣

  • ⡣⡢⡎ - た/⽥ + た/⽥ + に/氵 = 澤

  • ⡇⡦⣨ - に/氵 + ち/竹 + ん/止 = 澪

  • ⡇⢔⡜ - に/氵 + こ/子 + の/禾 = 澱

  • ⡇⣤⡜ - に/氵 + 囗 + の/禾 = 澳

  • ⡇⠤⣌ - に/氵 + 宿 + 日 = 澹

  • ⡇⡰⢞ - に/氵 + よ/广 + け/犬 = 濂

  • ⡇⠤⣚ - に/氵 + 宿 + ふ/女 = 濆

  • ⡇⣤⣾ - に/氵 + 囗 + め/目 = 濔

  • ⡇⡆⠎ - に/氵 + に/氵 + い/糹/#2 = 濕

  • ⡇⠤⡾ - に/氵 + 宿 + て/扌 = 濘

  • ⡇⣀⢼ - に/氵 + 龸 + そ/馬 = 濠

  • ⡇⣀⣾ - に/氵 + 龸 + め/目 = 濬

  • ⡇⡂⡊ - に/氵 + な/亻 + な/亻 = 濮

  • ⡇⡆⠮ - に/氵 + に/氵 + り/分 = 濱

  • ⡇⠔⣬ - に/氵 + お/頁 + 囗 = 濺

  • ⡇⢲⢬ - に/氵 + す/発 + 心 = 濾

  • ⡇⢴⡘ - に/氵 + そ/馬 + や/疒 = 瀁

  • ⡇⠤⠊ - に/氵 + 宿 + selector 1 = 瀉

  • ⡇⠒⡜ - に/氵 + う/宀/#3 + の/禾 = 瀋

  • ⡇⣀⢊ - に/氵 + 龸 + か/金 = 瀏

  • ⡇⣄⢜ - に/氵 + 日 + こ/子 = 瀑

  • ⡇⣀⡪ - に/氵 + 龸 + た/⽥ = 瀘

  • ⡇⠴⣺ - に/氵 + ろ/十 + む/車 = 瀚

  • ⡇⠠⣜ - に/氵 + selector 5 + ほ/方 = 瀛

  • ⡇⢔⣨ - に/氵 + こ/子 + ん/止 = 瀝

  • ⡇⢶⠬ - に/氵 + せ/食 + 宿 = 瀞

  • ⡇⡒⣘ - に/氵 + ぬ/力 + ゆ/彳 = 瀟

  • ⡇⡆⢬ - に/氵 + に/氵 + 心 = 瀧

  • ⡇⠦⢸ - に/氵 + り/分 + 氷/氵 = 瀲

  • ⡇⣴⣎ - に/氵 + も/門 + ひ/辶 = 瀾

  • ⡇⣤⠸ - に/氵 + 囗 + 比 = 灑

  • ⡇⢒⠎ - に/氵 + く/艹 + い/糹/#2 = 灘

  • ⡇⡆⣘ - に/氵 + に/氵 + ゆ/彳 = 灣

  • ⢥⠤⡎ - 心 + 宿 + に/氵 = 藻

  • ⢓⠤⡎ - く/艹 + 宿 + に/氵 = 蘯

  • ⡧⠤⡎ - ち/竹 + 宿 + に/氵 = 霑

  • ⡇⠤⢾ - に/氵 + 宿 + せ/食 = 鴻

Compounds of 朮

  • ⣃⡎ - は/辶 + に/氵 = 述

  • ⠵⡎ - ろ/十 + に/氵 = 求

    • ⣗⡎ - へ/⺩ + に/氵 = 球

    • ⡗⠴⡎ - ね/示 + ろ/十 + に/氵 = 裘

    • ⣇⠴⡎ - ひ/辶 + ろ/十 + に/氵 = 逑

    • ⠑⣖⡎ - selector 4 + へ/⺩ + に/氵 = 毬

Compounds of 旨

  • ⡷⡎ - て/扌 + に/氵 = 指

  • ⢅⡎ - ⺼ + に/氵 = 脂

  • ⡥⡎ - ゑ/訁 + に/氵 = 詣

  • ⡵⠐⡎ - と/戸 + selector 4 + に/氵 = 耆

  • ⣁⠤⡎ - 龸 + 宿 + に/氵 = 嘗

  • ⢷⠤⡎ - せ/食 + 宿 + に/氵 = 鮨

Compounds of 賈

  • ⡃⡂⡎ - な/亻 + な/亻 + に/氵 = 價

Compounds of 丞

  • ⢓⡎ - く/艹 + に/氵 = 蒸

  • ⡷⢀⡎ - て/扌 + selector 6 + に/氵 = 拯

  • ⡇⣤⣪ - に/氵 + 囗 + ま/石 = 涵

Compounds of 泡

  • ⢓⡆⡈ - く/艹 + に/氵 + selector 3 = 萢

Compounds of 壬

  • ⢑⡎ - 仁/亻 + に/氵 = 任

    • ⡡⡎ - を/貝 + に/氵 = 賃

    • ⣓⢐⡎ - ふ/女 + 仁/亻 + に/氵 = 姙

    • ⠳⢐⡎ - る/忄 + 仁/亻 + に/氵 = 恁

    • ⢥⢐⡎ - 心 + 仁/亻 + に/氵 = 荏

    • ⡗⢐⡎ - ね/示 + 仁/亻 + に/氵 = 袵

  • ⣓⡎ - ふ/女 + に/氵 = 妊

  • ⡗⢠⡎ - ね/示 + 数 + に/氵 = 衽

  • ⣓⢠⡎ - ふ/女 + 数 + に/氵 = 婬

Compounds of 西

  • ⠃⠰⡎ - selector 1 + 比 + に/氵 = 襾

  • ⡃⡎ - な/亻 + に/氵 = 価

  • ⣅⡎ - 日 + に/氵 = 晒

  • ⢥⡎ - 心 + に/氵 = 栗

    • ⢥⡆⡞ - 心 + に/氵 + ね/示 = 瓢

    • ⡧⢤⡎ - ち/竹 + 心 + に/氵 = 篥

    • ⠳⡎ - る/忄 + に/氵 = 慄

  • ⢷⡎ - せ/食 + に/氵 = 酒

  • ⡇⡞ - に/氵 + ね/示 = 票

    • ⢇⡎ - き/木 + に/氵 = 標

    • ⡇⡎ - に/氵 + に/氵 = 漂

    • ⡓⡆⡞ - ぬ/力 + に/氵 + ね/示 = 剽

    • ⣓⡆⡞ - ふ/女 + に/氵 + ね/示 = 嫖

    • ⠳⡆⡞ - る/忄 + に/氵 + ね/示 = 慓

    • ⠇⡆⡞ - い/糹/#2 + に/氵 + ね/示 = 縹

    • ⣳⡆⡞ - む/車 + に/氵 + ね/示 = 飄

    • ⢵⡆⡞ - そ/馬 + に/氵 + ね/示 = 驃

    • ⢷⡆⡞ - せ/食 + に/氵 + ね/示 = 鰾

    • ⣳⠤⡎ - む/車 + 宿 + に/氵 = 飃

  • ⡇⣚ - に/氵 + ふ/女 = 要

  • ⣱⡎ - 火 + に/氵 = 煙

  • ⠷⠰⡎ - れ/口 + 比 + に/氵 = 哂

  • ⡳⠰⡎ - つ/土 + 比 + に/氵 = 堙

  • ⣃⠰⡎ - は/辶 + 比 + に/氵 = 廼

  • ⢇⠰⡎ - き/木 + 比 + に/氵 = 栖

  • ⡇⠰⡎ - に/氵 + 比 + に/氵 = 湮

  • ⢃⠰⡎ - か/金 + 比 + に/氵 = 甄

  • ⣇⠰⡎ - ひ/辶 + 比 + に/氵 = 迺

  • ⡇⠤⡎ - に/氵 + 宿 + に/氵 = 洒

  • ⡇⣄⠼ - に/氵 + 日 + ろ/十 = 潭

  • ⡇⠤⢸ - に/氵 + 宿 + 氷/氵 = 覈

  • ⡇⠒⢼ - に/氵 + う/宀/#3 + そ/馬 = 覊

Compounds of 垂

  • ⣷⡎ - め/目 + に/氵 = 睡

  • ⢣⡎ - さ/阝 + に/氵 = 郵

  • ⢃⡎ - か/金 + に/氵 = 錘

  • ⠷⠤⡎ - れ/口 + 宿 + に/氵 = 唾

  • ⡷⠤⡎ - て/扌 + 宿 + に/氵 = 捶

  • ⢣⠤⡎ - さ/阝 + 宿 + に/氵 = 陲

Compounds of 鬼

  • ⡳⡎ - つ/土 + に/氵 = 塊

  • ⠗⡎ - え/訁 + に/氵 = 魂

  • ⡱⡎ - よ/广 + に/氵 = 魔

  • ⡃⠔⡎ - な/亻 + お/頁 + に/氵 = 傀

  • ⡑⠔⡎ - や/疒 + お/頁 + に/氵 = 嵬

  • ⠳⠔⡎ - る/忄 + お/頁 + に/氵 = 愧

  • ⢥⠔⡎ - 心 + お/頁 + に/氵 = 槐

  • ⣗⠔⡎ - へ/⺩ + お/頁 + に/氵 = 瑰

  • ⢓⠔⡎ - く/艹 + お/頁 + に/氵 = 蒐

  • ⢣⠔⡎ - さ/阝 + お/頁 + に/氵 = 隗

  • ⢷⠔⡎ - せ/食 + お/頁 + に/氵 = 餽

  • ⣅⠔⡎ - 日 + お/頁 + に/氵 = 魄

  • ⡕⠔⡎ - の/禾 + お/頁 + に/氵 = 魏

  • ⡱⠔⡎ - よ/广 + お/頁 + に/氵 = 魘

Other compounds

  • ⣵⡎ - も/門 + に/氵 = 匂

  • ⠷⡎ - れ/口 + に/氵 = 嗜

  • ⠓⡎ - う/宀/#3 + に/氵 = 窪

  • ⡕⡎ - の/禾 + に/氵 = 粍

  • ⣑⡎ - ゆ/彳 + に/氵 = 術

  • ⣕⡆⡜ - ほ/方 + に/氵 + の/禾 = 歿

  • ⠥⠤⡎ - 宿 + 宿 + に/氵 = 埀



  1. ^ abcdef "World Braille Usage". UNESCO. Retrieved .citation qquotes:"""""""'""'".mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free abackground:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration abackground:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em .citation .cs1-lock-subscription abackground:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration spanborder-bottom:1px dotted; .cs1-ws-icon abackground:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em code.cs1-codecolor:inherit;background:inherit;border:inherit; .cs1-hidden-errordisplay:none; .cs1-maintdisplay:none;color:#33aa33; .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-rightpadding-right:0.2em.

  2. ^ "Introduction to Bharati Braille". Retrieved 25 April 2013.

  3. ^ "Nemeth Braille (Mathematics Braille)". Archived from the original on 2012-04-21. Retrieved 2012-04-25.

  4. ^ "Index of Topics in Braille Section". Oregon State University Science Access Project Braille topics. Archived from the original on 2012-04-20. Retrieved 2012-04-29.

  5. ^ UNESCO (2013). World Braille Usage. Washington, DC: National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress. p. 88. ISBN 978-0-8444-9564-4.

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