Is $g$ continuous? [closed] Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)Prove that function $f$ is continuous at $x = x_0$Example of measure that is discontinuous at $emptyset$For what value(s) of $k$ is $f$ continuous on $mathbbR$Integral on continuous functions metric space, is it right?Show that a modified Dirichlet function is continuous at zeroCounterexample for functional sequence $f_n$ that converges uniformly on $E=[0;A]$ but not on $E=[0;+infty)$Verification of proof of two continuous functionIs this function $f(x) smooth despite it not being continuous?Prove that if $F$ and $G$ are both continuous and $F(a)=G(a)$ then the function $H$ is continuousIdentity criterion and the antiderivative

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Is $g$ continuous? [closed]

Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)Prove that function $f$ is continuous at $x = x_0$Example of measure that is discontinuous at $emptyset$For what value(s) of $k$ is $f$ continuous on $mathbbR$Integral on continuous functions metric space, is it right?Show that a modified Dirichlet function is continuous at zeroCounterexample for functional sequence $f_n$ that converges uniformly on $E=[0;A]$ but not on $E=[0;+infty)$Verification of proof of two continuous functionIs this function $f(x) smooth despite it not being continuous?Prove that if $F$ and $G$ are both continuous and $F(a)=G(a)$ then the function $H$ is continuousIdentity criterion and the antiderivative



Suppose that $f$ is continuous on $mathbbR, lim_x rightarrow infty f(x) = - infty $ and $ lim_x rightarrow inftyf(x) = + infty $. define $g$ be setting
$$g(x)= supt : f(t) <x textfor x in mathbbR$$
Now my question is that

Is $g$ continuous ?

my attempt : No , $g $ need not be continious

take $f(x) = begincases x, & x < 1,\
-x+2,& 1 le x le 2, \
x-2, & x > 2endcases$

Then $g(x) = begincases x, & x le 0,\
x+2, & x > 0endcases$

graph :enter image description here

share|cite|improve this question


closed as unclear what you're asking by T. Bongers, RRL, Saad, Jyrki Lahtonen, Parcly Taxel Mar 28 at 0:59

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 1

    It has to hold for all such functions $f$, not simply a particular one like you have.
    – Eevee Trainer
    Mar 27 at 4:11

  • $begingroup$
    okss thinking
    – jasmine
    Mar 27 at 4:12

  • 2

    Your $f$ does not satisfy the conditions...
    – copper.hat
    Mar 27 at 4:13

  • 2

    To be fair, @copper.hat, no function (as far as I know) satisfies the conditions as written. :p Probably a typo somewhere.
    – Eevee Trainer
    Mar 27 at 4:14

  • 1

    @jasmine As $x to -infty$, $f(x) = |x| to +infty$. Consider increasingly negative values of $x$ - $-10, -100, -1000, -10000$, $f$ maps each to their positive version. Not that this helps much since you need to generalize beyond a specific $f$ but I figured I'd point that out.
    – Eevee Trainer
    Mar 27 at 4:15



Suppose that $f$ is continuous on $mathbbR, lim_x rightarrow infty f(x) = - infty $ and $ lim_x rightarrow inftyf(x) = + infty $. define $g$ be setting
$$g(x)= supt : f(t) <x textfor x in mathbbR$$
Now my question is that

Is $g$ continuous ?

my attempt : No , $g $ need not be continious

take $f(x) = begincases x, & x < 1,\
-x+2,& 1 le x le 2, \
x-2, & x > 2endcases$

Then $g(x) = begincases x, & x le 0,\
x+2, & x > 0endcases$

graph :enter image description here

share|cite|improve this question


closed as unclear what you're asking by T. Bongers, RRL, Saad, Jyrki Lahtonen, Parcly Taxel Mar 28 at 0:59

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 1

    It has to hold for all such functions $f$, not simply a particular one like you have.
    – Eevee Trainer
    Mar 27 at 4:11

  • $begingroup$
    okss thinking
    – jasmine
    Mar 27 at 4:12

  • 2

    Your $f$ does not satisfy the conditions...
    – copper.hat
    Mar 27 at 4:13

  • 2

    To be fair, @copper.hat, no function (as far as I know) satisfies the conditions as written. :p Probably a typo somewhere.
    – Eevee Trainer
    Mar 27 at 4:14

  • 1

    @jasmine As $x to -infty$, $f(x) = |x| to +infty$. Consider increasingly negative values of $x$ - $-10, -100, -1000, -10000$, $f$ maps each to their positive version. Not that this helps much since you need to generalize beyond a specific $f$ but I figured I'd point that out.
    – Eevee Trainer
    Mar 27 at 4:15





Suppose that $f$ is continuous on $mathbbR, lim_x rightarrow infty f(x) = - infty $ and $ lim_x rightarrow inftyf(x) = + infty $. define $g$ be setting
$$g(x)= supt : f(t) <x textfor x in mathbbR$$
Now my question is that

Is $g$ continuous ?

my attempt : No , $g $ need not be continious

take $f(x) = begincases x, & x < 1,\
-x+2,& 1 le x le 2, \
x-2, & x > 2endcases$

Then $g(x) = begincases x, & x le 0,\
x+2, & x > 0endcases$

graph :enter image description here

share|cite|improve this question


Suppose that $f$ is continuous on $mathbbR, lim_x rightarrow infty f(x) = - infty $ and $ lim_x rightarrow inftyf(x) = + infty $. define $g$ be setting
$$g(x)= supt : f(t) <x textfor x in mathbbR$$
Now my question is that

Is $g$ continuous ?

my attempt : No , $g $ need not be continious

take $f(x) = begincases x, & x < 1,\
-x+2,& 1 le x le 2, \
x-2, & x > 2endcases$

Then $g(x) = begincases x, & x le 0,\
x+2, & x > 0endcases$

graph :enter image description here


share|cite|improve this question

share|cite|improve this question

share|cite|improve this question

share|cite|improve this question

edited Mar 27 at 5:59


asked Mar 27 at 4:09




closed as unclear what you're asking by T. Bongers, RRL, Saad, Jyrki Lahtonen, Parcly Taxel Mar 28 at 0:59

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

closed as unclear what you're asking by T. Bongers, RRL, Saad, Jyrki Lahtonen, Parcly Taxel Mar 28 at 0:59

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 1

    It has to hold for all such functions $f$, not simply a particular one like you have.
    – Eevee Trainer
    Mar 27 at 4:11

  • $begingroup$
    okss thinking
    – jasmine
    Mar 27 at 4:12

  • 2

    Your $f$ does not satisfy the conditions...
    – copper.hat
    Mar 27 at 4:13

  • 2

    To be fair, @copper.hat, no function (as far as I know) satisfies the conditions as written. :p Probably a typo somewhere.
    – Eevee Trainer
    Mar 27 at 4:14

  • 1

    @jasmine As $x to -infty$, $f(x) = |x| to +infty$. Consider increasingly negative values of $x$ - $-10, -100, -1000, -10000$, $f$ maps each to their positive version. Not that this helps much since you need to generalize beyond a specific $f$ but I figured I'd point that out.
    – Eevee Trainer
    Mar 27 at 4:15

  • 1

    It has to hold for all such functions $f$, not simply a particular one like you have.
    – Eevee Trainer
    Mar 27 at 4:11

  • $begingroup$
    okss thinking
    – jasmine
    Mar 27 at 4:12

  • 2

    Your $f$ does not satisfy the conditions...
    – copper.hat
    Mar 27 at 4:13

  • 2

    To be fair, @copper.hat, no function (as far as I know) satisfies the conditions as written. :p Probably a typo somewhere.
    – Eevee Trainer
    Mar 27 at 4:14

  • 1

    @jasmine As $x to -infty$, $f(x) = |x| to +infty$. Consider increasingly negative values of $x$ - $-10, -100, -1000, -10000$, $f$ maps each to their positive version. Not that this helps much since you need to generalize beyond a specific $f$ but I figured I'd point that out.
    – Eevee Trainer
    Mar 27 at 4:15



It has to hold for all such functions $f$, not simply a particular one like you have.
– Eevee Trainer
Mar 27 at 4:11

It has to hold for all such functions $f$, not simply a particular one like you have.
– Eevee Trainer
Mar 27 at 4:11

okss thinking
– jasmine
Mar 27 at 4:12

okss thinking
– jasmine
Mar 27 at 4:12



Your $f$ does not satisfy the conditions...
– copper.hat
Mar 27 at 4:13

Your $f$ does not satisfy the conditions...
– copper.hat
Mar 27 at 4:13



To be fair, @copper.hat, no function (as far as I know) satisfies the conditions as written. :p Probably a typo somewhere.
– Eevee Trainer
Mar 27 at 4:14

To be fair, @copper.hat, no function (as far as I know) satisfies the conditions as written. :p Probably a typo somewhere.
– Eevee Trainer
Mar 27 at 4:14



@jasmine As $x to -infty$, $f(x) = |x| to +infty$. Consider increasingly negative values of $x$ - $-10, -100, -1000, -10000$, $f$ maps each to their positive version. Not that this helps much since you need to generalize beyond a specific $f$ but I figured I'd point that out.
– Eevee Trainer
Mar 27 at 4:15

@jasmine As $x to -infty$, $f(x) = |x| to +infty$. Consider increasingly negative values of $x$ - $-10, -100, -1000, -10000$, $f$ maps each to their positive version. Not that this helps much since you need to generalize beyond a specific $f$ but I figured I'd point that out.
– Eevee Trainer
Mar 27 at 4:15

2 Answers






Let $f(x) = begincases x+1, & x < -1,\
0,& -1 le x le 1, \
x-1, & x > 1endcases$

Note that $ f(t) <0 = (-infty,-1)$.

Then $g(0)= -1$, but $g(x) = x+1$ for $x >0$.

share|cite|improve this answer


  • $begingroup$
    how $g(0) =-1$ ?.im not getting @copper.hat
    – jasmine
    Mar 27 at 4:35

  • 1

    $g(0) =0$ ?? its is correct ?
    – jasmine
    Mar 27 at 4:36

  • 2

    No, $g(0)=-1$. $$
    – copper.hat
    Mar 27 at 11:49

  • $begingroup$
    Why the downvote?
    – copper.hat
    Mar 27 at 12:51



No , $g $ need not be continious

take $f(x) = begincases x, & x < 1,\
-x+2,& 1 le x le 2, \
x-2, & x > 2endcases$

Then $g(x) = begincases x, & x le 0,\
x+2, & x > 0endcases$

graph :enter image description here

share|cite|improve this answer


    2 Answers




    2 Answers












    Let $f(x) = begincases x+1, & x < -1,\
    0,& -1 le x le 1, \
    x-1, & x > 1endcases$

    Note that $ f(t) <0 = (-infty,-1)$.

    Then $g(0)= -1$, but $g(x) = x+1$ for $x >0$.

    share|cite|improve this answer


    • $begingroup$
      how $g(0) =-1$ ?.im not getting @copper.hat
      – jasmine
      Mar 27 at 4:35

    • 1

      $g(0) =0$ ?? its is correct ?
      – jasmine
      Mar 27 at 4:36

    • 2

      No, $g(0)=-1$. $$
      – copper.hat
      Mar 27 at 11:49

    • $begingroup$
      Why the downvote?
      – copper.hat
      Mar 27 at 12:51



    Let $f(x) = begincases x+1, & x < -1,\
    0,& -1 le x le 1, \
    x-1, & x > 1endcases$

    Note that $ f(t) <0 = (-infty,-1)$.

    Then $g(0)= -1$, but $g(x) = x+1$ for $x >0$.

    share|cite|improve this answer


    • $begingroup$
      how $g(0) =-1$ ?.im not getting @copper.hat
      – jasmine
      Mar 27 at 4:35

    • 1

      $g(0) =0$ ?? its is correct ?
      – jasmine
      Mar 27 at 4:36

    • 2

      No, $g(0)=-1$. $$
      – copper.hat
      Mar 27 at 11:49

    • $begingroup$
      Why the downvote?
      – copper.hat
      Mar 27 at 12:51





    Let $f(x) = begincases x+1, & x < -1,\
    0,& -1 le x le 1, \
    x-1, & x > 1endcases$

    Note that $ f(t) <0 = (-infty,-1)$.

    Then $g(0)= -1$, but $g(x) = x+1$ for $x >0$.

    share|cite|improve this answer


    Let $f(x) = begincases x+1, & x < -1,\
    0,& -1 le x le 1, \
    x-1, & x > 1endcases$

    Note that $ f(t) <0 = (-infty,-1)$.

    Then $g(0)= -1$, but $g(x) = x+1$ for $x >0$.

    share|cite|improve this answer

    share|cite|improve this answer

    share|cite|improve this answer

    edited Mar 27 at 12:52

    answered Mar 27 at 4:19




    • $begingroup$
      how $g(0) =-1$ ?.im not getting @copper.hat
      – jasmine
      Mar 27 at 4:35

    • 1

      $g(0) =0$ ?? its is correct ?
      – jasmine
      Mar 27 at 4:36

    • 2

      No, $g(0)=-1$. $$
      – copper.hat
      Mar 27 at 11:49

    • $begingroup$
      Why the downvote?
      – copper.hat
      Mar 27 at 12:51

    • $begingroup$
      how $g(0) =-1$ ?.im not getting @copper.hat
      – jasmine
      Mar 27 at 4:35

    • 1

      $g(0) =0$ ?? its is correct ?
      – jasmine
      Mar 27 at 4:36

    • 2

      No, $g(0)=-1$. $$
      – copper.hat
      Mar 27 at 11:49

    • $begingroup$
      Why the downvote?
      – copper.hat
      Mar 27 at 12:51

    how $g(0) =-1$ ?.im not getting @copper.hat
    – jasmine
    Mar 27 at 4:35

    how $g(0) =-1$ ?.im not getting @copper.hat
    – jasmine
    Mar 27 at 4:35



    $g(0) =0$ ?? its is correct ?
    – jasmine
    Mar 27 at 4:36

    $g(0) =0$ ?? its is correct ?
    – jasmine
    Mar 27 at 4:36



    No, $g(0)=-1$. $$
    – copper.hat
    Mar 27 at 11:49

    No, $g(0)=-1$. $$
    – copper.hat
    Mar 27 at 11:49

    Why the downvote?
    – copper.hat
    Mar 27 at 12:51

    Why the downvote?
    – copper.hat
    Mar 27 at 12:51



    No , $g $ need not be continious

    take $f(x) = begincases x, & x < 1,\
    -x+2,& 1 le x le 2, \
    x-2, & x > 2endcases$

    Then $g(x) = begincases x, & x le 0,\
    x+2, & x > 0endcases$

    graph :enter image description here

    share|cite|improve this answer




      No , $g $ need not be continious

      take $f(x) = begincases x, & x < 1,\
      -x+2,& 1 le x le 2, \
      x-2, & x > 2endcases$

      Then $g(x) = begincases x, & x le 0,\
      x+2, & x > 0endcases$

      graph :enter image description here

      share|cite|improve this answer






        No , $g $ need not be continious

        take $f(x) = begincases x, & x < 1,\
        -x+2,& 1 le x le 2, \
        x-2, & x > 2endcases$

        Then $g(x) = begincases x, & x le 0,\
        x+2, & x > 0endcases$

        graph :enter image description here

        share|cite|improve this answer


        No , $g $ need not be continious

        take $f(x) = begincases x, & x < 1,\
        -x+2,& 1 le x le 2, \
        x-2, & x > 2endcases$

        Then $g(x) = begincases x, & x le 0,\
        x+2, & x > 0endcases$

        graph :enter image description here

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        answered Mar 27 at 5:55




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