A series related to prime numbers Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)A heuristic argument for the Goldbach conjecture?The relation of $zeta$-function and $p^k$ for $Re(s) le 1$?The ordinary generating function for $ζ(s)$what the RH equivalent for Riemann prime formula $Pi(x)$?How prime numbers are related to special functions?Relationship between Riemann Zeta function and Prime zeta functionPrime Zeta without Möbius Function and Prime SummationPrime-counting function: EvaluationRelation of prime indexed series with Riemann zeta functionCan the Riemann Explicit Formula be used to find prime numbers?Sum of almost-prime zeta functions

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A series related to prime numbers

Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)A heuristic argument for the Goldbach conjecture?The relation of $zeta$-function and $p^k$ for $Re(s) le 1$?The ordinary generating function for $ζ(s)$what the RH equivalent for Riemann prime formula $Pi(x)$?How prime numbers are related to special functions?Relationship between Riemann Zeta function and Prime zeta functionPrime Zeta without Möbius Function and Prime SummationPrime-counting function: EvaluationRelation of prime indexed series with Riemann zeta functionCan the Riemann Explicit Formula be used to find prime numbers?Sum of almost-prime zeta functions



Let $H(t) = sum_n=1 ^infty pi(n)t^n$ where $pi(n)$ is the prime counting function. This is the Hilbert series of some $mathbbQ$-vector space. By the prime number theorem, the radius of convergence is $1$. Observing $pi(n) = pi(n-1)+1$ if $n$ is prime and $pi(n) = pi(n-1)$ if $n$ is composite, we might rewrite this as $H(t) = f(t)/(1-t)$ where $f(t) =sum_p text prime t^p$. Define the sequence $b_n$ for $n=-1,0,1,2,cdots$ as $ f'(t)/f(t) = sum_n=-1 b_n t^n$. Then we can recover the primes from this sequence:

$$ p = 2 + sum_q <p, q text prime b_p-1-q$$

For example:

For example the first coefficients are given by the series:

$$2*t^(-1) + 1 + (-1)*t + 4*t^2 + (-5)*t^3 + 11*t^4 + (-16)*t^5 + 22*t^6 + (-37)*t^7 + 67*t^8 + (-101)*t^9 + 166*t^10 + (-260)*t^11 + 404*t^12 + (-652)*t^13 + cdots $$

so $b_-1 = 2, b_0 = 1, b_1 = 1 , b_2 = 4$ etc.

We have for example:

$$3 = 2+b_0 = 2+1$$

$$5 = 2+b_2+b_1 = 2+4-1$$

$$7 = 2+b_4+b_3+b_1 = 2+11-5-1$$
Let $a_n,k$ denote the number of ordered ways of writing $n$ as a sum of $k$ primes.
Then after some calculation, one finds that:
$$a_n,k = frackn-2k sum_v=0^n-1 a_v,k b_n-1-v$$
which is a recurence relation.
Furthermore if $alpha_n$ $n=0,1,2,3,cdots$ are all roots of $f(t)$ not equal to zero, then for $nge 0$
$$ b_n = - sum_k=0 ^ infty frac1alpha_k^n+1$$

The numbers $b_n$ might be computed inductively using:
$$ n a_n,1 = sum_v=0^n b_v-1 a_n-v,1$$
from which one sees, that $b_n in mathbbZ$.

One real root of $f(t)$ seems to be the number,

$$ gamma = -0.62923 cdots $$

(OEIS: http://oeis.org/A078756 )

Since everything related to primes has something to do with the Riemann Zeta function, I wonder, what is the relation to the stuff above to the Riemann Zeta function?

If someone knows of any reference or has any idea, that would be great.

Is there for example a way to compute the real root $gamma$?
What is the relation of $gamma$ to the other complex roots?
What other properties do the numbers $b_n$ have?

Thanks for your help.

I found a conjectural way to compute $gamma$ and using the Euler Product a link to Riemann Zeta function:

$$zeta(s) = prod_p frac11-(2+sum_q<p b_p-1-q)^-s$$

and for $gamma$ numerical coincidences suggest that:

$$lim_n rightarrow infty fracb_nb_n+1 = gamma = -0.629233cdots$$

which could be one way to define $gamma$. Then one has to show, that this limit exists and that $f(gamma) = 0$.

If someone has an idea in this direction,that would be nice.

Second edit:
Here is the computation for the recurence relation of $a_n,k$:
For $kge 1$ we have on the one hand:
$$log(f(t)^k)' = frack f(t)^k-1 f'(t)f(t)^k = k fracf'(t)f(t) = sum_n=-1^infty k b_n t^n$$

On the other hand it is
$$f(t)^k = sum_n=0^infty a_n,kt^n$$
which means that
$$log(f(t)^k)' = fracsum_n=0^infty n a_n,k t^n-1sum_n=0^infty a_n,k t^n$$

Hence it follows, that (by multiplying with the denominator):
$$sum_n=0^infty n a_n,k t^n-1 = k (sum_n=0^infty a_n,k t^n) (sum_n=0 b_n-1t^n) frac1t$$

After multiplying with $t$ and using the Cauchy product formula we get:

$$sum_n=0^infty n a_n,k t^n = sum_n=0^infty k( sum_v=0^n a_v,kb_n-1-v)t^n$$

and comparing coefficients we find that:

$$n a_n,k = k ( sum_v=0^n a_v,k b_n-1-v)$$

and with $b_-1 = 2$ it follows after solving this equation for $a_n,k$ that:

$$ a_n,k = frackn-2k sum_v=0^n-1 a_v,k b_n-1-v$$

Especially for $k=1$ and $n=p$ prime we find that:

$$ p = 2+ sum_q<p b_p-1-q$$

share|cite|improve this question




    Let $H(t) = sum_n=1 ^infty pi(n)t^n$ where $pi(n)$ is the prime counting function. This is the Hilbert series of some $mathbbQ$-vector space. By the prime number theorem, the radius of convergence is $1$. Observing $pi(n) = pi(n-1)+1$ if $n$ is prime and $pi(n) = pi(n-1)$ if $n$ is composite, we might rewrite this as $H(t) = f(t)/(1-t)$ where $f(t) =sum_p text prime t^p$. Define the sequence $b_n$ for $n=-1,0,1,2,cdots$ as $ f'(t)/f(t) = sum_n=-1 b_n t^n$. Then we can recover the primes from this sequence:

    $$ p = 2 + sum_q <p, q text prime b_p-1-q$$

    For example:

    For example the first coefficients are given by the series:

    $$2*t^(-1) + 1 + (-1)*t + 4*t^2 + (-5)*t^3 + 11*t^4 + (-16)*t^5 + 22*t^6 + (-37)*t^7 + 67*t^8 + (-101)*t^9 + 166*t^10 + (-260)*t^11 + 404*t^12 + (-652)*t^13 + cdots $$

    so $b_-1 = 2, b_0 = 1, b_1 = 1 , b_2 = 4$ etc.

    We have for example:

    $$3 = 2+b_0 = 2+1$$

    $$5 = 2+b_2+b_1 = 2+4-1$$

    $$7 = 2+b_4+b_3+b_1 = 2+11-5-1$$
    Let $a_n,k$ denote the number of ordered ways of writing $n$ as a sum of $k$ primes.
    Then after some calculation, one finds that:
    $$a_n,k = frackn-2k sum_v=0^n-1 a_v,k b_n-1-v$$
    which is a recurence relation.
    Furthermore if $alpha_n$ $n=0,1,2,3,cdots$ are all roots of $f(t)$ not equal to zero, then for $nge 0$
    $$ b_n = - sum_k=0 ^ infty frac1alpha_k^n+1$$

    The numbers $b_n$ might be computed inductively using:
    $$ n a_n,1 = sum_v=0^n b_v-1 a_n-v,1$$
    from which one sees, that $b_n in mathbbZ$.

    One real root of $f(t)$ seems to be the number,

    $$ gamma = -0.62923 cdots $$

    (OEIS: http://oeis.org/A078756 )

    Since everything related to primes has something to do with the Riemann Zeta function, I wonder, what is the relation to the stuff above to the Riemann Zeta function?

    If someone knows of any reference or has any idea, that would be great.

    Is there for example a way to compute the real root $gamma$?
    What is the relation of $gamma$ to the other complex roots?
    What other properties do the numbers $b_n$ have?

    Thanks for your help.

    I found a conjectural way to compute $gamma$ and using the Euler Product a link to Riemann Zeta function:

    $$zeta(s) = prod_p frac11-(2+sum_q<p b_p-1-q)^-s$$

    and for $gamma$ numerical coincidences suggest that:

    $$lim_n rightarrow infty fracb_nb_n+1 = gamma = -0.629233cdots$$

    which could be one way to define $gamma$. Then one has to show, that this limit exists and that $f(gamma) = 0$.

    If someone has an idea in this direction,that would be nice.

    Second edit:
    Here is the computation for the recurence relation of $a_n,k$:
    For $kge 1$ we have on the one hand:
    $$log(f(t)^k)' = frack f(t)^k-1 f'(t)f(t)^k = k fracf'(t)f(t) = sum_n=-1^infty k b_n t^n$$

    On the other hand it is
    $$f(t)^k = sum_n=0^infty a_n,kt^n$$
    which means that
    $$log(f(t)^k)' = fracsum_n=0^infty n a_n,k t^n-1sum_n=0^infty a_n,k t^n$$

    Hence it follows, that (by multiplying with the denominator):
    $$sum_n=0^infty n a_n,k t^n-1 = k (sum_n=0^infty a_n,k t^n) (sum_n=0 b_n-1t^n) frac1t$$

    After multiplying with $t$ and using the Cauchy product formula we get:

    $$sum_n=0^infty n a_n,k t^n = sum_n=0^infty k( sum_v=0^n a_v,kb_n-1-v)t^n$$

    and comparing coefficients we find that:

    $$n a_n,k = k ( sum_v=0^n a_v,k b_n-1-v)$$

    and with $b_-1 = 2$ it follows after solving this equation for $a_n,k$ that:

    $$ a_n,k = frackn-2k sum_v=0^n-1 a_v,k b_n-1-v$$

    Especially for $k=1$ and $n=p$ prime we find that:

    $$ p = 2+ sum_q<p b_p-1-q$$

    share|cite|improve this question







      Let $H(t) = sum_n=1 ^infty pi(n)t^n$ where $pi(n)$ is the prime counting function. This is the Hilbert series of some $mathbbQ$-vector space. By the prime number theorem, the radius of convergence is $1$. Observing $pi(n) = pi(n-1)+1$ if $n$ is prime and $pi(n) = pi(n-1)$ if $n$ is composite, we might rewrite this as $H(t) = f(t)/(1-t)$ where $f(t) =sum_p text prime t^p$. Define the sequence $b_n$ for $n=-1,0,1,2,cdots$ as $ f'(t)/f(t) = sum_n=-1 b_n t^n$. Then we can recover the primes from this sequence:

      $$ p = 2 + sum_q <p, q text prime b_p-1-q$$

      For example:

      For example the first coefficients are given by the series:

      $$2*t^(-1) + 1 + (-1)*t + 4*t^2 + (-5)*t^3 + 11*t^4 + (-16)*t^5 + 22*t^6 + (-37)*t^7 + 67*t^8 + (-101)*t^9 + 166*t^10 + (-260)*t^11 + 404*t^12 + (-652)*t^13 + cdots $$

      so $b_-1 = 2, b_0 = 1, b_1 = 1 , b_2 = 4$ etc.

      We have for example:

      $$3 = 2+b_0 = 2+1$$

      $$5 = 2+b_2+b_1 = 2+4-1$$

      $$7 = 2+b_4+b_3+b_1 = 2+11-5-1$$
      Let $a_n,k$ denote the number of ordered ways of writing $n$ as a sum of $k$ primes.
      Then after some calculation, one finds that:
      $$a_n,k = frackn-2k sum_v=0^n-1 a_v,k b_n-1-v$$
      which is a recurence relation.
      Furthermore if $alpha_n$ $n=0,1,2,3,cdots$ are all roots of $f(t)$ not equal to zero, then for $nge 0$
      $$ b_n = - sum_k=0 ^ infty frac1alpha_k^n+1$$

      The numbers $b_n$ might be computed inductively using:
      $$ n a_n,1 = sum_v=0^n b_v-1 a_n-v,1$$
      from which one sees, that $b_n in mathbbZ$.

      One real root of $f(t)$ seems to be the number,

      $$ gamma = -0.62923 cdots $$

      (OEIS: http://oeis.org/A078756 )

      Since everything related to primes has something to do with the Riemann Zeta function, I wonder, what is the relation to the stuff above to the Riemann Zeta function?

      If someone knows of any reference or has any idea, that would be great.

      Is there for example a way to compute the real root $gamma$?
      What is the relation of $gamma$ to the other complex roots?
      What other properties do the numbers $b_n$ have?

      Thanks for your help.

      I found a conjectural way to compute $gamma$ and using the Euler Product a link to Riemann Zeta function:

      $$zeta(s) = prod_p frac11-(2+sum_q<p b_p-1-q)^-s$$

      and for $gamma$ numerical coincidences suggest that:

      $$lim_n rightarrow infty fracb_nb_n+1 = gamma = -0.629233cdots$$

      which could be one way to define $gamma$. Then one has to show, that this limit exists and that $f(gamma) = 0$.

      If someone has an idea in this direction,that would be nice.

      Second edit:
      Here is the computation for the recurence relation of $a_n,k$:
      For $kge 1$ we have on the one hand:
      $$log(f(t)^k)' = frack f(t)^k-1 f'(t)f(t)^k = k fracf'(t)f(t) = sum_n=-1^infty k b_n t^n$$

      On the other hand it is
      $$f(t)^k = sum_n=0^infty a_n,kt^n$$
      which means that
      $$log(f(t)^k)' = fracsum_n=0^infty n a_n,k t^n-1sum_n=0^infty a_n,k t^n$$

      Hence it follows, that (by multiplying with the denominator):
      $$sum_n=0^infty n a_n,k t^n-1 = k (sum_n=0^infty a_n,k t^n) (sum_n=0 b_n-1t^n) frac1t$$

      After multiplying with $t$ and using the Cauchy product formula we get:

      $$sum_n=0^infty n a_n,k t^n = sum_n=0^infty k( sum_v=0^n a_v,kb_n-1-v)t^n$$

      and comparing coefficients we find that:

      $$n a_n,k = k ( sum_v=0^n a_v,k b_n-1-v)$$

      and with $b_-1 = 2$ it follows after solving this equation for $a_n,k$ that:

      $$ a_n,k = frackn-2k sum_v=0^n-1 a_v,k b_n-1-v$$

      Especially for $k=1$ and $n=p$ prime we find that:

      $$ p = 2+ sum_q<p b_p-1-q$$

      share|cite|improve this question


      Let $H(t) = sum_n=1 ^infty pi(n)t^n$ where $pi(n)$ is the prime counting function. This is the Hilbert series of some $mathbbQ$-vector space. By the prime number theorem, the radius of convergence is $1$. Observing $pi(n) = pi(n-1)+1$ if $n$ is prime and $pi(n) = pi(n-1)$ if $n$ is composite, we might rewrite this as $H(t) = f(t)/(1-t)$ where $f(t) =sum_p text prime t^p$. Define the sequence $b_n$ for $n=-1,0,1,2,cdots$ as $ f'(t)/f(t) = sum_n=-1 b_n t^n$. Then we can recover the primes from this sequence:

      $$ p = 2 + sum_q <p, q text prime b_p-1-q$$

      For example:

      For example the first coefficients are given by the series:

      $$2*t^(-1) + 1 + (-1)*t + 4*t^2 + (-5)*t^3 + 11*t^4 + (-16)*t^5 + 22*t^6 + (-37)*t^7 + 67*t^8 + (-101)*t^9 + 166*t^10 + (-260)*t^11 + 404*t^12 + (-652)*t^13 + cdots $$

      so $b_-1 = 2, b_0 = 1, b_1 = 1 , b_2 = 4$ etc.

      We have for example:

      $$3 = 2+b_0 = 2+1$$

      $$5 = 2+b_2+b_1 = 2+4-1$$

      $$7 = 2+b_4+b_3+b_1 = 2+11-5-1$$
      Let $a_n,k$ denote the number of ordered ways of writing $n$ as a sum of $k$ primes.
      Then after some calculation, one finds that:
      $$a_n,k = frackn-2k sum_v=0^n-1 a_v,k b_n-1-v$$
      which is a recurence relation.
      Furthermore if $alpha_n$ $n=0,1,2,3,cdots$ are all roots of $f(t)$ not equal to zero, then for $nge 0$
      $$ b_n = - sum_k=0 ^ infty frac1alpha_k^n+1$$

      The numbers $b_n$ might be computed inductively using:
      $$ n a_n,1 = sum_v=0^n b_v-1 a_n-v,1$$
      from which one sees, that $b_n in mathbbZ$.

      One real root of $f(t)$ seems to be the number,

      $$ gamma = -0.62923 cdots $$

      (OEIS: http://oeis.org/A078756 )

      Since everything related to primes has something to do with the Riemann Zeta function, I wonder, what is the relation to the stuff above to the Riemann Zeta function?

      If someone knows of any reference or has any idea, that would be great.

      Is there for example a way to compute the real root $gamma$?
      What is the relation of $gamma$ to the other complex roots?
      What other properties do the numbers $b_n$ have?

      Thanks for your help.

      I found a conjectural way to compute $gamma$ and using the Euler Product a link to Riemann Zeta function:

      $$zeta(s) = prod_p frac11-(2+sum_q<p b_p-1-q)^-s$$

      and for $gamma$ numerical coincidences suggest that:

      $$lim_n rightarrow infty fracb_nb_n+1 = gamma = -0.629233cdots$$

      which could be one way to define $gamma$. Then one has to show, that this limit exists and that $f(gamma) = 0$.

      If someone has an idea in this direction,that would be nice.

      Second edit:
      Here is the computation for the recurence relation of $a_n,k$:
      For $kge 1$ we have on the one hand:
      $$log(f(t)^k)' = frack f(t)^k-1 f'(t)f(t)^k = k fracf'(t)f(t) = sum_n=-1^infty k b_n t^n$$

      On the other hand it is
      $$f(t)^k = sum_n=0^infty a_n,kt^n$$
      which means that
      $$log(f(t)^k)' = fracsum_n=0^infty n a_n,k t^n-1sum_n=0^infty a_n,k t^n$$

      Hence it follows, that (by multiplying with the denominator):
      $$sum_n=0^infty n a_n,k t^n-1 = k (sum_n=0^infty a_n,k t^n) (sum_n=0 b_n-1t^n) frac1t$$

      After multiplying with $t$ and using the Cauchy product formula we get:

      $$sum_n=0^infty n a_n,k t^n = sum_n=0^infty k( sum_v=0^n a_v,kb_n-1-v)t^n$$

      and comparing coefficients we find that:

      $$n a_n,k = k ( sum_v=0^n a_v,k b_n-1-v)$$

      and with $b_-1 = 2$ it follows after solving this equation for $a_n,k$ that:

      $$ a_n,k = frackn-2k sum_v=0^n-1 a_v,k b_n-1-v$$

      Especially for $k=1$ and $n=p$ prime we find that:

      $$ p = 2+ sum_q<p b_p-1-q$$

      number-theory prime-numbers riemann-zeta

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      edited Mar 28 at 14:09


      asked Mar 27 at 8:12




          1 Answer






          • First of all $f(t) = sum_p t^p$ means $f'(t)/f(t) = sum_n b_n t^n$ where $b_n=0$ for $n < -1$ and $sum_p b_n-p = casesn if n+1 is prime\ 0 otherwise$.

            $f(e^-x)$ is the inverse Mellin transform of $Gamma(s)sum_p p^-s$ while things like $1/f(t), log f(t), f'(t)/f(t)$ are quite inaccessible, in the same way that $zeta(s)$ is accessible from only the integers while $1/zeta(s),log zeta(s),zeta'(s)/zeta(s)$ need the primes.

          • The number of ordered ways to write $n$ as a sum of $m$ primes are the coefficients of $f(t)^m$ and the number of ordered ways to write $n$ as a sum of primes are the coefficients of $frac11-f(t)-1 = sum_m=1^infty f(t)^m$.

            $frac1f(t)=frac1t^2(1-(1-fracf(t)t^2))= t^-2sum_m=0^infty (-1)^m(fracf(t)t^2-1)^m$ where the coefficients of $(fracf(t)t^2-1)^m$ are the number of ordered ways to write $n+2m$ as a sum of $m$ primes $ge 3$. $frac1t^2-f(t)=t^-2sum_m=0^infty (fracf(t)t^2-1)^m$.

          • Let $g(x) = sum_p^k e^-p^k x log p$ the inverse Mellin transform of $Gamma(s) frac-zeta'(s)zeta(s)$. We have the explicit formula $g(x) = sum Res(Gamma(s) frac-zeta'(s)zeta(s) x^-s) = x^-1- sum_rho Gamma(rho) x^-rho-sum_k=0^infty (a_k+b_k log(x))x^k$. A corresponding explicit formula exists for $f(t)$ but it will be messy because $Gamma(s)sum_p p^-s$ has many branch points and a naturaly boundary $Re(s)=0$.

          • We don't know anything on the zeros and particular values of $f(t)$ and since it is analytic only for $|t|<1$ then $f'(t)/f(t)$ won't be equal to a sum over $f$'s zeros. The most of what we know is the asymptotic of $f(t)$ as $t to 1$, the error terms depends on the RH. It will give the asymptotic of $log f(t)$ and possibly for $f'(t)/f(t)$, as $t to 1$

            If $f(t)$ has a zero on $|t|< 1$, let $z_0$ be one with minimal absolute value, assume there is no other zero on $|z_0|$, then $fracf'(t)f(t)-frac1t-z_0$ is analytic for $|t|le |z_0|+epsilon$ so that $b_n = z_0^-n+O(|z_0|+epsilon)^-n$ and $lim_n to infty b_n/b_n+1 = z_0$. By numerical approximation you can show such a $z_0$ exists in which case $z_0 in (-1,0)$. So your claim $z_0= -gamma$ is that $f'(t)/f(t)$ is analytic for $|t| < gamma$. It is plausible there are some heuristics for such a thing given $fracf(t)1-t = sum_n ge 2 pi(n) t^n approxsum_n ge 2 fracnlog n t^n$

          share|cite|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Thanks for the detailed answer. One could not hope for more. I will need some time to go through this and maybe I have some question. Thanks again.
            – stackExchangeUser
            Mar 28 at 13:01

          • $begingroup$
            I don't understand the part with the number of ordered ways of writing $n$ as a sum of $k$ primes. I edited the question with the computation of the recurence relation. Maybe you can have a look?
            – stackExchangeUser
            Mar 28 at 14:13

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          • First of all $f(t) = sum_p t^p$ means $f'(t)/f(t) = sum_n b_n t^n$ where $b_n=0$ for $n < -1$ and $sum_p b_n-p = casesn if n+1 is prime\ 0 otherwise$.

            $f(e^-x)$ is the inverse Mellin transform of $Gamma(s)sum_p p^-s$ while things like $1/f(t), log f(t), f'(t)/f(t)$ are quite inaccessible, in the same way that $zeta(s)$ is accessible from only the integers while $1/zeta(s),log zeta(s),zeta'(s)/zeta(s)$ need the primes.

          • The number of ordered ways to write $n$ as a sum of $m$ primes are the coefficients of $f(t)^m$ and the number of ordered ways to write $n$ as a sum of primes are the coefficients of $frac11-f(t)-1 = sum_m=1^infty f(t)^m$.

            $frac1f(t)=frac1t^2(1-(1-fracf(t)t^2))= t^-2sum_m=0^infty (-1)^m(fracf(t)t^2-1)^m$ where the coefficients of $(fracf(t)t^2-1)^m$ are the number of ordered ways to write $n+2m$ as a sum of $m$ primes $ge 3$. $frac1t^2-f(t)=t^-2sum_m=0^infty (fracf(t)t^2-1)^m$.

          • Let $g(x) = sum_p^k e^-p^k x log p$ the inverse Mellin transform of $Gamma(s) frac-zeta'(s)zeta(s)$. We have the explicit formula $g(x) = sum Res(Gamma(s) frac-zeta'(s)zeta(s) x^-s) = x^-1- sum_rho Gamma(rho) x^-rho-sum_k=0^infty (a_k+b_k log(x))x^k$. A corresponding explicit formula exists for $f(t)$ but it will be messy because $Gamma(s)sum_p p^-s$ has many branch points and a naturaly boundary $Re(s)=0$.

          • We don't know anything on the zeros and particular values of $f(t)$ and since it is analytic only for $|t|<1$ then $f'(t)/f(t)$ won't be equal to a sum over $f$'s zeros. The most of what we know is the asymptotic of $f(t)$ as $t to 1$, the error terms depends on the RH. It will give the asymptotic of $log f(t)$ and possibly for $f'(t)/f(t)$, as $t to 1$

            If $f(t)$ has a zero on $|t|< 1$, let $z_0$ be one with minimal absolute value, assume there is no other zero on $|z_0|$, then $fracf'(t)f(t)-frac1t-z_0$ is analytic for $|t|le |z_0|+epsilon$ so that $b_n = z_0^-n+O(|z_0|+epsilon)^-n$ and $lim_n to infty b_n/b_n+1 = z_0$. By numerical approximation you can show such a $z_0$ exists in which case $z_0 in (-1,0)$. So your claim $z_0= -gamma$ is that $f'(t)/f(t)$ is analytic for $|t| < gamma$. It is plausible there are some heuristics for such a thing given $fracf(t)1-t = sum_n ge 2 pi(n) t^n approxsum_n ge 2 fracnlog n t^n$

          share|cite|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Thanks for the detailed answer. One could not hope for more. I will need some time to go through this and maybe I have some question. Thanks again.
            – stackExchangeUser
            Mar 28 at 13:01

          • $begingroup$
            I don't understand the part with the number of ordered ways of writing $n$ as a sum of $k$ primes. I edited the question with the computation of the recurence relation. Maybe you can have a look?
            – stackExchangeUser
            Mar 28 at 14:13



          • First of all $f(t) = sum_p t^p$ means $f'(t)/f(t) = sum_n b_n t^n$ where $b_n=0$ for $n < -1$ and $sum_p b_n-p = casesn if n+1 is prime\ 0 otherwise$.

            $f(e^-x)$ is the inverse Mellin transform of $Gamma(s)sum_p p^-s$ while things like $1/f(t), log f(t), f'(t)/f(t)$ are quite inaccessible, in the same way that $zeta(s)$ is accessible from only the integers while $1/zeta(s),log zeta(s),zeta'(s)/zeta(s)$ need the primes.

          • The number of ordered ways to write $n$ as a sum of $m$ primes are the coefficients of $f(t)^m$ and the number of ordered ways to write $n$ as a sum of primes are the coefficients of $frac11-f(t)-1 = sum_m=1^infty f(t)^m$.

            $frac1f(t)=frac1t^2(1-(1-fracf(t)t^2))= t^-2sum_m=0^infty (-1)^m(fracf(t)t^2-1)^m$ where the coefficients of $(fracf(t)t^2-1)^m$ are the number of ordered ways to write $n+2m$ as a sum of $m$ primes $ge 3$. $frac1t^2-f(t)=t^-2sum_m=0^infty (fracf(t)t^2-1)^m$.

          • Let $g(x) = sum_p^k e^-p^k x log p$ the inverse Mellin transform of $Gamma(s) frac-zeta'(s)zeta(s)$. We have the explicit formula $g(x) = sum Res(Gamma(s) frac-zeta'(s)zeta(s) x^-s) = x^-1- sum_rho Gamma(rho) x^-rho-sum_k=0^infty (a_k+b_k log(x))x^k$. A corresponding explicit formula exists for $f(t)$ but it will be messy because $Gamma(s)sum_p p^-s$ has many branch points and a naturaly boundary $Re(s)=0$.

          • We don't know anything on the zeros and particular values of $f(t)$ and since it is analytic only for $|t|<1$ then $f'(t)/f(t)$ won't be equal to a sum over $f$'s zeros. The most of what we know is the asymptotic of $f(t)$ as $t to 1$, the error terms depends on the RH. It will give the asymptotic of $log f(t)$ and possibly for $f'(t)/f(t)$, as $t to 1$

            If $f(t)$ has a zero on $|t|< 1$, let $z_0$ be one with minimal absolute value, assume there is no other zero on $|z_0|$, then $fracf'(t)f(t)-frac1t-z_0$ is analytic for $|t|le |z_0|+epsilon$ so that $b_n = z_0^-n+O(|z_0|+epsilon)^-n$ and $lim_n to infty b_n/b_n+1 = z_0$. By numerical approximation you can show such a $z_0$ exists in which case $z_0 in (-1,0)$. So your claim $z_0= -gamma$ is that $f'(t)/f(t)$ is analytic for $|t| < gamma$. It is plausible there are some heuristics for such a thing given $fracf(t)1-t = sum_n ge 2 pi(n) t^n approxsum_n ge 2 fracnlog n t^n$

          share|cite|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            Thanks for the detailed answer. One could not hope for more. I will need some time to go through this and maybe I have some question. Thanks again.
            – stackExchangeUser
            Mar 28 at 13:01

          • $begingroup$
            I don't understand the part with the number of ordered ways of writing $n$ as a sum of $k$ primes. I edited the question with the computation of the recurence relation. Maybe you can have a look?
            – stackExchangeUser
            Mar 28 at 14:13





          • First of all $f(t) = sum_p t^p$ means $f'(t)/f(t) = sum_n b_n t^n$ where $b_n=0$ for $n < -1$ and $sum_p b_n-p = casesn if n+1 is prime\ 0 otherwise$.

            $f(e^-x)$ is the inverse Mellin transform of $Gamma(s)sum_p p^-s$ while things like $1/f(t), log f(t), f'(t)/f(t)$ are quite inaccessible, in the same way that $zeta(s)$ is accessible from only the integers while $1/zeta(s),log zeta(s),zeta'(s)/zeta(s)$ need the primes.

          • The number of ordered ways to write $n$ as a sum of $m$ primes are the coefficients of $f(t)^m$ and the number of ordered ways to write $n$ as a sum of primes are the coefficients of $frac11-f(t)-1 = sum_m=1^infty f(t)^m$.

            $frac1f(t)=frac1t^2(1-(1-fracf(t)t^2))= t^-2sum_m=0^infty (-1)^m(fracf(t)t^2-1)^m$ where the coefficients of $(fracf(t)t^2-1)^m$ are the number of ordered ways to write $n+2m$ as a sum of $m$ primes $ge 3$. $frac1t^2-f(t)=t^-2sum_m=0^infty (fracf(t)t^2-1)^m$.

          • Let $g(x) = sum_p^k e^-p^k x log p$ the inverse Mellin transform of $Gamma(s) frac-zeta'(s)zeta(s)$. We have the explicit formula $g(x) = sum Res(Gamma(s) frac-zeta'(s)zeta(s) x^-s) = x^-1- sum_rho Gamma(rho) x^-rho-sum_k=0^infty (a_k+b_k log(x))x^k$. A corresponding explicit formula exists for $f(t)$ but it will be messy because $Gamma(s)sum_p p^-s$ has many branch points and a naturaly boundary $Re(s)=0$.

          • We don't know anything on the zeros and particular values of $f(t)$ and since it is analytic only for $|t|<1$ then $f'(t)/f(t)$ won't be equal to a sum over $f$'s zeros. The most of what we know is the asymptotic of $f(t)$ as $t to 1$, the error terms depends on the RH. It will give the asymptotic of $log f(t)$ and possibly for $f'(t)/f(t)$, as $t to 1$

            If $f(t)$ has a zero on $|t|< 1$, let $z_0$ be one with minimal absolute value, assume there is no other zero on $|z_0|$, then $fracf'(t)f(t)-frac1t-z_0$ is analytic for $|t|le |z_0|+epsilon$ so that $b_n = z_0^-n+O(|z_0|+epsilon)^-n$ and $lim_n to infty b_n/b_n+1 = z_0$. By numerical approximation you can show such a $z_0$ exists in which case $z_0 in (-1,0)$. So your claim $z_0= -gamma$ is that $f'(t)/f(t)$ is analytic for $|t| < gamma$. It is plausible there are some heuristics for such a thing given $fracf(t)1-t = sum_n ge 2 pi(n) t^n approxsum_n ge 2 fracnlog n t^n$

          share|cite|improve this answer


          • First of all $f(t) = sum_p t^p$ means $f'(t)/f(t) = sum_n b_n t^n$ where $b_n=0$ for $n < -1$ and $sum_p b_n-p = casesn if n+1 is prime\ 0 otherwise$.

            $f(e^-x)$ is the inverse Mellin transform of $Gamma(s)sum_p p^-s$ while things like $1/f(t), log f(t), f'(t)/f(t)$ are quite inaccessible, in the same way that $zeta(s)$ is accessible from only the integers while $1/zeta(s),log zeta(s),zeta'(s)/zeta(s)$ need the primes.

          • The number of ordered ways to write $n$ as a sum of $m$ primes are the coefficients of $f(t)^m$ and the number of ordered ways to write $n$ as a sum of primes are the coefficients of $frac11-f(t)-1 = sum_m=1^infty f(t)^m$.

            $frac1f(t)=frac1t^2(1-(1-fracf(t)t^2))= t^-2sum_m=0^infty (-1)^m(fracf(t)t^2-1)^m$ where the coefficients of $(fracf(t)t^2-1)^m$ are the number of ordered ways to write $n+2m$ as a sum of $m$ primes $ge 3$. $frac1t^2-f(t)=t^-2sum_m=0^infty (fracf(t)t^2-1)^m$.

          • Let $g(x) = sum_p^k e^-p^k x log p$ the inverse Mellin transform of $Gamma(s) frac-zeta'(s)zeta(s)$. We have the explicit formula $g(x) = sum Res(Gamma(s) frac-zeta'(s)zeta(s) x^-s) = x^-1- sum_rho Gamma(rho) x^-rho-sum_k=0^infty (a_k+b_k log(x))x^k$. A corresponding explicit formula exists for $f(t)$ but it will be messy because $Gamma(s)sum_p p^-s$ has many branch points and a naturaly boundary $Re(s)=0$.

          • We don't know anything on the zeros and particular values of $f(t)$ and since it is analytic only for $|t|<1$ then $f'(t)/f(t)$ won't be equal to a sum over $f$'s zeros. The most of what we know is the asymptotic of $f(t)$ as $t to 1$, the error terms depends on the RH. It will give the asymptotic of $log f(t)$ and possibly for $f'(t)/f(t)$, as $t to 1$

            If $f(t)$ has a zero on $|t|< 1$, let $z_0$ be one with minimal absolute value, assume there is no other zero on $|z_0|$, then $fracf'(t)f(t)-frac1t-z_0$ is analytic for $|t|le |z_0|+epsilon$ so that $b_n = z_0^-n+O(|z_0|+epsilon)^-n$ and $lim_n to infty b_n/b_n+1 = z_0$. By numerical approximation you can show such a $z_0$ exists in which case $z_0 in (-1,0)$. So your claim $z_0= -gamma$ is that $f'(t)/f(t)$ is analytic for $|t| < gamma$. It is plausible there are some heuristics for such a thing given $fracf(t)1-t = sum_n ge 2 pi(n) t^n approxsum_n ge 2 fracnlog n t^n$

          share|cite|improve this answer

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          share|cite|improve this answer

          edited Mar 28 at 13:02

          answered Mar 28 at 12:55




          • $begingroup$
            Thanks for the detailed answer. One could not hope for more. I will need some time to go through this and maybe I have some question. Thanks again.
            – stackExchangeUser
            Mar 28 at 13:01

          • $begingroup$
            I don't understand the part with the number of ordered ways of writing $n$ as a sum of $k$ primes. I edited the question with the computation of the recurence relation. Maybe you can have a look?
            – stackExchangeUser
            Mar 28 at 14:13

          • $begingroup$
            Thanks for the detailed answer. One could not hope for more. I will need some time to go through this and maybe I have some question. Thanks again.
            – stackExchangeUser
            Mar 28 at 13:01

          • $begingroup$
            I don't understand the part with the number of ordered ways of writing $n$ as a sum of $k$ primes. I edited the question with the computation of the recurence relation. Maybe you can have a look?
            – stackExchangeUser
            Mar 28 at 14:13

          Thanks for the detailed answer. One could not hope for more. I will need some time to go through this and maybe I have some question. Thanks again.
          – stackExchangeUser
          Mar 28 at 13:01

          Thanks for the detailed answer. One could not hope for more. I will need some time to go through this and maybe I have some question. Thanks again.
          – stackExchangeUser
          Mar 28 at 13:01

          I don't understand the part with the number of ordered ways of writing $n$ as a sum of $k$ primes. I edited the question with the computation of the recurence relation. Maybe you can have a look?
          – stackExchangeUser
          Mar 28 at 14:13

          I don't understand the part with the number of ordered ways of writing $n$ as a sum of $k$ primes. I edited the question with the computation of the recurence relation. Maybe you can have a look?
          – stackExchangeUser
          Mar 28 at 14:13

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