Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina Contents Bishops List of parishes References External links Navigation menudiocesewnc.org"Schoenberger Hall"Official websiteJournal of the Annual Convocation, Missionary District of Ashevilleeno2009126259no2009-126259

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Dioceses of the Episcopal ChurchEpiscopal Church in North Carolina

dioceseEpiscopal ChurchNorth Carolinaepiscopal seeAsheville, North CarolinaCathedral of All SoulsSchoenberger HallparishesdeaneriescathedralCathedral of All SoulsBiltmore Villagesocial justicefrescoesBen LongItalianartistGlendale SpringsBeaver CreekWilkesboroPaul the ApostleDiocesan bishopJosé Antonio McLoughlinVirginia Theological SeminaryUniversity of Central FloridaSan Juan, Puerto Rico

Diocese of Western Carolina

Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina seal.jpg
Parishes63, 6 chapels (2016)
CathedralCathedral of All Souls, Asheville
Current leadership
BishopJosé Antonio McLoughlin

Location of the Diocese of Western North Carolina
Location of the Diocese of Western North Carolina

WNCDiocesan Picture.jpg

The Cathedral of All Souls

The Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina is a diocese in the Episcopal Church. It consists of 28 counties in western North Carolina and its episcopal see is in Asheville, North Carolina, seated at Cathedral of All Souls. The first recorded worship from the Book of Common Prayer west of the Catawba River was in 1786. Valle Crucis, where one of the two conference centers is located, began as a missionary outpost in 1842.
In 1894, a resolution was adopted in the Convention of the Diocese of North Carolina that the Western part of the State be set off and offered to the General Church as a Missionary District. The following year, in November 1895, the first Convention of the District of Asheville was held at Trinity Church in Asheville. In 1922, after all the requirements had been fulfilled, a petition from the Jurisdiction of Asheville to become the Diocese of Western North Carolina was presented at the General Convention of
The Episcopal Church. It was accepted on September 12, 1922.

The Ravenscroft Associate Missions and Training School of the North Carolina Episcopal Diocese and the former residence of the Bishop was once housed at Schoenberger Hall in Asheville.[1] Diocesan offices are located at the Bishop Henry Center in Asheville.

The diocese contains 63 parishes, 6 summer chapels, a diocesan School - Christ School, Asheville; A retirement community, Deerfield, Asheville; 2 conference centers - Lake Logan, and Valle Crucis; a thriving summer camp, Camp Henry, and over 15,000 members. The diocese is divided into six deaneries.[2] Its cathedral is the Cathedral of All Souls in Asheville, located in Biltmore Village.

The diocese is a proponent of social justice, especially in issues concerning immigration, poverty and the marginalized. The diocese is notable for two small mountain parishes that contain frescoes created by Ben Long, an Italian-trained artist: the fresco of the Last Supper at Holy Trinity church in Glendale Springs and Mary Great with Child and John the Baptist at Saint Mary's Episcopal Church in Beaver Creek. In another, much larger parish, St. Paul's Episcopal located in the foothills of Wilkesboro, two recent Long frescoes can be seen. These frescoes depict Paul the Apostle in prison and his conversion of the Damascan Road. They were completed in 2003.

The diocese has historically practiced a higher churchmanship than most dioceses in the Fourth Province, and especially the other two dioceses in the state.


  • 1 Bishops

  • 2 List of parishes

    • 2.1 Asheville Deanery

    • 2.2 Foothills Deanery

    • 2.3 Hendersonville Deanery

    • 2.4 Mountain Deanery

    • 2.5 Piedmont Deanery

    • 2.6 Western Deanery

  • 3 References

  • 4 External links


  1. Junius Horner (1922-1933)

  2. Robert E. Gribbin (1934-1947)

  3. M. George Henry (1948-1974)

  4. William G. Weinhauer (1975-1990)

  5. Robert H. Johnson (1990-2003)

  6. G. Porter Taylor (2004-2016)

  7. José Antonio McLoughlin (2016–Present)

The 7th and current Diocesan bishop is The Right Reverend José Antonio McLoughlin, who was ordained and consecrated on October 1, 2016 as the first Bishop of Western North Carolina of Latino descent. Prior to his election as bishop of the Diocese of Western North Carolina, Bishop José served as the Canon to the Ordinary and Chief-of-Staff for the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma since 2008. Previously, José served congregations in the dioceses of Southeast Florida and Virginia. Bishop José earned his Masters in Divinity from Virginia Theological Seminary and Bachelor of Arts from the University of Central Florida. Prior to his call to the priesthood, the Bishop worked in the criminal justice field serving in the State of Florida as a police officer and in the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. in various capacities, most recently as the Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General. Bishop José was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico and raised in Florida.

Since becoming the Bishop of the Diocese of Western North Carolina, Bishop José has declared, in many and various ways, that he hopes to be a different kind of bishop, and he particularly does not want to be remembered as a distantly-removed dignitary. While not disregarding the great traditions of the Church, Bishop José believes that changes are necessary in the ways the church ministers in our day, and many of those changes must originate from the ministry of the bishop. He has to be a “hands-on” bishop who is close to the people of the diocese and the clergy who serve them. He has committed to being fully engaged in the church’s ministry with youth, minorities, and underserved populations. He is passionate about raising up a new kind of leadership for the church in our day.

Bishop Jose' has been married to Laurel Lynne (McFall) since 1993 and together they have two children, Alexander and Alyson.

List of parishes

Asheville Deanery

  • Cathedral of All Souls, Asheville [3]

  • Church of the Advocate [4]

  • Grace Episcopal Church, Asheville [5]

  • Redeemer Episcopal Church, Asheville [6]

  • Saint George's Episcopal Church, Asheville [7]

  • Saint James Episcopal Church, Black Mountain [8]

  • Saint John's Episcopal Church, Asheville [9]

  • St. Luke's Episcopal Church (Asheville, North Carolina)

  • St. Mary's Episcopal Church (Asheville, North Carolina)

  • St. Matthias Episcopal Church, Asheville [10]

  • Trinity Episcopal Church, Asheville [11]

  • Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit, Mars Hill [12]

Foothills Deanery

  • Church of the Ascension, Hickory [13]

  • Church of the Epiphany, Hickory [14]

  • Grace Episcopal Church, Morganton [15]

  • Saint Alban's Episcopal Church, Hickory [16]

  • Saint James Episcopal Church, Lenoir [17]

  • Saint John's Episcopal Church, Marion [18]

  • Saint Mary & Saint Stephen Episcopal Church, Morganton [19]

  • Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, Wilkesboro [20]

  • Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, Morganton

Hendersonville Deanery

  • Calvary Episcopal Church, Fletcher [21]

  • Church of the Holy Family, Mills River [22]

  • Church of the Transfiguration, Saluda [23]

  • Episcopal Church of Saint John in the Wilderness, Flat Rock [24]

  • Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross, Tryon [25]

  • Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration Bat Cave [26]

  • Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Tryon [27]

  • La Capilla De Santa Maria, Hendersonville

  • Saint James Episcopal Church, Hendersonville [28]

  • Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, Edneyville

  • Saint Philip's Episcopal Church, Brevard

Mountain Deanery

  • Christ Church, Sparta [29]

  • Church of the Holy Cross, Valle Crucis [30]

  • Church of the Resurrection, Little Switzerland

  • Church of Our Savior, Newland [31]

  • Holy Communion Episcopal Parish, Ashe County, Glendale Springs and West Jefferson

  • Saint Luke's Episcopal Church, Boone [32]

  • Saint Mary of the Hills Episcopal Church, Blowing Rock [33]

  • Saint Thomas Episcopal Church, Burnsville [34]

  • Trinity Episcopal Church, Spruce Pine [35]

Piedmont Deanery

  • All Saints Episcopal Church, Gastonia [36]

  • Church of the Redeemer, Shelby [37]

  • Episcopal Church of Saint Peter by the Lake, Denver [38]

  • Episcopal Church of Our Savior, Lincolnton

  • Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, Bessemer City

  • Saint Francis Episcopal Church, Rutherfordton [39]

  • Saint Gabriel's Episcopal Church, Rutherfordton [40]

  • Saint Luke's Episcopal Church, Lincolnton [41]

  • Saint Mark's Episcopal Church, Gastonia [42]

Western Deanery

  • All Saints Episcopal Church Franklin [43]

  • Church of the Good Shepherd (Cashiers, North Carolina)

  • Church of the Incarnation (Highlands, North Carolina)

  • Church of the Messiah, Murphy [44]

  • Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Hayesville [45]

  • Grace Church in the Mountains, Waynesville [46]

  • Grace Mountainside Church, Robbinsville [47]

  • Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, Canton [48]

  • Saint David's Episcopal Church, Cullowhee [49]

  • Saint Francis Episcopal Church, Cherokee, NC/Cullowhee

  • Saint John's Episcopal Church, Sylva

  • Saint John's Episcopal Church - Cartoogechaye, Franklin [50]


  1. ^ unknown (n.d.). "Schoenberger Hall" (pdf). National Register of Historic Places - Nomination and Inventory. North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office. Retrieved 2014-08-01..mw-parser-output cite.citationfont-style:inherit.mw-parser-output .citation qquotes:"""""""'""'".mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free abackground:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/65/Lock-green.svg/9px-Lock-green.svg.png")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration abackground:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d6/Lock-gray-alt-2.svg/9px-Lock-gray-alt-2.svg.png")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription abackground:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/aa/Lock-red-alt-2.svg/9px-Lock-red-alt-2.svg.png")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registrationcolor:#555.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration spanborder-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon abackground:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4c/Wikisource-logo.svg/12px-Wikisource-logo.svg.png")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center.mw-parser-output code.cs1-codecolor:inherit;background:inherit;border:inherit;padding:inherit.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-errordisplay:none;font-size:100%.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-errorfont-size:100%.mw-parser-output .cs1-maintdisplay:none;color:#33aa33;margin-left:0.3em.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration,.mw-parser-output .cs1-formatfont-size:95%.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-leftpadding-left:0.2em.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-rightpadding-right:0.2em

  2. ^ Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina Website

  3. ^ http://www.allsoulscathedral.org

  4. ^ http://www.diocesewnc.org/advocateasheville

  5. ^ http://www.graceepiscopalchurch.us

  6. ^ http://www.church-of-the-redeemer-episcopal.org

  7. ^ http://www.diocesewnc.org/stgeorgesasheville

  8. ^ http://www.stjameswnc.org

  9. ^ http://www.st-johnsepiscopal.org

  10. ^ http://www.diocesewnc.org/stmatthiasasheville

  11. ^ http://www.trinityasheville.org

  12. ^ http://www.holyspiritwnc.org

  13. ^ http://www.ascensionhickory.org

  14. ^ http://www.diocesewnc.org/epiphanynewton

  15. ^ http://www.gracemorganton.org

  16. ^ http://www.stalbansparish.org

  17. ^ http://www.saintjamesepiscopal.org

  18. ^ https://www.webcitation.org/query?url=http://www.geocities.com/stjohnsmarion&date=2009-10-25+22:23:46

  19. ^ http://www.diocesewnc.org/saintmarysmorganton

  20. ^ http://www.stpaulswilkesboro.org

  21. ^ http://www.calvaryfletcher.org

  22. ^ http://www.ourholyfamily.org

  23. ^ http://www.diocesewnc.org/transfigurationsaluda

  24. ^ http://www.stjohnflatrock.org/

  25. ^ http://www.holycrosstryon.org

  26. ^ http://webpages.charter.net/cscherping/church

  27. ^ http://www.goodshepherdtryon.org

  28. ^ http://www.stjamesepiscopal.com

  29. ^ http://www.christchurchalleghany.org

  30. ^ http://www.highsouth.com/vallecrucis/holycross.php3

  31. ^ http://www.diocesewnc.org/churchofsaviornewland

  32. ^ http://www.stlukesboone.org

  33. ^ http://www.stmaryofthehills.org

  34. ^ http://www.stthomasonline.org

  35. ^ http://www.trinitysprucepine.org

  36. ^ http://www.allsaintsgastonia.org

  37. ^ http://www.diocesewnc.org/redeemershelby

  38. ^ http://www.saintpeterbythelake.net

  39. ^ http://www.stfrancisrutherfordton.org/

  40. ^ http://stgabriel.diocesewnc.org/

  41. ^ http://www.episcopallincolntonnc.org

  42. ^ http://www.stmarksgastonia.org

  43. ^ http://www.allsaintsfranklin.org

  44. ^ http://www.messiahmurphy.org

  45. ^ http://www.churchofthegoodshepherdhayesville.org

  46. ^ http://www.gracewaynesville.com

  47. ^ http://www.Luther95.com/GMLEF-RNC

  48. ^ http://www.standrewscanton.org

  49. ^ http://www.st-davids.org

  50. ^ http://www.stjohnepiscopal.org

External links

  • Official website

  • Journal of the Annual Convocation, Missionary District of Asheville complete serial archive of the Dioceses predecessor organization.

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