SQL PRINT vs SQL EXEC The Next CEO of Stack Overflowsp_ExecuteSQL, performance and table variablesDoes Detach/Attach or Offline/Online Clear the Buffer Cache for a Particular Database?Buffer Size Changing?Safe alternative to exec(sql)SQL Trigger QuestionWhy high compile times for functions with XML on SQL Server 2016?SQL PRINT statement prints nothingAll Queries are slow on Prod than Dev ServerSQL Server Patch Level Is Inaccurate, Causing Upgrade IssuesDBCC ShrinkFile not working
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The Next CEO of Stack Overflowsp_ExecuteSQL, performance and table variablesDoes Detach/Attach or Offline/Online Clear the Buffer Cache for a Particular Database?Buffer Size Changing?Safe alternative to exec(sql)SQL Trigger QuestionWhy high compile times for functions with XML on SQL Server 2016?SQL PRINT statement prints nothingAll Queries are slow on Prod than Dev ServerSQL Server Patch Level Is Inaccurate, Causing Upgrade IssuesDBCC ShrinkFile not working
When executing the query below, if I use PRINT
it prints correctly. I can copy and paste the printed code and execute it. However, if I use EXEC I get the following error:
Is there a way of simplifying what I am doing? Why do SQL PRINT
deliver these two very different result sets?
DECLARE @TableCursor as CURSOR;
SET @TableCursor = CURSOR FOR
SELECT sobjects.name
FROM sysobjects sobjects
WHERE sobjects.xtype = 'U'
AND name like 'HISTORY_MasterList_%'
ORDER BY sobjects.name
OPEN @TableCursor;
FETCH NEXT FROM @TableCursor INTO @TableName;
SET @SQL ='select '''+ @TableName +''', 0
Union All
select All ''Server Count'',count(1) from ['+ @TableName +']
Union All
select All ''Server Cores'',sum(convert(decimal(18,0),cores)) from ['+ @TableName +']
Union All
select ''Production Servers'',count(1) from ['+ @TableName +'] where Classification in (''Prod'',''Production'',''Prd'',''Unknown'')
Union All
select ''Production Cores'', sum(convert(decimal(18,0),cores)) from ['+ @TableName +']
where Classification in (''Prod'',''Production'',''Prd'',''Unknown'')
Union All
select ''Production Server Count after filtering out passive/failover servers'', count(1) from
(select distinct m.ServerName
from ['+ @TableName +'] m
inner join [SQLEnv].[dbo].[vwManView] v on m.ServerName = v.ServerName
where Classification in (''Prod'',''Production'',''Prd'',''Unknown'')
and unit <> 0) aa
Union All
select ''Production Server Cores after filtering out passive/failover servers'', sum(convert(decimal(18,0),cores)) from(
select distinct m.ServerName, m.Cores
from ['+ @TableName +'] m
inner join [SQLEnv].[dbo].[vwManView] v on m.ServerName = v.ServerName
where Classification in (''Prod'',''Production'',''Prd'',''Unknown'')
and unit <> 0) aa
Union All
select ''Non-Prod SQL Instances downgraded to Developer Edition'',count(1) from ['+ @TableName +'] where ''InstanceStatus'' like ''Downgrade%''
Union All
select ''Non-Prod SQL Instance Core Count downgraded to Developer Edition'',sum(convert(decimal(18,0),cores)) from ['+ @TableName +'] where ''InstanceStatus'' like ''Downgrade%''
Union All
select ''Non-Prod VMs moved from Prod Environments'', count(1) from ['+ @TableName +'] where ServerStatus like ''VM Moved/right sized from Prod Env to NonProd''
Union All
select ''Non-Prod VMs TO BE moved from Prod Environments'', count(1) from ['+ @TableName +'] where ServerStatus like ''Sent for V2V - non prod split''
FETCH NEXT FROM @TableCursor INTO @TableName;
CLOSE @TableCursor;
DEALLOCATE @TableCursor;
sql-server sql-server-2012 sql-server-2008 sql-server-2008-r2 t-sql
add a comment |
When executing the query below, if I use PRINT
it prints correctly. I can copy and paste the printed code and execute it. However, if I use EXEC I get the following error:
Is there a way of simplifying what I am doing? Why do SQL PRINT
deliver these two very different result sets?
DECLARE @TableCursor as CURSOR;
SET @TableCursor = CURSOR FOR
SELECT sobjects.name
FROM sysobjects sobjects
WHERE sobjects.xtype = 'U'
AND name like 'HISTORY_MasterList_%'
ORDER BY sobjects.name
OPEN @TableCursor;
FETCH NEXT FROM @TableCursor INTO @TableName;
SET @SQL ='select '''+ @TableName +''', 0
Union All
select All ''Server Count'',count(1) from ['+ @TableName +']
Union All
select All ''Server Cores'',sum(convert(decimal(18,0),cores)) from ['+ @TableName +']
Union All
select ''Production Servers'',count(1) from ['+ @TableName +'] where Classification in (''Prod'',''Production'',''Prd'',''Unknown'')
Union All
select ''Production Cores'', sum(convert(decimal(18,0),cores)) from ['+ @TableName +']
where Classification in (''Prod'',''Production'',''Prd'',''Unknown'')
Union All
select ''Production Server Count after filtering out passive/failover servers'', count(1) from
(select distinct m.ServerName
from ['+ @TableName +'] m
inner join [SQLEnv].[dbo].[vwManView] v on m.ServerName = v.ServerName
where Classification in (''Prod'',''Production'',''Prd'',''Unknown'')
and unit <> 0) aa
Union All
select ''Production Server Cores after filtering out passive/failover servers'', sum(convert(decimal(18,0),cores)) from(
select distinct m.ServerName, m.Cores
from ['+ @TableName +'] m
inner join [SQLEnv].[dbo].[vwManView] v on m.ServerName = v.ServerName
where Classification in (''Prod'',''Production'',''Prd'',''Unknown'')
and unit <> 0) aa
Union All
select ''Non-Prod SQL Instances downgraded to Developer Edition'',count(1) from ['+ @TableName +'] where ''InstanceStatus'' like ''Downgrade%''
Union All
select ''Non-Prod SQL Instance Core Count downgraded to Developer Edition'',sum(convert(decimal(18,0),cores)) from ['+ @TableName +'] where ''InstanceStatus'' like ''Downgrade%''
Union All
select ''Non-Prod VMs moved from Prod Environments'', count(1) from ['+ @TableName +'] where ServerStatus like ''VM Moved/right sized from Prod Env to NonProd''
Union All
select ''Non-Prod VMs TO BE moved from Prod Environments'', count(1) from ['+ @TableName +'] where ServerStatus like ''Sent for V2V - non prod split''
FETCH NEXT FROM @TableCursor INTO @TableName;
CLOSE @TableCursor;
DEALLOCATE @TableCursor;
sql-server sql-server-2012 sql-server-2008 sql-server-2008-r2 t-sql
add a comment |
When executing the query below, if I use PRINT
it prints correctly. I can copy and paste the printed code and execute it. However, if I use EXEC I get the following error:
Is there a way of simplifying what I am doing? Why do SQL PRINT
deliver these two very different result sets?
DECLARE @TableCursor as CURSOR;
SET @TableCursor = CURSOR FOR
SELECT sobjects.name
FROM sysobjects sobjects
WHERE sobjects.xtype = 'U'
AND name like 'HISTORY_MasterList_%'
ORDER BY sobjects.name
OPEN @TableCursor;
FETCH NEXT FROM @TableCursor INTO @TableName;
SET @SQL ='select '''+ @TableName +''', 0
Union All
select All ''Server Count'',count(1) from ['+ @TableName +']
Union All
select All ''Server Cores'',sum(convert(decimal(18,0),cores)) from ['+ @TableName +']
Union All
select ''Production Servers'',count(1) from ['+ @TableName +'] where Classification in (''Prod'',''Production'',''Prd'',''Unknown'')
Union All
select ''Production Cores'', sum(convert(decimal(18,0),cores)) from ['+ @TableName +']
where Classification in (''Prod'',''Production'',''Prd'',''Unknown'')
Union All
select ''Production Server Count after filtering out passive/failover servers'', count(1) from
(select distinct m.ServerName
from ['+ @TableName +'] m
inner join [SQLEnv].[dbo].[vwManView] v on m.ServerName = v.ServerName
where Classification in (''Prod'',''Production'',''Prd'',''Unknown'')
and unit <> 0) aa
Union All
select ''Production Server Cores after filtering out passive/failover servers'', sum(convert(decimal(18,0),cores)) from(
select distinct m.ServerName, m.Cores
from ['+ @TableName +'] m
inner join [SQLEnv].[dbo].[vwManView] v on m.ServerName = v.ServerName
where Classification in (''Prod'',''Production'',''Prd'',''Unknown'')
and unit <> 0) aa
Union All
select ''Non-Prod SQL Instances downgraded to Developer Edition'',count(1) from ['+ @TableName +'] where ''InstanceStatus'' like ''Downgrade%''
Union All
select ''Non-Prod SQL Instance Core Count downgraded to Developer Edition'',sum(convert(decimal(18,0),cores)) from ['+ @TableName +'] where ''InstanceStatus'' like ''Downgrade%''
Union All
select ''Non-Prod VMs moved from Prod Environments'', count(1) from ['+ @TableName +'] where ServerStatus like ''VM Moved/right sized from Prod Env to NonProd''
Union All
select ''Non-Prod VMs TO BE moved from Prod Environments'', count(1) from ['+ @TableName +'] where ServerStatus like ''Sent for V2V - non prod split''
FETCH NEXT FROM @TableCursor INTO @TableName;
CLOSE @TableCursor;
DEALLOCATE @TableCursor;
sql-server sql-server-2012 sql-server-2008 sql-server-2008-r2 t-sql
When executing the query below, if I use PRINT
it prints correctly. I can copy and paste the printed code and execute it. However, if I use EXEC I get the following error:
Is there a way of simplifying what I am doing? Why do SQL PRINT
deliver these two very different result sets?
DECLARE @TableCursor as CURSOR;
SET @TableCursor = CURSOR FOR
SELECT sobjects.name
FROM sysobjects sobjects
WHERE sobjects.xtype = 'U'
AND name like 'HISTORY_MasterList_%'
ORDER BY sobjects.name
OPEN @TableCursor;
FETCH NEXT FROM @TableCursor INTO @TableName;
SET @SQL ='select '''+ @TableName +''', 0
Union All
select All ''Server Count'',count(1) from ['+ @TableName +']
Union All
select All ''Server Cores'',sum(convert(decimal(18,0),cores)) from ['+ @TableName +']
Union All
select ''Production Servers'',count(1) from ['+ @TableName +'] where Classification in (''Prod'',''Production'',''Prd'',''Unknown'')
Union All
select ''Production Cores'', sum(convert(decimal(18,0),cores)) from ['+ @TableName +']
where Classification in (''Prod'',''Production'',''Prd'',''Unknown'')
Union All
select ''Production Server Count after filtering out passive/failover servers'', count(1) from
(select distinct m.ServerName
from ['+ @TableName +'] m
inner join [SQLEnv].[dbo].[vwManView] v on m.ServerName = v.ServerName
where Classification in (''Prod'',''Production'',''Prd'',''Unknown'')
and unit <> 0) aa
Union All
select ''Production Server Cores after filtering out passive/failover servers'', sum(convert(decimal(18,0),cores)) from(
select distinct m.ServerName, m.Cores
from ['+ @TableName +'] m
inner join [SQLEnv].[dbo].[vwManView] v on m.ServerName = v.ServerName
where Classification in (''Prod'',''Production'',''Prd'',''Unknown'')
and unit <> 0) aa
Union All
select ''Non-Prod SQL Instances downgraded to Developer Edition'',count(1) from ['+ @TableName +'] where ''InstanceStatus'' like ''Downgrade%''
Union All
select ''Non-Prod SQL Instance Core Count downgraded to Developer Edition'',sum(convert(decimal(18,0),cores)) from ['+ @TableName +'] where ''InstanceStatus'' like ''Downgrade%''
Union All
select ''Non-Prod VMs moved from Prod Environments'', count(1) from ['+ @TableName +'] where ServerStatus like ''VM Moved/right sized from Prod Env to NonProd''
Union All
select ''Non-Prod VMs TO BE moved from Prod Environments'', count(1) from ['+ @TableName +'] where ServerStatus like ''Sent for V2V - non prod split''
FETCH NEXT FROM @TableCursor INTO @TableName;
CLOSE @TableCursor;
DEALLOCATE @TableCursor;
sql-server sql-server-2012 sql-server-2008 sql-server-2008-r2 t-sql
sql-server sql-server-2012 sql-server-2008 sql-server-2008-r2 t-sql
edited Mar 19 at 11:33


asked Mar 19 at 6:15


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1 Answer
The error is saying that ...it is not a valid identifier
When you pass EXEC @SQL
, it is expecting that @sql
to represent the name of a stored procedure (or scalar function). Hence the error message: ...it is not a valid identifier
If you want to execute a text, to pass dynamically , you should encapsulate that text inside ( )
, like EXEC (@SQL)
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1 Answer
1 Answer
The error is saying that ...it is not a valid identifier
When you pass EXEC @SQL
, it is expecting that @sql
to represent the name of a stored procedure (or scalar function). Hence the error message: ...it is not a valid identifier
If you want to execute a text, to pass dynamically , you should encapsulate that text inside ( )
, like EXEC (@SQL)
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The error is saying that ...it is not a valid identifier
When you pass EXEC @SQL
, it is expecting that @sql
to represent the name of a stored procedure (or scalar function). Hence the error message: ...it is not a valid identifier
If you want to execute a text, to pass dynamically , you should encapsulate that text inside ( )
, like EXEC (@SQL)
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The error is saying that ...it is not a valid identifier
When you pass EXEC @SQL
, it is expecting that @sql
to represent the name of a stored procedure (or scalar function). Hence the error message: ...it is not a valid identifier
If you want to execute a text, to pass dynamically , you should encapsulate that text inside ( )
, like EXEC (@SQL)
The error is saying that ...it is not a valid identifier
When you pass EXEC @SQL
, it is expecting that @sql
to represent the name of a stored procedure (or scalar function). Hence the error message: ...it is not a valid identifier
If you want to execute a text, to pass dynamically , you should encapsulate that text inside ( )
, like EXEC (@SQL)
answered Mar 19 at 6:39
Sabin BioSabin Bio
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