Aydie Contents Geography Toponymy History Administration Demography Economy Culture and heritage Notable people linked to the commune See also Notes References External links Navigation menu43°34′14″N 0°06′13″W / 43.5706°N 0.1036°W / 43.5706; -0.103643°34′14″N 0°06′13″W / 43.5706°N 0.1036°W / 43.5706; -0.103664084Topographic Dictionary of the Department of Basses-PyreneesLdh/EHESS/Cassini until 1962INSEE database from 1968Law No. 2002-276 of 27 February 2002ArchivedGoogle MapsIA00026180 Maison Moulié Farmhouse at AveilléIA00026172 Chateau PeyreIA00026186 Farmhouse at CuronIA00026180 Maison Frouté Farmhouse at DabadieIA00026178 Farmhouse at EstrémauIA00026175 Farmhouse at LaudiqueIA00026181 Maison Lalanne Farmhouse at LerpIA00026180 Maison Jouet Farmhouse at MailletIA00026183 Farmhouse at MondainIA00026176 Farmhouse at MourchetteIA00026185 Farmhouse at MouthaIA00026184 Farmhouse at ParthonnaudIA00026182 Maison Lescher Farmhouse at PessusIA00027494 Place at PoeyTopographic Dictionary of the Department of Basses-PyreneesIA00026166 CampCassini Map 1750 - AydieList of Mayors of FranceIA00026173 Houses and FarmsIA00026171 Chateau (destroyed)IA00026168 Fortified BuildingIA00026167 CampIA00026170 Monumental Cross at MondainIA00026177 Presbytery called House of little red potsIA00026169 Parish Church of Saint John the BaptistIM64001594 Statue: Virgin and childIM64001593 Altar, Retable, and Altar CrossIM64001592 6 Altar CandlesticksIM64001591 Lighting ArmIM64001590 Christ on the Cross with Saint John, the Virgin, and MadeleineIM64001589 RetableIM64001588 6 Statuettes: Angel adoring, Saint Peter, Saint John, Saint Paul, and Saint LukeIM64001587 TabernacleIM64001586 Altar with Altar seatingIM64001585 Altar, Altar seating, Tabernacle, Retable, Lighting Arm, and 6 candlesticksIM64001555 MonstranceIM64001554 Pill-boxIM64001553 Chalice with PatenIM64001552 2 Paintings: Baptism of Christ and Preaching in the DesertIM64001551 SideboardIM64001550 Baptismal fontAydie on Lion1906Aydie on the 1750 Cassini MapAydie on the INSEE websiteINSEEe
AastAbèreAbidosAbitainAbosAccousAgnosAhaxe-Alciette-BascassanAhetzeAïcirits-Camou-SuhastAincilleAinharpAinhice-MongelosAinhoaAlçay-Alçabéhéty-SunharetteAldudesAlos-Sibas-AbenseAmendeuix-OneixAmorots-SuccosAnce FéasAndoinsAndreinAngaïsAngletAngousAnhauxAnosAnoyeAramitsArancouAraujuzonArauxArbérats-SillègueArbonneArbouet-SussauteArbusArcanguesArenAressyAretteArgagnonArgelosArgetArhansusArmendaritsArnéguyArnosAroue-Ithorots-OlhaïbyArrast-LarrebieuArraute-CharritteArricau-BordesArrienArros-de-NayArrosèsArthez-d'AssonArthez-de-BéarnArtigueloutanArtiguelouveArtixArudyArzacq-ArraziguetAsasp-ArrosAscainAscaratAssatAssonAste-BéonAstisAthos-AspisAubertinAubinAubousAudauxAugaAuriacAurions-IdernesAussevielleAussurucqAuterriveAutevielle-Saint-Martin-BiderenAydieAydiusAyherreBaigts-de-BéarnBalansunBaleixBaliracq-MaumussonBalirosBancaBarcusBardosBarinqueBarraute-CamuBarzunBassillon-VauzéBassussarryBastanèsLa Bastide-ClairenceBaudreixBayonneBédeilleBedousBéguiosBéhasque-LapisteBéhorléguyBellocqBénéjacqBentayou-SéréeBéostBérenxBergouey-ViellenaveBernadetsBerrogain-LarunsBescatBésingrandBétracqBeusteBeyrie-en-BéarnBeyrie-sur-JoyeuseBiarritzBidacheBidarrayBidartBidosBielleBilhèresBillèreBiriatouBironBizanosBoeil-BezingBonlocBonnutBorceBordèresBordesBosdarrosBoucauBoueilh-Boueilho-LasqueBougarberBouillonBoumourtBourdettesBournosBriscousBruges-Capbis-MifagetBugneinBunusBurgaronneBurosBurosse-MendousseBussunarits-SarrasquetteBustince-IriberryBuzietBuzyCabidosCadillonCambo-les-BainsCameCamou-CihigueCardesseCaroCarrèreCarresse-CassaberCastagnèdeCasteide-CamiCasteide-CandauCasteide-DoatCastéra-LoubixCastetCastetbonCastétisCastetnau-CamblongCastetnerCastetpugonCastillon-d'ArthezCastillon-de-LembeyeCaubios-LoosCescauCette-EygunCharreCharritte-de-BasChérauteCiboureClaracqCoarrazeConchez-de-BéarnCorbère-AbèresCoslédaà-Lube-BoastCoublucqCrouseillesCuqueronDenguinDiusseDoazonDognenDomezain-BerrauteDoumyEaux-BonnesEscosEscotEscouEscoubèsEscoutEscurèsEslourenties-DabanEspéchèdeEspeletteEspès-UndureinEspiuteEspoeyEsquiuleEstérençubyEstialescqEstosEtcharryEtchebarEtsautEysusFichous-RiumayouGabastonGabatGamartheGanGarindeinGarlède-MondebatGarlinGarosGarrisGayonGelosGerGerderestGère-BélestenGéronceGestasGéus-d'ArzacqGeüs-d'OloronGoèsGomerGotein-LibarrenxGuétharyGuicheGuinarthe-ParentiesGurmençonGursHagetaubinHalsouHasparrenHaut-de-BosdarrosHauxHéletteHendayeHerrèreHiguères-SouyeL'Hôpital-d'OrionL'Hôpital-Saint-BlaiseHostaHoursIbarrolleIdaux-MendyIdronIgonIholdyIlharreIrissarryIrouléguyIspoureIssorIsturitsItxassouIzesteJassesJatxouJaxuJurançonJuxueLaà-MondransLaàsLabastide-CézéracqLabastide-MonréjeauLabastide-VillefrancheLabatmaleLabatutLabets-BiscayLabeyrieLacadéeLacarreLacarry-Arhan-Charritte-de-HautLacommandeLacqLagorLagosLaguinge-RestoueLahonceLahontanLahourcadeLalongueLalonquetteLamayouLanne-en-BarétousLannecaubeLanneplaàLantabatLarceveau-Arros-CibitsLaroinLarrauLarressoreLarreuleLarribar-SorhapuruLarunsLasclaveriesLasseLasserreLasseubeLasseubetatLay-LamidouLecumberryLedeuixLéeLées-AthasLembeyeLèmeLérenLescarLescunLespielleLespourcyLestelle-BétharramLichans-SunharLichosLicq-AthéreyLimendousLivronLohitzun-OyhercqLombiaLonçonLonsLoubiengLouhossoaLourdios-IchèreLourentiesLouvie-JuzonLouvie-SoubironLouvignyLuc-ArmauLucarréLucgarierLucq-de-BéarnLurbe-Saint-ChristauLussagnet-LussonLuxe-SumberrauteLysMacayeMalaussanneMascaraàs-HaronMaslacqMasparrauteMaspie-Lalonquère-JuillacqMaucorMauléon-LicharreMaureMazères-LezonsMazerollesMéharinMeillonMendiondeMenditteMendiveMéracqMériteinMesplèdeMialosMiossens-LanusseMirepeixMomasMomyMonassut-AudiracqMoncaupMoncayolle-Larrory-MendibieuMonclaMoneinMonpezatMonségurMontMontagutMontanerMontardonMontautMont-DisseMontfortMontoryMorlaàsMorlanneMouguerreMouhousMoumourMourenxMusculdyNabasNarcastetNarpNavailles-AngosNavarrenxNayNoguèresNoustyOgenne-CamptortOgeu-les-BainsOloron-Sainte-MarieOraàsOrdiarpOrègueOrinOrionOrriuleOrsancoOrthezOs-MarsillonOssas-SuhareOsse-en-AspeOssenxOsserain-RivareyteOssèsOstabat-AsmeOuillonOusseOzenx-MontestrucqPagolleParbaysePardiesPardies-PiétatPauPeyrelongue-AbosPiets-Plasence-MoustrouPoey-de-LescarPoey-d'OloronPompsPonson-Debat-PoutsPonson-DessusPontacqPontiacq-ViellepintePortetPouliacqPoursiugues-BoucouePréchacq-JosbaigPréchacq-NavarrenxPrécilhonPuyoôRamousRébénacqRibarrouyRiupeyrousRivehauteRontignonRoquiagueSaint-AbitSaint-ArmouSaint-BoèsSaint-CastinSaint-DosSainte-ColomeSainte-EngrâceSaint-EstebenSaint-Étienne-de-BaïgorrySaint-FaustSaint-Girons-en-BéarnSaint-Gladie-Arrive-MuneinSaint-GoinSaint-JammesSaint-Jean-de-LuzSaint-Jean-le-VieuxSaint-Jean-Pied-de-PortSaint-Jean-PoudgeSaint-Just-IbarreSaint-Laurent-BretagneSaint-Martin-d'ArberoueSaint-Martin-d'ArrossaSaint-MédardSaint-MichelSaint-PalaisSaint-Pé-de-LérenSaint-Pée-sur-NivelleSaint-Pierre-d'IrubeSaint-VincentSalies-de-BéarnSalles-MongiscardSallespisseSamesSamsons-LionSareSarpourenxSarranceSauboleSaucèdeSauguis-Saint-ÉtienneSault-de-NavaillesSauvagnonSauveladeSauveterre-de-BéarnSébySedze-MaubecqSedzèreSéméacq-BlachonSendetsSerres-CastetSerres-MorlaàsSerres-Sainte-MarieSévignacqSévignacq-MeyracqSimacourbeSirosSoumoulouSouraïdeSuhescunSusSusmiouTabaille-UsquainTadousse-UssauTardets-SorholusTaron-Sadirac-ViellenaveTarsacqThèzeTrois-VillesUhart-CizeUhart-MixeUrcuitUrdèsUrdosUrepelUrostUrrugneUrtUstaritzUzanUzeinUzosVerdetsVialerViellenave-d'ArthezViellenave-de-NavarrenxVielleségureVignesVillefranqueViodos-Abense-de-BasViven
Communes of Pyrénées-Atlantiques
communePyrénées-AtlantiquesdepartmentNouvelle-AquitaineFrancePauGarlinPyrénées-AtlantiquesGersHautes-PyrénéesAubousArrosèsAdourSaint-MontbéarnaisMichel GrosclaudePaul RaymondfiresbailiwickLembeyeLdh/EHESS/Cassini until 1962INSEE database from 1968population without double countingappellation d'origine contrôléeMadiranBéarn
Aydie | |
Commune | |
![]() Vineyards in Aydie | |
Location of Aydie | |
![]() ![]() Aydie Show map of France ![]() ![]() Aydie Show map of Nouvelle-Aquitaine | |
Coordinates: 43°34′14″N 0°06′13″W / 43.5706°N 0.1036°W / 43.5706; -0.1036Coordinates: 43°34′14″N 0°06′13″W / 43.5706°N 0.1036°W / 43.5706; -0.1036 | |
Country | France |
Region | Nouvelle-Aquitaine |
Department | Pyrénées-Atlantiques |
Arrondissement | Pau |
Canton | Terres des Luys et Coteaux du Vic-Bilh |
Intercommunality | CC Luys Béarn |
Government | |
• Mayor .mw-parser-output .noboldfont-weight:normal (2014-2020) | Maurice Lacoste |
Area 1 | 7.86 km2 (3.03 sq mi) |
Population (2015)2 | 136 |
• Density | 17/km2 (45/sq mi) |
Time zone | UTC+01:00 (CET) |
• Summer (DST) | UTC+02:00 (CEST) |
INSEE/Postal code | 64084 /64330 |
Elevation | 129–258 m (423–846 ft) (avg. 148 m or 486 ft) |
1 French Land Register data, which excludes lakes, ponds, glaciers > 1 km2 (0.386 sq mi or 247 acres) and river estuaries. 2Population without double counting: residents of multiple communes (e.g., students and military personnel) only counted once. |
Aydie is a commune in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of south-western France.
1 Geography
1.1 Places and Hamlets
1.2 Neighbouring communes and villages
2 Toponymy
3 History
4 Administration
4.1 Inter-communality
5 Demography
6 Economy
7 Culture and heritage
7.1 Civil heritage
7.2 Religious heritage
8 Notable people linked to the commune
9 See also
10 Notes
11 References
12 External links
Aydie is located some 40 km north-east of Pau and 15 km east of Garlin. The northern border of the commune is the departmental border between Pyrénées-Atlantiques and Gers and the eastern border is the border with Hautes-Pyrénées. Access to the commune is by the D292 road from Aubous to Arrosès which passes south through the west of the commune. The D317 branches off the D205 west of the commune and goes east through the commune to the village then continues east, changing to the D548 at the border, to join the D48. The commune is mainly farmland with scattered forests in the west.[1]
The Sager river forms the eastern border of the commune as it flows north to join the Adour at Saint-Mont. Several streams rise in the west of the commune and flow east to join the Sager including the Boutigué which forms part of the northern border of the commune.
Places and Hamlets
- Aveillé[2]
- Bardou
- Bayliot
- Boutigué
- Cau
- Caunille
- Le Château[3]
- Curon[4]
- Dabadie[5]
- Estrémau[6]
- Hardoy
- Jouandou
- Laforêt
- Lafosse
- Larribau
- Larrouy
- Laudique[7]
- Lerp[8]
- Maillet[9]
- Marty
- Mondain[10]
- Moulié
- Mourchette[11]
- Moutha[12]
- Parthonnaud[13]
- Pellé
- Pessus[14]
- Poey[15][16]
- le Pucheu[17]
- Saint-Martin
- Thillet
Neighbouring communes and villages
The commune name in béarnais is Aidia. Michel Grosclaude said that the name probably has a common root with Aydius but the origin and meaning of the name remains obscure.[18]
The following table details the origins of the commune name and other names in the commune.
Name | Spelling | Date | Source | Page | Origin | Description |
Aydie | Aidie | 1385 | Raymond | 18 | Census | Village |
Aydia | 1542 | Raymond | 18 | Census of Conchez B730, folio 93 | ||
Ayrie | 1675 | Raymond | 18 | Reformation | ||
Aydie | 1750 | Cassini | ||||
Abbadie | Labadie | 1385 | Raymond | 1 | Census | Farm |
Abbadie | 1863 | Raymond | 1 | |||
Le Bernet | Le Bernet | 1863 | Raymond | 29 | Place | |
Couquillon | Couquillon | 1863 | Raymond | 53 | Place | |
L'Herm | Lerm | 1538 | Raymond | 77 | Reformation | Hamlet |
L'Herm | 1863 | Raymond | 77 | (Vassal of the Viscounts of Bearn) | ||
Mondérous | Mondérous | 1863 | Raymond | 115 | Vineyard | |
Les Moulères | Les Moulères | 1863 | Raymond | 118 | Place | |
Le Pas du Ber | Le Pas du Ber | 1863 | Raymond | 132 | Place | |
Pouey | Lo Poey de Seubemea | 1487 | Raymond | 136 | Establishments | Hamlet |
Lo Poey de Solamea | 1546 | Raymond | 136 | Reformation | ||
Le Poey Sauvemea | 1683 | Raymond | 136 | Reformation | ||
Poey | 1750 | Raymond | 136 | Cassini | ||
Le Poey de Sauvemea | 1863 | Raymond | 136 |
Raymond: Topographic Dictionary of the Department of Basses-Pyrenees, 1863, on the page numbers indicated in the table. (in French)[16]
Grosclaude: Toponymic Dictionary of communes, Béarn, 2006 (in French)[18]
Cassini: Cassini Map from 1750[19]
Census: Census of Béarn[20]
Reformation: Reformation of Béarn[21]
Establishments: Register of Establishments of Béarn[22]
Paul Raymond noted on page 18 of his 1863 dictionary that in 1395 Aydie had 25 fires and Poey (Page 136) had 6 fires with both of them under the bailiwick of Lembeye.

The Town Hall
List of Successive Mayors[23]
From | To | Name | Party | Position |
1995 | 2020 | Maurice Lacoste |
(Not all data is known)
The commune is part of five inter-communal structures:
- the Community of communes of the Canton of Garlin;
- the SIVU for roads in the Garlin region;
- the SIVU for the Lées and its tributaries;
- the Energy association of Pyrénées-Atlantiques;
- the inter-communal association for drinking water in Luy-Gabas-Lées;
In 2010 the commune had 140 inhabitants. The evolution of the number of inhabitants is known from the population censuses conducted in the commune since 1793. From the 21st century, a census of communes with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants is held every five years, unlike larger communes that have a sample survey every year.[Note 1]
Population change (See database)
1793 | 1800 | 1806 | 1821 | 1831 | 1836 | 1841 | 1846 | 1851 |
118 | 4,276 | 538 | 502 | 566 | 615 | 541 | 570 | 550 |
1856 | 1861 | 1866 | 1872 | 1876 | 1881 | 1886 | 1891 | 1896 |
514 | 492 | 473 | 474 | 520 | 506 | 435 | 432 | 406 |
1901 | 1906 | 1911 | 1921 | 1926 | 1931 | 1936 | 1946 | 1954 |
410 | 404 | 382 | 265 | 272 | 258 | 251 | 231 | 203 |
1962 | 1968 | 1975 | 1982 | 1990 | 1999 | 2006 | 2010 | - |
197 | 191 | 173 | 167 | 165 | 136 | - | 140 | - |
Sources : Ldh/EHESS/Cassini until 1962, INSEE database from 1968 (population without double counting and municipal population from 2006)

The War Memorial

The commune is part of the appellation d'origine contrôlée (AOC) zones of Madiran (Red Madiran wine), Pacherenc-du-vic-bilh (White Madiran wine), and Béarn.
Culture and heritage

Detail on the school
Civil heritage
The commune has many sites that are registered as historical monuments:
- A Place at Poey (1567)
- A Farmhouse at Curon (1778)
- A Farmhouse at Moutha (1799)
- A Farmhouse at Parthonnaud (18th century)
- A Farmhouse at Mondain (1815)
- The Maison Lescher Farmhouse at Pessus (19th century)
- The Maison Lalanne Farmhouse at Lerp (19th century)
- The Maison Jouet Farmhouse at Maillet (19th century)
- The Maison Frouté Farmhouse at Dabadie (19th century)
- A Farmhouse at Estrémau (1859)
- A Farmhouse at Mourchette (1859)
- A Farmhouse at Laudique (1759)
- The Maison Moulié Farmhouse at Aveillé (1820)
Houses and Farms (18th to 19th centuries)[24]
- The Chateau Peyre (1895)
- A Chateau (destroyed) (17th century)
- A Fortified Building (12th century)
- A Camp
- A Camp at Pucheu (Prehistoric)
Religious heritage

The Church of Saint John the Baptist
The commune has three religious sites that are registered as historical monuments:
- A Monumental Cross at Mondain (1888)
- A Presbytery called House of little red pots (1848)
- The Parish Church of Saint John the Baptist (11th century).
[30] The Church contains many items that are registered as historical objects:
- A Statue: Virgin and Child (19th century)
- An Altar, Retable, and Altar Cross (18th century)
- 6 Altar Candlesticks (18th century)
- A Lighting Arm (18th century)
- A Painting: Christ on the Cross with Saint John, the Virgin, and Madeleine (18th century)
- A Retable (18th century)
- 6 Statuettes: Angel adoring, Saint Peter, Saint John, Saint Paul, and Saint Luke (18th century)
- A Tabernacle (1725)
- An Altar with Altar seating (18th century)
- An Altar, Altar seating, Tabernacle, Retable, Lighting Arm, and 6 candlesticks (18th century)
- A Monstrance (1868)
- A Pill-box (18th century)
- A Chalice with Paten (18th century)
- 2 Paintings: Baptism of Christ and Preaching in the Desert (18th century)
- A Sideboard (19th century)
- A Baptismal font (18th century)
- A Statue: Virgin and Child (19th century)
Notable people linked to the commune
Joseph Peyré, born in 1892 at Aydie and died in 1968 at Cannes, was a French writer. He won the Prix Goncourt in 1935 for his book Sang et Lumières (Blood and Lights). He evoked his native village under the pseudonym of Saint-Jean-des-Vignes.
See also
- Communes of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department
^ At the beginning of the 21st century, the methods of identification have been modified by Law No. 2002-276 of 27 February 2002 Archived 6 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine, the so-called "law of local democracy" and in particular Title V "census operations" allows, after a transitional period running from 2004 to 2008, the annual publication of the legal population of the different French administrative districts. For communes with a population greater than 10,000 inhabitants, a sample survey is conducted annually, the entire territory of these communes is taken into account at the end of the period of five years. The first "legal population" after 1999 under this new law came into force on 1 January 2009 and was based on the census of 2006.
^ Google Maps
^ ab Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026180 Maison Moulié Farmhouse at Aveillé (in French)
^ ab Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026172 Chateau Peyre (in French)
^ ab Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026186 Farmhouse at Curon (in French)
^ ab Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026180 Maison Frouté Farmhouse at Dabadie (in French)
^ ab Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026178 Farmhouse at Estrémau (in French)
^ ab Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026175 Farmhouse at Laudique (in French)
^ ab Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026181 Maison Lalanne Farmhouse at Lerp (in French)
^ ab Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026180 Maison Jouet Farmhouse at Maillet (in French)
^ ab Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026183 Farmhouse at Mondain (in French)
^ ab Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026176 Farmhouse at Mourchette (in French)
^ ab Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026185 Farmhouse at Moutha (in French)
^ ab Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026184 Farmhouse at Parthonnaud (in French)
^ ab Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026182 Maison Lescher Farmhouse at Pessus (in French)
^ ab Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00027494 Place at Poey (in French)
^ ab Topographic Dictionary of the Department of Basses-Pyrenees, Paul Raymond, Imprimerie nationale, 1863, Digitised from Lyon Public Library 15 June 2011 (in French)
^ ab Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026166 Camp (in French)
^ ab Michel Grosclaude, Toponymic Dictionary of communes, Béarn, Edicions reclams & Édition Cairn - 2006, 416 pages, .mw-parser-output cite.citationfont-style:inherit.mw-parser-output .citation qquotes:"""""""'""'".mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free abackground:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/65/Lock-green.svg/9px-Lock-green.svg.png")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration abackground:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d6/Lock-gray-alt-2.svg/9px-Lock-gray-alt-2.svg.png")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription abackground:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/aa/Lock-red-alt-2.svg/9px-Lock-red-alt-2.svg.png")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registrationcolor:#555.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration spanborder-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon abackground:url("//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4c/Wikisource-logo.svg/12px-Wikisource-logo.svg.png")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center.mw-parser-output code.cs1-codecolor:inherit;background:inherit;border:inherit;padding:inherit.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-errordisplay:none;font-size:100%.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-errorfont-size:100%.mw-parser-output .cs1-maintdisplay:none;color:#33aa33;margin-left:0.3em.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration,.mw-parser-output .cs1-formatfont-size:95%.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-leftpadding-left:0.2em.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-rightpadding-right:0.2em
ISBN 2-35068-005-3 (in French)
^ Cassini Map 1750 - Aydie
^ Manuscript from the 14th century - Departmental Archives of Pyrénées-Atlantiques (in French)
^ Manuscript from the 16th to 18th centuries - Departmental Archives of Pyrénées-Atlantiques (in French)
^ Manuscripts from the 15th and 16th centuries in the Departmental Archives of Pyrénées-Atlantiques (in French)
^ List of Mayors of France (in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026173 Houses and Farms (in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026171 Chateau (destroyed) (in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026168 Fortified Building (in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026167 Camp (in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026170 Monumental Cross at Mondain (in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026177 Presbytery called House of little red pots (in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Mérimée IA00026169 Parish Church of Saint John the Baptist (in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Palissy IM64001594 Statue: Virgin and child
(in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Palissy IM64001593 Altar, Retable, and Altar Cross
(in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Palissy IM64001592 6 Altar Candlesticks
(in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Palissy IM64001591 Lighting Arm
(in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Palissy IM64001590 Christ on the Cross with Saint John, the Virgin, and Madeleine
(in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Palissy IM64001589 Retable
(in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Palissy IM64001588 6 Statuettes: Angel adoring, Saint Peter, Saint John, Saint Paul, and Saint Luke
(in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Palissy IM64001587 Tabernacle
(in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Palissy IM64001586 Altar with Altar seating
(in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Palissy IM64001585 Altar, Altar seating, Tabernacle, Retable, Lighting Arm, and 6 candlesticks
(in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Palissy IM64001555 Monstrance
(in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Palissy IM64001554 Pill-box
(in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Palissy IM64001553 Chalice with Paten
(in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Palissy IM64001552 2 Paintings: Baptism of Christ and Preaching in the Desert
(in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Palissy IM64001551 Sideboard
(in French)
^ Ministry of Culture, Palissy IM64001550 Baptismal font
(in French)
External links
![]() | Wikimedia Commons has media related to Aydie. |
- Aydie on Lion1906
Aydie on the 1750 Cassini Map
Aydie on the INSEE website (in French)
INSEE (in French)