If $p$ is an odd prime and $k$ an integer with $0<k<p-1$ then $1^k + 2^k + ldots + (p-1)^k$ is divisible by $p$$ 1^k+2^k+3^k+…+(p-1)^k $ always a multiple of $p$?Is every non-square integer a primitive root modulo some odd prime?Prove that there is an integer a such that a is a primitive root modulo p^2 and a is relatively prime to n. [Hint: Use the Chinese Remainder Theorem.]Prove that the sum $1^k+2^k+cdots+n^k$ where $n$ is an arbitrary integer and $k$ is odd, is divisible by $1+2+cdots+n$.Odd primitive root modulo an odd primeAbout Primitive roots$p_1^a - p_2^b g equiv 0 pmodp_3$ for some primitive root $g$, prime $p_3$, and fixed prime powers $p_1^a,p_2^b$If $n$ is an odd positive integer, then $2^n! − 1$ is divisible by $n$Determine if a number is a primitive rootLet $p$ be a prime. Compute $1^k + 2^k + ldots + (p-1)^k pmodp$.When g and -g are both primitive roots
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If $p$ is an odd prime and $k$ an integer with $0
$ 1^k+2^k+3^k+…+(p-1)^k $ always a multiple of $p$?Is every non-square integer a primitive root modulo some odd prime?Prove that there is an integer a such that a is a primitive root modulo p^2 and a is relatively prime to n. [Hint: Use the Chinese Remainder Theorem.]Prove that the sum $1^k+2^k+cdots+n^k$ where $n$ is an arbitrary integer and $k$ is odd, is divisible by $1+2+cdots+n$.Odd primitive root modulo an odd primeAbout Primitive roots$p_1^a - p_2^b g equiv 0 pmodp_3$ for some primitive root $g$, prime $p_3$, and fixed prime powers $p_1^a,p_2^b$If $n$ is an odd positive integer, then $2^n! − 1$ is divisible by $n$Determine if a number is a primitive rootLet $p$ be a prime. Compute $1^k + 2^k + ldots + (p-1)^k pmodp$.When g and -g are both primitive roots
If $p$ is an odd prime and $k$ an integer with $0<k<p-1$ prove that $1^k + 2^k + ldots + (p-1)^k$ is divisible by $p$. Given hint: use primitive root.
This is a question on a practice final of mine. For $k$ being odd, it seems obvious (as the $pm$ terms cancel out), but I cannot figure out how to do this for the general case.
number-theory primitive-roots
show 6 more comments
If $p$ is an odd prime and $k$ an integer with $0<k<p-1$ prove that $1^k + 2^k + ldots + (p-1)^k$ is divisible by $p$. Given hint: use primitive root.
This is a question on a practice final of mine. For $k$ being odd, it seems obvious (as the $pm$ terms cancel out), but I cannot figure out how to do this for the general case.
number-theory primitive-roots
I find $k=1,2,3$ $$frac12 (p-1) p,frac16 (p-1) p (2 p-1),frac14 (p-1)^2 p^2$$always a multiple of $p$
– Young
May 1 '16 at 8:33
It is trivial if $k$ is odd. (By using mod)
May 1 '16 at 9:31
Did you try using the hint?
– peter a g
May 9 '16 at 2:31
In the title, suggest you say "Prove for $p$ an odd prime..." to make it match with how the question is asked in the body of the post. Also include $0<k<p-1$ there for the same reason.
– coffeemath
May 9 '16 at 2:32
The important thing is that if $g$ is a primitive root then $g^1,g^2,dots, g^p-1$ are congruent to $1,2,dots, p-1$ in some order. So modulo $p$ we can write our sum as a geometric progression.
– André Nicolas
May 9 '16 at 2:44
show 6 more comments
If $p$ is an odd prime and $k$ an integer with $0<k<p-1$ prove that $1^k + 2^k + ldots + (p-1)^k$ is divisible by $p$. Given hint: use primitive root.
This is a question on a practice final of mine. For $k$ being odd, it seems obvious (as the $pm$ terms cancel out), but I cannot figure out how to do this for the general case.
number-theory primitive-roots
If $p$ is an odd prime and $k$ an integer with $0<k<p-1$ prove that $1^k + 2^k + ldots + (p-1)^k$ is divisible by $p$. Given hint: use primitive root.
This is a question on a practice final of mine. For $k$ being odd, it seems obvious (as the $pm$ terms cancel out), but I cannot figure out how to do this for the general case.
number-theory primitive-roots
number-theory primitive-roots
edited May 9 '16 at 3:43

asked May 9 '16 at 2:26
Alex KhodaverdianAlex Khodaverdian
I find $k=1,2,3$ $$frac12 (p-1) p,frac16 (p-1) p (2 p-1),frac14 (p-1)^2 p^2$$always a multiple of $p$
– Young
May 1 '16 at 8:33
It is trivial if $k$ is odd. (By using mod)
May 1 '16 at 9:31
Did you try using the hint?
– peter a g
May 9 '16 at 2:31
In the title, suggest you say "Prove for $p$ an odd prime..." to make it match with how the question is asked in the body of the post. Also include $0<k<p-1$ there for the same reason.
– coffeemath
May 9 '16 at 2:32
The important thing is that if $g$ is a primitive root then $g^1,g^2,dots, g^p-1$ are congruent to $1,2,dots, p-1$ in some order. So modulo $p$ we can write our sum as a geometric progression.
– André Nicolas
May 9 '16 at 2:44
show 6 more comments
I find $k=1,2,3$ $$frac12 (p-1) p,frac16 (p-1) p (2 p-1),frac14 (p-1)^2 p^2$$always a multiple of $p$
– Young
May 1 '16 at 8:33
It is trivial if $k$ is odd. (By using mod)
May 1 '16 at 9:31
Did you try using the hint?
– peter a g
May 9 '16 at 2:31
In the title, suggest you say "Prove for $p$ an odd prime..." to make it match with how the question is asked in the body of the post. Also include $0<k<p-1$ there for the same reason.
– coffeemath
May 9 '16 at 2:32
The important thing is that if $g$ is a primitive root then $g^1,g^2,dots, g^p-1$ are congruent to $1,2,dots, p-1$ in some order. So modulo $p$ we can write our sum as a geometric progression.
– André Nicolas
May 9 '16 at 2:44
I find $k=1,2,3$ $$frac12 (p-1) p,frac16 (p-1) p (2 p-1),frac14 (p-1)^2 p^2$$always a multiple of $p$
– Young
May 1 '16 at 8:33
I find $k=1,2,3$ $$frac12 (p-1) p,frac16 (p-1) p (2 p-1),frac14 (p-1)^2 p^2$$always a multiple of $p$
– Young
May 1 '16 at 8:33
It is trivial if $k$ is odd. (By using mod)
May 1 '16 at 9:31
It is trivial if $k$ is odd. (By using mod)
May 1 '16 at 9:31
Did you try using the hint?
– peter a g
May 9 '16 at 2:31
Did you try using the hint?
– peter a g
May 9 '16 at 2:31
In the title, suggest you say "Prove for $p$ an odd prime..." to make it match with how the question is asked in the body of the post. Also include $0<k<p-1$ there for the same reason.
– coffeemath
May 9 '16 at 2:32
In the title, suggest you say "Prove for $p$ an odd prime..." to make it match with how the question is asked in the body of the post. Also include $0<k<p-1$ there for the same reason.
– coffeemath
May 9 '16 at 2:32
The important thing is that if $g$ is a primitive root then $g^1,g^2,dots, g^p-1$ are congruent to $1,2,dots, p-1$ in some order. So modulo $p$ we can write our sum as a geometric progression.
– André Nicolas
May 9 '16 at 2:44
The important thing is that if $g$ is a primitive root then $g^1,g^2,dots, g^p-1$ are congruent to $1,2,dots, p-1$ in some order. So modulo $p$ we can write our sum as a geometric progression.
– André Nicolas
May 9 '16 at 2:44
show 6 more comments
3 Answers
Let $g$ be a primitive root of $p$, and let $S_k$ be our sum. Note that $g,g^2,g^3,dots, g^p-2$ travel in some order, modulo $p$, through the numbers $2$ to $p-1$. It follows that
$$S_k=1^k+2^k+3^k+cdots +(p-1)^kequiv 1^k+g^k+g^2k+g^3k+cdots g^(p-2)kpmodp.tag1$$
Note that
$$(1-g^k)(1+g^k+g^2k+g^3k+cdots +g^(p-2)k)=1-g^(p-1)k.$$
It follows that
$$(1-g^k)S_kequiv 1-g^(p-1)kequiv 0pmodp.$$
So $(1-g^k)S_k$ is divisible by $p$. However, $1-g^k$ is not divisible by $p$, and therefore $S_k$ is divisible by $p$.
Another way: We add a different proof, that may be less familiar. It does not use geometric series, only that $g$ has order $p-1$.
Note that $g,2g,3g,dots,(p-1)g$ travel, modulo $p$, in some order, through $1,2,3,dots,p-1$. It follows that
$$1^k+2^k+3^k+(p-1)^kequiv g^k(1^k+2^k+3^k+cdots +(p-1)^k)pmodp.$$
$$S_kequiv g^kS_kpmodp.$$
But since $g^knotequiv 1pmodp$, it follows that $S_kequiv 0pmodp$.
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Below are five alternative approaches:
First, let $a$ be a number such that $gcd(a,p)=1$ and $a^knotequiv1pmod p,$ which exists as $k<p-1.$ Then denote the sum as $S:=sumlimits_l=1^p-1l^k.$ So we find:
$$a^kcdot Sequivsumlimits_l=1^p-1(al)^kpmod p.$$
Since $1pmod p,cdots,p-1pmod p=alpmod pmid l=1,cdots,p-1,$ we conclude that $a^kcdot Sequiv Spmod p,$ and hence $Sequiv0pmod p,$ as $a^knotequiv1pmod p.$
We might also use the Faulhaber's formula: $$sumlimits_l=1^pl^k=frac1k+1sumlimits_j=0^k(-1)^jbinomk+1jB_jp^k+1-jinmathbb Q.$$ Now for $0le k<p-1,$ we have $k+1<p$ is prime to $p,$ so is invertible modulo $p.$ Moreover, by Clausen - von Staudt Theorem, the prime divisors of denominators of $B_j$ are $le j+1<p,$ and hence the denominators of $B_j$ are invertible modulo $p$ as well. Thus, by multiplying the Faulhaber's formula by $k+1$ and the denominators of $B_j,$ we find that $Sequivsumlimits_l=1^pl^kpmod p$ is a polynomial in $p,$ and hence is divisible by $p.$
The third approach is inspired by this answer. We define the operator $[z^k]$ as the coefficient of $z^k$ in a power series. Then $l^k=k![z^k]e^lz.$ Thus $$S=sumlimits_l=0^p-1l^k=sumlimits_l=0^p-1k![z^k]e^lz=k![z^k]sumlimits_l=0^p-1e^lz=k![z^k]frace^pz-1e^z-1.$$ Hence it remains to compute the coefficients of $frace^pz-1e^z-1.$
Write $e^pz-1=sumlimits_j=1^infty (p^jz^j)/j!$ and $e^z-1=sumlimits_j=1^infty (z^j)/j!.$
Thus we see that $[z^k]frace^pz-1e^z-1$ is $frac1(k+1)!$ times a polynomial in $p$ of zero constant term (one may use the Cauchy product). Then, for $0le k<p-1,$ we deduce that $S$ is divisible by $p.$
The fourth one is more algebraic: we work over $mathbb F_p.$ We consider the polynomial $f(x):=x^p-1-1inmathbb F_p[x].$ By Fermat's little theorem, $f(x)$ has $p-1$ roots $1,cdots,p-1inmathbb F_p.$ So $S=S_k$ is just the $k$-th power sum of the roots of $f(x).$ By Newton's identities, we have $$S_k=(-1)^k-1ke_k+sumlimits_i=1^k-1(-1)^k-1+ie_k-iS_i,$$ where $e_k$ is the $k$-th elementary symmetric polynomial in the roots of $f(x).$ But $e_k$ is, up to the sign, the coefficient of $x^p-1-k$ in the polynomial $x^p-1-1.$ Thus, for $k=1,cdots,p-2,$ we have $e_k=0.$ Therefore $S_k=0$ in $mathbb F_p,$ i.e. $pmid S_k.$
The following uses only the basic algebraic properties about $mathbb F_p.$
Consider the homomorphism $g:mathbb F_p^*rightarrow mathbbF_p^*$ sending $a$ to $a^k.$ Then we have the isomorphism $mathbbF_p^*/operatornameKergcongoperatornameImg.$ Denote $midoperatornameImgmid=n$ which divides $p-1.$
We first show that $nnot=1.$ If $n=1,$ then $mathbbF_p^*=operatornameKerg$ and hence $a^k=1, forall ain mathbbF_p^*,$ which is impossible since a polynomial of degree $k$ can have at most $k$ roots in a field.
Then we choose $n$ representatives of $mathbbF_p^*/operatornameKerg$ in $mathbbF_p^*:a_1,cdots,a_n,$ so that $mathbbF_p^*=bigcuplimits_i=1^na_icdotoperatornameKerg.$ Hence $$S_k=sumlimits_i=1^nsumlimits_linoperatornameKerg(a_icdot l)^k=sumlimits_i=1^nncdot a_i^k=ncdotsumlimits_i=1^ng(a_i)$$
Now $g(a_i)mid i=1,cdots,n=operatornameImg.$ Moreover, every element $l$ in $operatornameImg$ has order dividing $n,$ by Lagrange theorem, so each element in $operatornameImg$ is a root of $x^n-1.$ As that polynomial has no more than $n$ roots, it follows that $operatornameImg$ consists of the roots of $x^n-1$ in $mathbbF_p.$ Therefore $S_k=ncdotsumlimits_r^n-1=0r,$ and hence $S_k$ is, up to a sign, equal to $n$ times the coefficient of $x$ in $x^n-1.$ But $n>1,$ thus $S_k=0$ in $mathbbF_p,$ i.e. $pmid S_k.$
Please point out any inappropriate points or doubts; hope this helps.
You are awesome! This is magical!!
– Subham Jaiswal
May 23 '16 at 17:46
Ah! Sorry, for some reason I didn't notice your comment before. Thanks for the compliment. :)
– awllower
Jan 8 '17 at 8:49
I do not understand the reason to down-vote. Per chance I did something inappropriate in this answer, or is there anything I can improve upon? Care to point it out?
– awllower
Mar 31 at 7:41
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As $(r,p)=1;1le rle p-1$
If $(p-1)|k, r^kequiv 1pmod p$
If $a$ is a primitive root $pmod p,$
$1,2,cdots, p-2,p-1;a^r, 0le rle p-1$ are the same set
$$impliessum_u=1^p-1u^kequivsum_r=1^p-1(a^r)^kpmod p$$
Now $(a^k)^p-1=(a^p-1)^kequiv1^kequiv?$
and $pnmid(a^k-1)iff(a^k-1,p)=1$ as $(p-1)nmid k$
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3 Answers
3 Answers
Let $g$ be a primitive root of $p$, and let $S_k$ be our sum. Note that $g,g^2,g^3,dots, g^p-2$ travel in some order, modulo $p$, through the numbers $2$ to $p-1$. It follows that
$$S_k=1^k+2^k+3^k+cdots +(p-1)^kequiv 1^k+g^k+g^2k+g^3k+cdots g^(p-2)kpmodp.tag1$$
Note that
$$(1-g^k)(1+g^k+g^2k+g^3k+cdots +g^(p-2)k)=1-g^(p-1)k.$$
It follows that
$$(1-g^k)S_kequiv 1-g^(p-1)kequiv 0pmodp.$$
So $(1-g^k)S_k$ is divisible by $p$. However, $1-g^k$ is not divisible by $p$, and therefore $S_k$ is divisible by $p$.
Another way: We add a different proof, that may be less familiar. It does not use geometric series, only that $g$ has order $p-1$.
Note that $g,2g,3g,dots,(p-1)g$ travel, modulo $p$, in some order, through $1,2,3,dots,p-1$. It follows that
$$1^k+2^k+3^k+(p-1)^kequiv g^k(1^k+2^k+3^k+cdots +(p-1)^k)pmodp.$$
$$S_kequiv g^kS_kpmodp.$$
But since $g^knotequiv 1pmodp$, it follows that $S_kequiv 0pmodp$.
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Let $g$ be a primitive root of $p$, and let $S_k$ be our sum. Note that $g,g^2,g^3,dots, g^p-2$ travel in some order, modulo $p$, through the numbers $2$ to $p-1$. It follows that
$$S_k=1^k+2^k+3^k+cdots +(p-1)^kequiv 1^k+g^k+g^2k+g^3k+cdots g^(p-2)kpmodp.tag1$$
Note that
$$(1-g^k)(1+g^k+g^2k+g^3k+cdots +g^(p-2)k)=1-g^(p-1)k.$$
It follows that
$$(1-g^k)S_kequiv 1-g^(p-1)kequiv 0pmodp.$$
So $(1-g^k)S_k$ is divisible by $p$. However, $1-g^k$ is not divisible by $p$, and therefore $S_k$ is divisible by $p$.
Another way: We add a different proof, that may be less familiar. It does not use geometric series, only that $g$ has order $p-1$.
Note that $g,2g,3g,dots,(p-1)g$ travel, modulo $p$, in some order, through $1,2,3,dots,p-1$. It follows that
$$1^k+2^k+3^k+(p-1)^kequiv g^k(1^k+2^k+3^k+cdots +(p-1)^k)pmodp.$$
$$S_kequiv g^kS_kpmodp.$$
But since $g^knotequiv 1pmodp$, it follows that $S_kequiv 0pmodp$.
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Let $g$ be a primitive root of $p$, and let $S_k$ be our sum. Note that $g,g^2,g^3,dots, g^p-2$ travel in some order, modulo $p$, through the numbers $2$ to $p-1$. It follows that
$$S_k=1^k+2^k+3^k+cdots +(p-1)^kequiv 1^k+g^k+g^2k+g^3k+cdots g^(p-2)kpmodp.tag1$$
Note that
$$(1-g^k)(1+g^k+g^2k+g^3k+cdots +g^(p-2)k)=1-g^(p-1)k.$$
It follows that
$$(1-g^k)S_kequiv 1-g^(p-1)kequiv 0pmodp.$$
So $(1-g^k)S_k$ is divisible by $p$. However, $1-g^k$ is not divisible by $p$, and therefore $S_k$ is divisible by $p$.
Another way: We add a different proof, that may be less familiar. It does not use geometric series, only that $g$ has order $p-1$.
Note that $g,2g,3g,dots,(p-1)g$ travel, modulo $p$, in some order, through $1,2,3,dots,p-1$. It follows that
$$1^k+2^k+3^k+(p-1)^kequiv g^k(1^k+2^k+3^k+cdots +(p-1)^k)pmodp.$$
$$S_kequiv g^kS_kpmodp.$$
But since $g^knotequiv 1pmodp$, it follows that $S_kequiv 0pmodp$.
Let $g$ be a primitive root of $p$, and let $S_k$ be our sum. Note that $g,g^2,g^3,dots, g^p-2$ travel in some order, modulo $p$, through the numbers $2$ to $p-1$. It follows that
$$S_k=1^k+2^k+3^k+cdots +(p-1)^kequiv 1^k+g^k+g^2k+g^3k+cdots g^(p-2)kpmodp.tag1$$
Note that
$$(1-g^k)(1+g^k+g^2k+g^3k+cdots +g^(p-2)k)=1-g^(p-1)k.$$
It follows that
$$(1-g^k)S_kequiv 1-g^(p-1)kequiv 0pmodp.$$
So $(1-g^k)S_k$ is divisible by $p$. However, $1-g^k$ is not divisible by $p$, and therefore $S_k$ is divisible by $p$.
Another way: We add a different proof, that may be less familiar. It does not use geometric series, only that $g$ has order $p-1$.
Note that $g,2g,3g,dots,(p-1)g$ travel, modulo $p$, in some order, through $1,2,3,dots,p-1$. It follows that
$$1^k+2^k+3^k+(p-1)^kequiv g^k(1^k+2^k+3^k+cdots +(p-1)^k)pmodp.$$
$$S_kequiv g^kS_kpmodp.$$
But since $g^knotequiv 1pmodp$, it follows that $S_kequiv 0pmodp$.
edited May 9 '16 at 3:28
answered May 9 '16 at 3:11
André NicolasAndré Nicolas
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Below are five alternative approaches:
First, let $a$ be a number such that $gcd(a,p)=1$ and $a^knotequiv1pmod p,$ which exists as $k<p-1.$ Then denote the sum as $S:=sumlimits_l=1^p-1l^k.$ So we find:
$$a^kcdot Sequivsumlimits_l=1^p-1(al)^kpmod p.$$
Since $1pmod p,cdots,p-1pmod p=alpmod pmid l=1,cdots,p-1,$ we conclude that $a^kcdot Sequiv Spmod p,$ and hence $Sequiv0pmod p,$ as $a^knotequiv1pmod p.$
We might also use the Faulhaber's formula: $$sumlimits_l=1^pl^k=frac1k+1sumlimits_j=0^k(-1)^jbinomk+1jB_jp^k+1-jinmathbb Q.$$ Now for $0le k<p-1,$ we have $k+1<p$ is prime to $p,$ so is invertible modulo $p.$ Moreover, by Clausen - von Staudt Theorem, the prime divisors of denominators of $B_j$ are $le j+1<p,$ and hence the denominators of $B_j$ are invertible modulo $p$ as well. Thus, by multiplying the Faulhaber's formula by $k+1$ and the denominators of $B_j,$ we find that $Sequivsumlimits_l=1^pl^kpmod p$ is a polynomial in $p,$ and hence is divisible by $p.$
The third approach is inspired by this answer. We define the operator $[z^k]$ as the coefficient of $z^k$ in a power series. Then $l^k=k![z^k]e^lz.$ Thus $$S=sumlimits_l=0^p-1l^k=sumlimits_l=0^p-1k![z^k]e^lz=k![z^k]sumlimits_l=0^p-1e^lz=k![z^k]frace^pz-1e^z-1.$$ Hence it remains to compute the coefficients of $frace^pz-1e^z-1.$
Write $e^pz-1=sumlimits_j=1^infty (p^jz^j)/j!$ and $e^z-1=sumlimits_j=1^infty (z^j)/j!.$
Thus we see that $[z^k]frace^pz-1e^z-1$ is $frac1(k+1)!$ times a polynomial in $p$ of zero constant term (one may use the Cauchy product). Then, for $0le k<p-1,$ we deduce that $S$ is divisible by $p.$
The fourth one is more algebraic: we work over $mathbb F_p.$ We consider the polynomial $f(x):=x^p-1-1inmathbb F_p[x].$ By Fermat's little theorem, $f(x)$ has $p-1$ roots $1,cdots,p-1inmathbb F_p.$ So $S=S_k$ is just the $k$-th power sum of the roots of $f(x).$ By Newton's identities, we have $$S_k=(-1)^k-1ke_k+sumlimits_i=1^k-1(-1)^k-1+ie_k-iS_i,$$ where $e_k$ is the $k$-th elementary symmetric polynomial in the roots of $f(x).$ But $e_k$ is, up to the sign, the coefficient of $x^p-1-k$ in the polynomial $x^p-1-1.$ Thus, for $k=1,cdots,p-2,$ we have $e_k=0.$ Therefore $S_k=0$ in $mathbb F_p,$ i.e. $pmid S_k.$
The following uses only the basic algebraic properties about $mathbb F_p.$
Consider the homomorphism $g:mathbb F_p^*rightarrow mathbbF_p^*$ sending $a$ to $a^k.$ Then we have the isomorphism $mathbbF_p^*/operatornameKergcongoperatornameImg.$ Denote $midoperatornameImgmid=n$ which divides $p-1.$
We first show that $nnot=1.$ If $n=1,$ then $mathbbF_p^*=operatornameKerg$ and hence $a^k=1, forall ain mathbbF_p^*,$ which is impossible since a polynomial of degree $k$ can have at most $k$ roots in a field.
Then we choose $n$ representatives of $mathbbF_p^*/operatornameKerg$ in $mathbbF_p^*:a_1,cdots,a_n,$ so that $mathbbF_p^*=bigcuplimits_i=1^na_icdotoperatornameKerg.$ Hence $$S_k=sumlimits_i=1^nsumlimits_linoperatornameKerg(a_icdot l)^k=sumlimits_i=1^nncdot a_i^k=ncdotsumlimits_i=1^ng(a_i)$$
Now $g(a_i)mid i=1,cdots,n=operatornameImg.$ Moreover, every element $l$ in $operatornameImg$ has order dividing $n,$ by Lagrange theorem, so each element in $operatornameImg$ is a root of $x^n-1.$ As that polynomial has no more than $n$ roots, it follows that $operatornameImg$ consists of the roots of $x^n-1$ in $mathbbF_p.$ Therefore $S_k=ncdotsumlimits_r^n-1=0r,$ and hence $S_k$ is, up to a sign, equal to $n$ times the coefficient of $x$ in $x^n-1.$ But $n>1,$ thus $S_k=0$ in $mathbbF_p,$ i.e. $pmid S_k.$
Please point out any inappropriate points or doubts; hope this helps.
You are awesome! This is magical!!
– Subham Jaiswal
May 23 '16 at 17:46
Ah! Sorry, for some reason I didn't notice your comment before. Thanks for the compliment. :)
– awllower
Jan 8 '17 at 8:49
I do not understand the reason to down-vote. Per chance I did something inappropriate in this answer, or is there anything I can improve upon? Care to point it out?
– awllower
Mar 31 at 7:41
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Below are five alternative approaches:
First, let $a$ be a number such that $gcd(a,p)=1$ and $a^knotequiv1pmod p,$ which exists as $k<p-1.$ Then denote the sum as $S:=sumlimits_l=1^p-1l^k.$ So we find:
$$a^kcdot Sequivsumlimits_l=1^p-1(al)^kpmod p.$$
Since $1pmod p,cdots,p-1pmod p=alpmod pmid l=1,cdots,p-1,$ we conclude that $a^kcdot Sequiv Spmod p,$ and hence $Sequiv0pmod p,$ as $a^knotequiv1pmod p.$
We might also use the Faulhaber's formula: $$sumlimits_l=1^pl^k=frac1k+1sumlimits_j=0^k(-1)^jbinomk+1jB_jp^k+1-jinmathbb Q.$$ Now for $0le k<p-1,$ we have $k+1<p$ is prime to $p,$ so is invertible modulo $p.$ Moreover, by Clausen - von Staudt Theorem, the prime divisors of denominators of $B_j$ are $le j+1<p,$ and hence the denominators of $B_j$ are invertible modulo $p$ as well. Thus, by multiplying the Faulhaber's formula by $k+1$ and the denominators of $B_j,$ we find that $Sequivsumlimits_l=1^pl^kpmod p$ is a polynomial in $p,$ and hence is divisible by $p.$
The third approach is inspired by this answer. We define the operator $[z^k]$ as the coefficient of $z^k$ in a power series. Then $l^k=k![z^k]e^lz.$ Thus $$S=sumlimits_l=0^p-1l^k=sumlimits_l=0^p-1k![z^k]e^lz=k![z^k]sumlimits_l=0^p-1e^lz=k![z^k]frace^pz-1e^z-1.$$ Hence it remains to compute the coefficients of $frace^pz-1e^z-1.$
Write $e^pz-1=sumlimits_j=1^infty (p^jz^j)/j!$ and $e^z-1=sumlimits_j=1^infty (z^j)/j!.$
Thus we see that $[z^k]frace^pz-1e^z-1$ is $frac1(k+1)!$ times a polynomial in $p$ of zero constant term (one may use the Cauchy product). Then, for $0le k<p-1,$ we deduce that $S$ is divisible by $p.$
The fourth one is more algebraic: we work over $mathbb F_p.$ We consider the polynomial $f(x):=x^p-1-1inmathbb F_p[x].$ By Fermat's little theorem, $f(x)$ has $p-1$ roots $1,cdots,p-1inmathbb F_p.$ So $S=S_k$ is just the $k$-th power sum of the roots of $f(x).$ By Newton's identities, we have $$S_k=(-1)^k-1ke_k+sumlimits_i=1^k-1(-1)^k-1+ie_k-iS_i,$$ where $e_k$ is the $k$-th elementary symmetric polynomial in the roots of $f(x).$ But $e_k$ is, up to the sign, the coefficient of $x^p-1-k$ in the polynomial $x^p-1-1.$ Thus, for $k=1,cdots,p-2,$ we have $e_k=0.$ Therefore $S_k=0$ in $mathbb F_p,$ i.e. $pmid S_k.$
The following uses only the basic algebraic properties about $mathbb F_p.$
Consider the homomorphism $g:mathbb F_p^*rightarrow mathbbF_p^*$ sending $a$ to $a^k.$ Then we have the isomorphism $mathbbF_p^*/operatornameKergcongoperatornameImg.$ Denote $midoperatornameImgmid=n$ which divides $p-1.$
We first show that $nnot=1.$ If $n=1,$ then $mathbbF_p^*=operatornameKerg$ and hence $a^k=1, forall ain mathbbF_p^*,$ which is impossible since a polynomial of degree $k$ can have at most $k$ roots in a field.
Then we choose $n$ representatives of $mathbbF_p^*/operatornameKerg$ in $mathbbF_p^*:a_1,cdots,a_n,$ so that $mathbbF_p^*=bigcuplimits_i=1^na_icdotoperatornameKerg.$ Hence $$S_k=sumlimits_i=1^nsumlimits_linoperatornameKerg(a_icdot l)^k=sumlimits_i=1^nncdot a_i^k=ncdotsumlimits_i=1^ng(a_i)$$
Now $g(a_i)mid i=1,cdots,n=operatornameImg.$ Moreover, every element $l$ in $operatornameImg$ has order dividing $n,$ by Lagrange theorem, so each element in $operatornameImg$ is a root of $x^n-1.$ As that polynomial has no more than $n$ roots, it follows that $operatornameImg$ consists of the roots of $x^n-1$ in $mathbbF_p.$ Therefore $S_k=ncdotsumlimits_r^n-1=0r,$ and hence $S_k$ is, up to a sign, equal to $n$ times the coefficient of $x$ in $x^n-1.$ But $n>1,$ thus $S_k=0$ in $mathbbF_p,$ i.e. $pmid S_k.$
Please point out any inappropriate points or doubts; hope this helps.
You are awesome! This is magical!!
– Subham Jaiswal
May 23 '16 at 17:46
Ah! Sorry, for some reason I didn't notice your comment before. Thanks for the compliment. :)
– awllower
Jan 8 '17 at 8:49
I do not understand the reason to down-vote. Per chance I did something inappropriate in this answer, or is there anything I can improve upon? Care to point it out?
– awllower
Mar 31 at 7:41
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Below are five alternative approaches:
First, let $a$ be a number such that $gcd(a,p)=1$ and $a^knotequiv1pmod p,$ which exists as $k<p-1.$ Then denote the sum as $S:=sumlimits_l=1^p-1l^k.$ So we find:
$$a^kcdot Sequivsumlimits_l=1^p-1(al)^kpmod p.$$
Since $1pmod p,cdots,p-1pmod p=alpmod pmid l=1,cdots,p-1,$ we conclude that $a^kcdot Sequiv Spmod p,$ and hence $Sequiv0pmod p,$ as $a^knotequiv1pmod p.$
We might also use the Faulhaber's formula: $$sumlimits_l=1^pl^k=frac1k+1sumlimits_j=0^k(-1)^jbinomk+1jB_jp^k+1-jinmathbb Q.$$ Now for $0le k<p-1,$ we have $k+1<p$ is prime to $p,$ so is invertible modulo $p.$ Moreover, by Clausen - von Staudt Theorem, the prime divisors of denominators of $B_j$ are $le j+1<p,$ and hence the denominators of $B_j$ are invertible modulo $p$ as well. Thus, by multiplying the Faulhaber's formula by $k+1$ and the denominators of $B_j,$ we find that $Sequivsumlimits_l=1^pl^kpmod p$ is a polynomial in $p,$ and hence is divisible by $p.$
The third approach is inspired by this answer. We define the operator $[z^k]$ as the coefficient of $z^k$ in a power series. Then $l^k=k![z^k]e^lz.$ Thus $$S=sumlimits_l=0^p-1l^k=sumlimits_l=0^p-1k![z^k]e^lz=k![z^k]sumlimits_l=0^p-1e^lz=k![z^k]frace^pz-1e^z-1.$$ Hence it remains to compute the coefficients of $frace^pz-1e^z-1.$
Write $e^pz-1=sumlimits_j=1^infty (p^jz^j)/j!$ and $e^z-1=sumlimits_j=1^infty (z^j)/j!.$
Thus we see that $[z^k]frace^pz-1e^z-1$ is $frac1(k+1)!$ times a polynomial in $p$ of zero constant term (one may use the Cauchy product). Then, for $0le k<p-1,$ we deduce that $S$ is divisible by $p.$
The fourth one is more algebraic: we work over $mathbb F_p.$ We consider the polynomial $f(x):=x^p-1-1inmathbb F_p[x].$ By Fermat's little theorem, $f(x)$ has $p-1$ roots $1,cdots,p-1inmathbb F_p.$ So $S=S_k$ is just the $k$-th power sum of the roots of $f(x).$ By Newton's identities, we have $$S_k=(-1)^k-1ke_k+sumlimits_i=1^k-1(-1)^k-1+ie_k-iS_i,$$ where $e_k$ is the $k$-th elementary symmetric polynomial in the roots of $f(x).$ But $e_k$ is, up to the sign, the coefficient of $x^p-1-k$ in the polynomial $x^p-1-1.$ Thus, for $k=1,cdots,p-2,$ we have $e_k=0.$ Therefore $S_k=0$ in $mathbb F_p,$ i.e. $pmid S_k.$
The following uses only the basic algebraic properties about $mathbb F_p.$
Consider the homomorphism $g:mathbb F_p^*rightarrow mathbbF_p^*$ sending $a$ to $a^k.$ Then we have the isomorphism $mathbbF_p^*/operatornameKergcongoperatornameImg.$ Denote $midoperatornameImgmid=n$ which divides $p-1.$
We first show that $nnot=1.$ If $n=1,$ then $mathbbF_p^*=operatornameKerg$ and hence $a^k=1, forall ain mathbbF_p^*,$ which is impossible since a polynomial of degree $k$ can have at most $k$ roots in a field.
Then we choose $n$ representatives of $mathbbF_p^*/operatornameKerg$ in $mathbbF_p^*:a_1,cdots,a_n,$ so that $mathbbF_p^*=bigcuplimits_i=1^na_icdotoperatornameKerg.$ Hence $$S_k=sumlimits_i=1^nsumlimits_linoperatornameKerg(a_icdot l)^k=sumlimits_i=1^nncdot a_i^k=ncdotsumlimits_i=1^ng(a_i)$$
Now $g(a_i)mid i=1,cdots,n=operatornameImg.$ Moreover, every element $l$ in $operatornameImg$ has order dividing $n,$ by Lagrange theorem, so each element in $operatornameImg$ is a root of $x^n-1.$ As that polynomial has no more than $n$ roots, it follows that $operatornameImg$ consists of the roots of $x^n-1$ in $mathbbF_p.$ Therefore $S_k=ncdotsumlimits_r^n-1=0r,$ and hence $S_k$ is, up to a sign, equal to $n$ times the coefficient of $x$ in $x^n-1.$ But $n>1,$ thus $S_k=0$ in $mathbbF_p,$ i.e. $pmid S_k.$
Please point out any inappropriate points or doubts; hope this helps.
Below are five alternative approaches:
First, let $a$ be a number such that $gcd(a,p)=1$ and $a^knotequiv1pmod p,$ which exists as $k<p-1.$ Then denote the sum as $S:=sumlimits_l=1^p-1l^k.$ So we find:
$$a^kcdot Sequivsumlimits_l=1^p-1(al)^kpmod p.$$
Since $1pmod p,cdots,p-1pmod p=alpmod pmid l=1,cdots,p-1,$ we conclude that $a^kcdot Sequiv Spmod p,$ and hence $Sequiv0pmod p,$ as $a^knotequiv1pmod p.$
We might also use the Faulhaber's formula: $$sumlimits_l=1^pl^k=frac1k+1sumlimits_j=0^k(-1)^jbinomk+1jB_jp^k+1-jinmathbb Q.$$ Now for $0le k<p-1,$ we have $k+1<p$ is prime to $p,$ so is invertible modulo $p.$ Moreover, by Clausen - von Staudt Theorem, the prime divisors of denominators of $B_j$ are $le j+1<p,$ and hence the denominators of $B_j$ are invertible modulo $p$ as well. Thus, by multiplying the Faulhaber's formula by $k+1$ and the denominators of $B_j,$ we find that $Sequivsumlimits_l=1^pl^kpmod p$ is a polynomial in $p,$ and hence is divisible by $p.$
The third approach is inspired by this answer. We define the operator $[z^k]$ as the coefficient of $z^k$ in a power series. Then $l^k=k![z^k]e^lz.$ Thus $$S=sumlimits_l=0^p-1l^k=sumlimits_l=0^p-1k![z^k]e^lz=k![z^k]sumlimits_l=0^p-1e^lz=k![z^k]frace^pz-1e^z-1.$$ Hence it remains to compute the coefficients of $frace^pz-1e^z-1.$
Write $e^pz-1=sumlimits_j=1^infty (p^jz^j)/j!$ and $e^z-1=sumlimits_j=1^infty (z^j)/j!.$
Thus we see that $[z^k]frace^pz-1e^z-1$ is $frac1(k+1)!$ times a polynomial in $p$ of zero constant term (one may use the Cauchy product). Then, for $0le k<p-1,$ we deduce that $S$ is divisible by $p.$
The fourth one is more algebraic: we work over $mathbb F_p.$ We consider the polynomial $f(x):=x^p-1-1inmathbb F_p[x].$ By Fermat's little theorem, $f(x)$ has $p-1$ roots $1,cdots,p-1inmathbb F_p.$ So $S=S_k$ is just the $k$-th power sum of the roots of $f(x).$ By Newton's identities, we have $$S_k=(-1)^k-1ke_k+sumlimits_i=1^k-1(-1)^k-1+ie_k-iS_i,$$ where $e_k$ is the $k$-th elementary symmetric polynomial in the roots of $f(x).$ But $e_k$ is, up to the sign, the coefficient of $x^p-1-k$ in the polynomial $x^p-1-1.$ Thus, for $k=1,cdots,p-2,$ we have $e_k=0.$ Therefore $S_k=0$ in $mathbb F_p,$ i.e. $pmid S_k.$
The following uses only the basic algebraic properties about $mathbb F_p.$
Consider the homomorphism $g:mathbb F_p^*rightarrow mathbbF_p^*$ sending $a$ to $a^k.$ Then we have the isomorphism $mathbbF_p^*/operatornameKergcongoperatornameImg.$ Denote $midoperatornameImgmid=n$ which divides $p-1.$
We first show that $nnot=1.$ If $n=1,$ then $mathbbF_p^*=operatornameKerg$ and hence $a^k=1, forall ain mathbbF_p^*,$ which is impossible since a polynomial of degree $k$ can have at most $k$ roots in a field.
Then we choose $n$ representatives of $mathbbF_p^*/operatornameKerg$ in $mathbbF_p^*:a_1,cdots,a_n,$ so that $mathbbF_p^*=bigcuplimits_i=1^na_icdotoperatornameKerg.$ Hence $$S_k=sumlimits_i=1^nsumlimits_linoperatornameKerg(a_icdot l)^k=sumlimits_i=1^nncdot a_i^k=ncdotsumlimits_i=1^ng(a_i)$$
Now $g(a_i)mid i=1,cdots,n=operatornameImg.$ Moreover, every element $l$ in $operatornameImg$ has order dividing $n,$ by Lagrange theorem, so each element in $operatornameImg$ is a root of $x^n-1.$ As that polynomial has no more than $n$ roots, it follows that $operatornameImg$ consists of the roots of $x^n-1$ in $mathbbF_p.$ Therefore $S_k=ncdotsumlimits_r^n-1=0r,$ and hence $S_k$ is, up to a sign, equal to $n$ times the coefficient of $x$ in $x^n-1.$ But $n>1,$ thus $S_k=0$ in $mathbbF_p,$ i.e. $pmid S_k.$
Please point out any inappropriate points or doubts; hope this helps.
edited Apr 13 '17 at 12:20
answered May 23 '16 at 15:54

You are awesome! This is magical!!
– Subham Jaiswal
May 23 '16 at 17:46
Ah! Sorry, for some reason I didn't notice your comment before. Thanks for the compliment. :)
– awllower
Jan 8 '17 at 8:49
I do not understand the reason to down-vote. Per chance I did something inappropriate in this answer, or is there anything I can improve upon? Care to point it out?
– awllower
Mar 31 at 7:41
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You are awesome! This is magical!!
– Subham Jaiswal
May 23 '16 at 17:46
Ah! Sorry, for some reason I didn't notice your comment before. Thanks for the compliment. :)
– awllower
Jan 8 '17 at 8:49
I do not understand the reason to down-vote. Per chance I did something inappropriate in this answer, or is there anything I can improve upon? Care to point it out?
– awllower
Mar 31 at 7:41
You are awesome! This is magical!!
– Subham Jaiswal
May 23 '16 at 17:46
You are awesome! This is magical!!
– Subham Jaiswal
May 23 '16 at 17:46
Ah! Sorry, for some reason I didn't notice your comment before. Thanks for the compliment. :)
– awllower
Jan 8 '17 at 8:49
Ah! Sorry, for some reason I didn't notice your comment before. Thanks for the compliment. :)
– awllower
Jan 8 '17 at 8:49
I do not understand the reason to down-vote. Per chance I did something inappropriate in this answer, or is there anything I can improve upon? Care to point it out?
– awllower
Mar 31 at 7:41
I do not understand the reason to down-vote. Per chance I did something inappropriate in this answer, or is there anything I can improve upon? Care to point it out?
– awllower
Mar 31 at 7:41
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As $(r,p)=1;1le rle p-1$
If $(p-1)|k, r^kequiv 1pmod p$
If $a$ is a primitive root $pmod p,$
$1,2,cdots, p-2,p-1;a^r, 0le rle p-1$ are the same set
$$impliessum_u=1^p-1u^kequivsum_r=1^p-1(a^r)^kpmod p$$
Now $(a^k)^p-1=(a^p-1)^kequiv1^kequiv?$
and $pnmid(a^k-1)iff(a^k-1,p)=1$ as $(p-1)nmid k$
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As $(r,p)=1;1le rle p-1$
If $(p-1)|k, r^kequiv 1pmod p$
If $a$ is a primitive root $pmod p,$
$1,2,cdots, p-2,p-1;a^r, 0le rle p-1$ are the same set
$$impliessum_u=1^p-1u^kequivsum_r=1^p-1(a^r)^kpmod p$$
Now $(a^k)^p-1=(a^p-1)^kequiv1^kequiv?$
and $pnmid(a^k-1)iff(a^k-1,p)=1$ as $(p-1)nmid k$
add a comment |
As $(r,p)=1;1le rle p-1$
If $(p-1)|k, r^kequiv 1pmod p$
If $a$ is a primitive root $pmod p,$
$1,2,cdots, p-2,p-1;a^r, 0le rle p-1$ are the same set
$$impliessum_u=1^p-1u^kequivsum_r=1^p-1(a^r)^kpmod p$$
Now $(a^k)^p-1=(a^p-1)^kequiv1^kequiv?$
and $pnmid(a^k-1)iff(a^k-1,p)=1$ as $(p-1)nmid k$
As $(r,p)=1;1le rle p-1$
If $(p-1)|k, r^kequiv 1pmod p$
If $a$ is a primitive root $pmod p,$
$1,2,cdots, p-2,p-1;a^r, 0le rle p-1$ are the same set
$$impliessum_u=1^p-1u^kequivsum_r=1^p-1(a^r)^kpmod p$$
Now $(a^k)^p-1=(a^p-1)^kequiv1^kequiv?$
and $pnmid(a^k-1)iff(a^k-1,p)=1$ as $(p-1)nmid k$
answered May 1 '16 at 8:46
lab bhattacharjeelab bhattacharjee
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I find $k=1,2,3$ $$frac12 (p-1) p,frac16 (p-1) p (2 p-1),frac14 (p-1)^2 p^2$$always a multiple of $p$
– Young
May 1 '16 at 8:33
It is trivial if $k$ is odd. (By using mod)
May 1 '16 at 9:31
Did you try using the hint?
– peter a g
May 9 '16 at 2:31
In the title, suggest you say "Prove for $p$ an odd prime..." to make it match with how the question is asked in the body of the post. Also include $0<k<p-1$ there for the same reason.
– coffeemath
May 9 '16 at 2:32
The important thing is that if $g$ is a primitive root then $g^1,g^2,dots, g^p-1$ are congruent to $1,2,dots, p-1$ in some order. So modulo $p$ we can write our sum as a geometric progression.
– André Nicolas
May 9 '16 at 2:44