Closed form for the series $sum_k=1^infty (-1)^k ln left( tanh fracpi k x2 right)$series involving $log left(tanhfracpi k2 right)$Show that $int_0^1ln(-lnx)cdotmathrm dxover 1+x^2=-sumlimits_n=0^infty1over 2n+1cdot2piover e^pi(2n+1)+1$ and evaluate itAn arctan series with a parameter $sum_n=1^infty arctan left(frac2a^2n^2}right)$Closed form for $prod_n=1^inftysqrt[2^n]{fracGamma(2^n+frac12)Gamma(2^n)$Closed form for $prod_n=1^inftysqrt[2^n]tanh(2^n),$A closed form for the infinite series $sum_n=1^infty (-1)^n+1arctan left( frac 1 n right)$Conjectured closed form for $sum_n=-infty^inftyfrac1coshpi n+frac1sqrt2$Closed form of infinite product $prodlimits_k=0^infty 2 left(1-fracx^1/2^k+11+x^1/2^k right)$About $prod_ninmathbb Zleft[tanhBig(fracpi2sqrta^2n^2+abBig)overtanhBig(fracpi2sqrtn^2/a^2+b/aBig)right]^(-1)^n=1$A closed form of $sum_n=1^inftyleft[ H_n^2-left(ln n+gamma+frac12n right)^2right]$Closed form for $sum_n=1^infty left(e-left(1+frac1nright)^n right)^2$?closed-form of series

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Closed form for the series $sum_k=1^infty (-1)^k ln left( tanh fracpi k x2 right)$

series involving $log left(tanhfracpi k2 right)$Show that $int_0^1ln(-lnx)cdotmathrm dxover 1+x^2=-sumlimits_n=0^infty1over 2n+1cdot2piover e^pi(2n+1)+1$ and evaluate itAn arctan series with a parameter $sum_n=1^infty arctan left(frac2a^2n^2right)$Closed form for $prod_n=1^inftysqrt[2^n]fracGamma(2^n+frac12)Gamma(2^n)$Closed form for $prod_n=1^inftysqrt[2^n]tanh(2^n),$A closed form for the infinite series $sum_n=1^infty (-1)^n+1arctan left( frac 1 n right)$Conjectured closed form for $sum_n=-infty^inftyfrac1coshpi n+frac1sqrt2$Closed form of infinite product $prodlimits_k=0^infty 2 left(1-fracx^1/2^k+11+x^1/2^k right)$About $prod_ninmathbb Zleft[tanhBig(fracpi2sqrta^2n^2+abBig)overtanhBig(fracpi2sqrtn^2/a^2+b/aBig)right]^(-1)^n=1$A closed form of $sum_n=1^inftyleft[ H_n^2-left(ln n+gamma+frac12n right)^2right]$Closed form for $sum_n=1^infty left(e-left(1+frac1nright)^n right)^2$?closed-form of series



Is there a closed form for: $$f(x)=sum_k=1^infty (-1)^k ln left( tanh fracpi k x2 right)=2sum_n=0^infty frac12n+1frac1e^pi (2n+1) x+1$$

This sum originated from a recent question, where we have:

$$f(1)= -frac1piint_0^1 ln left( ln frac1x right) fracdx1+x^2=ln fracGamma (3/4)pi^1/4$$

If we differentiate w.r.t. $x$, we obtain:

$$f'(x)=sum_k=1^infty (-1)^k fracpi ksinh pi k x$$

There is again a closed form for $x=1$ (obtained numerically):


So, is there a closed form or at least an integral definition for arbitrary $x>0$?

The series converges absolutely (numerically at least):

$$sum_k=1^infty ln left( tanh fracpi k x2 right)< infty$$

Thus, this series can also be expressed as a logarithm of an infinite product:

$$f(x)=ln prod_k=1^infty tanh (pi k x) - ln prod_k=1^infty tanh left( pi (k-1/2) x right)$$

$$e^f(x)= prod_k=1^infty fractanh (pi k x)tanh left( pi (k-1/2) x right)$$

This by the way leads to:

$$prod_k=1^infty fractanh (pi k)tanh left( pi (k-1/2) right)=fracpi^1/4Gamma(3/4)$$

I feel like there is a way to use the infinite product form for $sinh$ and $cosh$:

$$sinh (pi x)=pi x prod_n=1^infty left(1+fracx^2n^2 right)$$

$$cosh (pi x)=prod_n=1^infty left(1+fracx^2(n-1/2)^2 right)$$

share|cite|improve this question


  • 1

    In my answer to the linked question I have shown that the series on right equals $$frac12logvartheta_3(q)$$ where $q = e^-pi x$. I don't think there is any closed form different from theta functions and their cousins elliptic integrals.
    – Paramanand Singh
    Feb 26 '17 at 16:14

  • 2

    One can get a closed form if one considers the function $$g(x) = sum_n = 1^inftylogtanh fracnpi x2 = logvartheta_4(q)$$ (see and then $$g(x) - f(x) = frac14logfracvartheta_4^4(q)vartheta_3^4(q) = frac14log(1 - k^2)$$ so that if $x = sqrtr, r inmathbbQ^+$ then $k$ is algebraic and we have a closed form for $g(x) - f(x)$.
    – Paramanand Singh
    Feb 26 '17 at 16:42

  • $begingroup$
    @ParamanandSingh, oh, I didn't read your answer carefully enough. I haven't noticed that you give the general closed form
    – Yuriy S
    Feb 26 '17 at 16:45

  • 2

    The general form is proved there, but it is evaluated in terms of Gamma values only for specific value of $q = e^-pi$ (which is specific to that integral like your $f(1)$ instead of general $f(x)$).
    – Paramanand Singh
    Feb 26 '17 at 16:51



Is there a closed form for: $$f(x)=sum_k=1^infty (-1)^k ln left( tanh fracpi k x2 right)=2sum_n=0^infty frac12n+1frac1e^pi (2n+1) x+1$$

This sum originated from a recent question, where we have:

$$f(1)= -frac1piint_0^1 ln left( ln frac1x right) fracdx1+x^2=ln fracGamma (3/4)pi^1/4$$

If we differentiate w.r.t. $x$, we obtain:

$$f'(x)=sum_k=1^infty (-1)^k fracpi ksinh pi k x$$

There is again a closed form for $x=1$ (obtained numerically):


So, is there a closed form or at least an integral definition for arbitrary $x>0$?

The series converges absolutely (numerically at least):

$$sum_k=1^infty ln left( tanh fracpi k x2 right)< infty$$

Thus, this series can also be expressed as a logarithm of an infinite product:

$$f(x)=ln prod_k=1^infty tanh (pi k x) - ln prod_k=1^infty tanh left( pi (k-1/2) x right)$$

$$e^f(x)= prod_k=1^infty fractanh (pi k x)tanh left( pi (k-1/2) x right)$$

This by the way leads to:

$$prod_k=1^infty fractanh (pi k)tanh left( pi (k-1/2) right)=fracpi^1/4Gamma(3/4)$$

I feel like there is a way to use the infinite product form for $sinh$ and $cosh$:

$$sinh (pi x)=pi x prod_n=1^infty left(1+fracx^2n^2 right)$$

$$cosh (pi x)=prod_n=1^infty left(1+fracx^2(n-1/2)^2 right)$$

share|cite|improve this question


  • 1

    In my answer to the linked question I have shown that the series on right equals $$frac12logvartheta_3(q)$$ where $q = e^-pi x$. I don't think there is any closed form different from theta functions and their cousins elliptic integrals.
    – Paramanand Singh
    Feb 26 '17 at 16:14

  • 2

    One can get a closed form if one considers the function $$g(x) = sum_n = 1^inftylogtanh fracnpi x2 = logvartheta_4(q)$$ (see and then $$g(x) - f(x) = frac14logfracvartheta_4^4(q)vartheta_3^4(q) = frac14log(1 - k^2)$$ so that if $x = sqrtr, r inmathbbQ^+$ then $k$ is algebraic and we have a closed form for $g(x) - f(x)$.
    – Paramanand Singh
    Feb 26 '17 at 16:42

  • $begingroup$
    @ParamanandSingh, oh, I didn't read your answer carefully enough. I haven't noticed that you give the general closed form
    – Yuriy S
    Feb 26 '17 at 16:45

  • 2

    The general form is proved there, but it is evaluated in terms of Gamma values only for specific value of $q = e^-pi$ (which is specific to that integral like your $f(1)$ instead of general $f(x)$).
    – Paramanand Singh
    Feb 26 '17 at 16:51






Is there a closed form for: $$f(x)=sum_k=1^infty (-1)^k ln left( tanh fracpi k x2 right)=2sum_n=0^infty frac12n+1frac1e^pi (2n+1) x+1$$

This sum originated from a recent question, where we have:

$$f(1)= -frac1piint_0^1 ln left( ln frac1x right) fracdx1+x^2=ln fracGamma (3/4)pi^1/4$$

If we differentiate w.r.t. $x$, we obtain:

$$f'(x)=sum_k=1^infty (-1)^k fracpi ksinh pi k x$$

There is again a closed form for $x=1$ (obtained numerically):


So, is there a closed form or at least an integral definition for arbitrary $x>0$?

The series converges absolutely (numerically at least):

$$sum_k=1^infty ln left( tanh fracpi k x2 right)< infty$$

Thus, this series can also be expressed as a logarithm of an infinite product:

$$f(x)=ln prod_k=1^infty tanh (pi k x) - ln prod_k=1^infty tanh left( pi (k-1/2) x right)$$

$$e^f(x)= prod_k=1^infty fractanh (pi k x)tanh left( pi (k-1/2) x right)$$

This by the way leads to:

$$prod_k=1^infty fractanh (pi k)tanh left( pi (k-1/2) right)=fracpi^1/4Gamma(3/4)$$

I feel like there is a way to use the infinite product form for $sinh$ and $cosh$:

$$sinh (pi x)=pi x prod_n=1^infty left(1+fracx^2n^2 right)$$

$$cosh (pi x)=prod_n=1^infty left(1+fracx^2(n-1/2)^2 right)$$

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Is there a closed form for: $$f(x)=sum_k=1^infty (-1)^k ln left( tanh fracpi k x2 right)=2sum_n=0^infty frac12n+1frac1e^pi (2n+1) x+1$$

This sum originated from a recent question, where we have:

$$f(1)= -frac1piint_0^1 ln left( ln frac1x right) fracdx1+x^2=ln fracGamma (3/4)pi^1/4$$

If we differentiate w.r.t. $x$, we obtain:

$$f'(x)=sum_k=1^infty (-1)^k fracpi ksinh pi k x$$

There is again a closed form for $x=1$ (obtained numerically):


So, is there a closed form or at least an integral definition for arbitrary $x>0$?

The series converges absolutely (numerically at least):

$$sum_k=1^infty ln left( tanh fracpi k x2 right)< infty$$

Thus, this series can also be expressed as a logarithm of an infinite product:

$$f(x)=ln prod_k=1^infty tanh (pi k x) - ln prod_k=1^infty tanh left( pi (k-1/2) x right)$$

$$e^f(x)= prod_k=1^infty fractanh (pi k x)tanh left( pi (k-1/2) x right)$$

This by the way leads to:

$$prod_k=1^infty fractanh (pi k)tanh left( pi (k-1/2) right)=fracpi^1/4Gamma(3/4)$$

I feel like there is a way to use the infinite product form for $sinh$ and $cosh$:

$$sinh (pi x)=pi x prod_n=1^infty left(1+fracx^2n^2 right)$$

$$cosh (pi x)=prod_n=1^infty left(1+fracx^2(n-1/2)^2 right)$$

sequences-and-series definite-integrals closed-form infinite-product

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edited Apr 13 '17 at 12:21




asked Feb 26 '17 at 13:01

Yuriy SYuriy S



  • 1

    In my answer to the linked question I have shown that the series on right equals $$frac12logvartheta_3(q)$$ where $q = e^-pi x$. I don't think there is any closed form different from theta functions and their cousins elliptic integrals.
    – Paramanand Singh
    Feb 26 '17 at 16:14

  • 2

    One can get a closed form if one considers the function $$g(x) = sum_n = 1^inftylogtanh fracnpi x2 = logvartheta_4(q)$$ (see and then $$g(x) - f(x) = frac14logfracvartheta_4^4(q)vartheta_3^4(q) = frac14log(1 - k^2)$$ so that if $x = sqrtr, r inmathbbQ^+$ then $k$ is algebraic and we have a closed form for $g(x) - f(x)$.
    – Paramanand Singh
    Feb 26 '17 at 16:42

  • $begingroup$
    @ParamanandSingh, oh, I didn't read your answer carefully enough. I haven't noticed that you give the general closed form
    – Yuriy S
    Feb 26 '17 at 16:45

  • 2

    The general form is proved there, but it is evaluated in terms of Gamma values only for specific value of $q = e^-pi$ (which is specific to that integral like your $f(1)$ instead of general $f(x)$).
    – Paramanand Singh
    Feb 26 '17 at 16:51

  • 1

    In my answer to the linked question I have shown that the series on right equals $$frac12logvartheta_3(q)$$ where $q = e^-pi x$. I don't think there is any closed form different from theta functions and their cousins elliptic integrals.
    – Paramanand Singh
    Feb 26 '17 at 16:14

  • 2

    One can get a closed form if one considers the function $$g(x) = sum_n = 1^inftylogtanh fracnpi x2 = logvartheta_4(q)$$ (see and then $$g(x) - f(x) = frac14logfracvartheta_4^4(q)vartheta_3^4(q) = frac14log(1 - k^2)$$ so that if $x = sqrtr, r inmathbbQ^+$ then $k$ is algebraic and we have a closed form for $g(x) - f(x)$.
    – Paramanand Singh
    Feb 26 '17 at 16:42

  • $begingroup$
    @ParamanandSingh, oh, I didn't read your answer carefully enough. I haven't noticed that you give the general closed form
    – Yuriy S
    Feb 26 '17 at 16:45

  • 2

    The general form is proved there, but it is evaluated in terms of Gamma values only for specific value of $q = e^-pi$ (which is specific to that integral like your $f(1)$ instead of general $f(x)$).
    – Paramanand Singh
    Feb 26 '17 at 16:51



In my answer to the linked question I have shown that the series on right equals $$frac12logvartheta_3(q)$$ where $q = e^-pi x$. I don't think there is any closed form different from theta functions and their cousins elliptic integrals.
– Paramanand Singh
Feb 26 '17 at 16:14

In my answer to the linked question I have shown that the series on right equals $$frac12logvartheta_3(q)$$ where $q = e^-pi x$. I don't think there is any closed form different from theta functions and their cousins elliptic integrals.
– Paramanand Singh
Feb 26 '17 at 16:14



One can get a closed form if one considers the function $$g(x) = sum_n = 1^inftylogtanh fracnpi x2 = logvartheta_4(q)$$ (see and then $$g(x) - f(x) = frac14logfracvartheta_4^4(q)vartheta_3^4(q) = frac14log(1 - k^2)$$ so that if $x = sqrtr, r inmathbbQ^+$ then $k$ is algebraic and we have a closed form for $g(x) - f(x)$.
– Paramanand Singh
Feb 26 '17 at 16:42

One can get a closed form if one considers the function $$g(x) = sum_n = 1^inftylogtanh fracnpi x2 = logvartheta_4(q)$$ (see and then $$g(x) - f(x) = frac14logfracvartheta_4^4(q)vartheta_3^4(q) = frac14log(1 - k^2)$$ so that if $x = sqrtr, r inmathbbQ^+$ then $k$ is algebraic and we have a closed form for $g(x) - f(x)$.
– Paramanand Singh
Feb 26 '17 at 16:42

@ParamanandSingh, oh, I didn't read your answer carefully enough. I haven't noticed that you give the general closed form
– Yuriy S
Feb 26 '17 at 16:45

@ParamanandSingh, oh, I didn't read your answer carefully enough. I haven't noticed that you give the general closed form
– Yuriy S
Feb 26 '17 at 16:45



The general form is proved there, but it is evaluated in terms of Gamma values only for specific value of $q = e^-pi$ (which is specific to that integral like your $f(1)$ instead of general $f(x)$).
– Paramanand Singh
Feb 26 '17 at 16:51

The general form is proved there, but it is evaluated in terms of Gamma values only for specific value of $q = e^-pi$ (which is specific to that integral like your $f(1)$ instead of general $f(x)$).
– Paramanand Singh
Feb 26 '17 at 16:51

1 Answer






Let’s use $~displaystyleprodlimits_k=1^infty (1+z^k)(1-z^2k-1) =1~$ . $enspace$ (It's explained in a note below.)

For $~z:=q^2~$ and $~q:=e^-pi x~$ with $~x>0~$ we get

$displaystyle e^f(x) = prodlimits_k=1^inftyfractanh(kpi x)tanh((k-frac12)pi x) = prodlimits_k=1^inftyfrac fracq^-k-q^kq^-k+q^k fracq^frac12-k-q^k-frac12 q^frac12-k+q^k-frac12 = prodlimits_k=1^inftyfrac(1-q^2k)(1+q^2k-1)(1+q^2k)(1-q^2k-1) =$

$displaystyle = prodlimits_k=1^infty (1-q^2k)(1+q^2k-1)^2 = sumlimits_k=-infty^+infty q^k^2 = vartheta(0;ix)$

The “closed form” for $,f,$ is:

$$f(x) = lnvartheta(0;ix)$$

Please see e.g. Theta function .


$displaystyleprodlimits_k=1^infty (1+z^k)(1-z^2k-1) =1$

$Leftrightarrowhspace2cm$ (logarithm)

$displaystyle sumlimits_k=1^infty sumlimits_v=1^infty frac(-1)^v-1z^kvv = sumlimits_k=1^infty ln(1+z^k) = -sumlimits_k=1^infty ln(1-z^2k-1) = sumlimits_k=1^infty sumlimits_v=1^infty fracz^(2k-1)vv$

$Leftrightarrowhspace2cm$ (exchanging the sum symbols which is valid for $~|z|<1~$

$hspace2.7cm$ and using $~displaystylefracx1-x=sumlimits_k=1^infty x^k~$)

$displaystylesumlimits_v=1^infty frac(-1)^v-1vfracz^v1-z^v = sumlimits_v=1^infty frac1vfracz^v1-z^v - 2sumlimits_v=1^infty frac12vfracz^2v1-z^2v = sumlimits_v=1^infty frac1vfracz^v1-z^2v$

share|cite|improve this answer


  • $begingroup$
    Where does the first identity come from? "Let's use..."
    – Diger
    Mar 22 at 11:27

  • 1

    @Diger : I've added a note . ;)
    – user90369
    Mar 22 at 12:54

  • $begingroup$
    Very nice answer, thank you! I haven't checked numerically yet, but I trust you
    – Yuriy S
    Mar 25 at 8:03

  • $begingroup$
    @YuriyS : You are welcome! And thank you for paying attention to my answer although my answer is 2 years too late. ;) Explicit values can be seen e.g. at the web page for Theta function (the link above).
    – user90369
    Mar 25 at 9:08

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1 Answer




1 Answer












Let’s use $~displaystyleprodlimits_k=1^infty (1+z^k)(1-z^2k-1) =1~$ . $enspace$ (It's explained in a note below.)

For $~z:=q^2~$ and $~q:=e^-pi x~$ with $~x>0~$ we get

$displaystyle e^f(x) = prodlimits_k=1^inftyfractanh(kpi x)tanh((k-frac12)pi x) = prodlimits_k=1^inftyfrac fracq^-k-q^kq^-k+q^k fracq^frac12-k-q^k-frac12 q^frac12-k+q^k-frac12 = prodlimits_k=1^inftyfrac(1-q^2k)(1+q^2k-1)(1+q^2k)(1-q^2k-1) =$

$displaystyle = prodlimits_k=1^infty (1-q^2k)(1+q^2k-1)^2 = sumlimits_k=-infty^+infty q^k^2 = vartheta(0;ix)$

The “closed form” for $,f,$ is:

$$f(x) = lnvartheta(0;ix)$$

Please see e.g. Theta function .


$displaystyleprodlimits_k=1^infty (1+z^k)(1-z^2k-1) =1$

$Leftrightarrowhspace2cm$ (logarithm)

$displaystyle sumlimits_k=1^infty sumlimits_v=1^infty frac(-1)^v-1z^kvv = sumlimits_k=1^infty ln(1+z^k) = -sumlimits_k=1^infty ln(1-z^2k-1) = sumlimits_k=1^infty sumlimits_v=1^infty fracz^(2k-1)vv$

$Leftrightarrowhspace2cm$ (exchanging the sum symbols which is valid for $~|z|<1~$

$hspace2.7cm$ and using $~displaystylefracx1-x=sumlimits_k=1^infty x^k~$)

$displaystylesumlimits_v=1^infty frac(-1)^v-1vfracz^v1-z^v = sumlimits_v=1^infty frac1vfracz^v1-z^v - 2sumlimits_v=1^infty frac12vfracz^2v1-z^2v = sumlimits_v=1^infty frac1vfracz^v1-z^2v$

share|cite|improve this answer


  • $begingroup$
    Where does the first identity come from? "Let's use..."
    – Diger
    Mar 22 at 11:27

  • 1

    @Diger : I've added a note . ;)
    – user90369
    Mar 22 at 12:54

  • $begingroup$
    Very nice answer, thank you! I haven't checked numerically yet, but I trust you
    – Yuriy S
    Mar 25 at 8:03

  • $begingroup$
    @YuriyS : You are welcome! And thank you for paying attention to my answer although my answer is 2 years too late. ;) Explicit values can be seen e.g. at the web page for Theta function (the link above).
    – user90369
    Mar 25 at 9:08



Let’s use $~displaystyleprodlimits_k=1^infty (1+z^k)(1-z^2k-1) =1~$ . $enspace$ (It's explained in a note below.)

For $~z:=q^2~$ and $~q:=e^-pi x~$ with $~x>0~$ we get

$displaystyle e^f(x) = prodlimits_k=1^inftyfractanh(kpi x)tanh((k-frac12)pi x) = prodlimits_k=1^inftyfrac fracq^-k-q^kq^-k+q^k fracq^frac12-k-q^k-frac12 q^frac12-k+q^k-frac12 = prodlimits_k=1^inftyfrac(1-q^2k)(1+q^2k-1)(1+q^2k)(1-q^2k-1) =$

$displaystyle = prodlimits_k=1^infty (1-q^2k)(1+q^2k-1)^2 = sumlimits_k=-infty^+infty q^k^2 = vartheta(0;ix)$

The “closed form” for $,f,$ is:

$$f(x) = lnvartheta(0;ix)$$

Please see e.g. Theta function .


$displaystyleprodlimits_k=1^infty (1+z^k)(1-z^2k-1) =1$

$Leftrightarrowhspace2cm$ (logarithm)

$displaystyle sumlimits_k=1^infty sumlimits_v=1^infty frac(-1)^v-1z^kvv = sumlimits_k=1^infty ln(1+z^k) = -sumlimits_k=1^infty ln(1-z^2k-1) = sumlimits_k=1^infty sumlimits_v=1^infty fracz^(2k-1)vv$

$Leftrightarrowhspace2cm$ (exchanging the sum symbols which is valid for $~|z|<1~$

$hspace2.7cm$ and using $~displaystylefracx1-x=sumlimits_k=1^infty x^k~$)

$displaystylesumlimits_v=1^infty frac(-1)^v-1vfracz^v1-z^v = sumlimits_v=1^infty frac1vfracz^v1-z^v - 2sumlimits_v=1^infty frac12vfracz^2v1-z^2v = sumlimits_v=1^infty frac1vfracz^v1-z^2v$

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  • $begingroup$
    Where does the first identity come from? "Let's use..."
    – Diger
    Mar 22 at 11:27

  • 1

    @Diger : I've added a note . ;)
    – user90369
    Mar 22 at 12:54

  • $begingroup$
    Very nice answer, thank you! I haven't checked numerically yet, but I trust you
    – Yuriy S
    Mar 25 at 8:03

  • $begingroup$
    @YuriyS : You are welcome! And thank you for paying attention to my answer although my answer is 2 years too late. ;) Explicit values can be seen e.g. at the web page for Theta function (the link above).
    – user90369
    Mar 25 at 9:08





Let’s use $~displaystyleprodlimits_k=1^infty (1+z^k)(1-z^2k-1) =1~$ . $enspace$ (It's explained in a note below.)

For $~z:=q^2~$ and $~q:=e^-pi x~$ with $~x>0~$ we get

$displaystyle e^f(x) = prodlimits_k=1^inftyfractanh(kpi x)tanh((k-frac12)pi x) = prodlimits_k=1^inftyfrac fracq^-k-q^kq^-k+q^k fracq^frac12-k-q^k-frac12 q^frac12-k+q^k-frac12 = prodlimits_k=1^inftyfrac(1-q^2k)(1+q^2k-1)(1+q^2k)(1-q^2k-1) =$

$displaystyle = prodlimits_k=1^infty (1-q^2k)(1+q^2k-1)^2 = sumlimits_k=-infty^+infty q^k^2 = vartheta(0;ix)$

The “closed form” for $,f,$ is:

$$f(x) = lnvartheta(0;ix)$$

Please see e.g. Theta function .


$displaystyleprodlimits_k=1^infty (1+z^k)(1-z^2k-1) =1$

$Leftrightarrowhspace2cm$ (logarithm)

$displaystyle sumlimits_k=1^infty sumlimits_v=1^infty frac(-1)^v-1z^kvv = sumlimits_k=1^infty ln(1+z^k) = -sumlimits_k=1^infty ln(1-z^2k-1) = sumlimits_k=1^infty sumlimits_v=1^infty fracz^(2k-1)vv$

$Leftrightarrowhspace2cm$ (exchanging the sum symbols which is valid for $~|z|<1~$

$hspace2.7cm$ and using $~displaystylefracx1-x=sumlimits_k=1^infty x^k~$)

$displaystylesumlimits_v=1^infty frac(-1)^v-1vfracz^v1-z^v = sumlimits_v=1^infty frac1vfracz^v1-z^v - 2sumlimits_v=1^infty frac12vfracz^2v1-z^2v = sumlimits_v=1^infty frac1vfracz^v1-z^2v$

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Let’s use $~displaystyleprodlimits_k=1^infty (1+z^k)(1-z^2k-1) =1~$ . $enspace$ (It's explained in a note below.)

For $~z:=q^2~$ and $~q:=e^-pi x~$ with $~x>0~$ we get

$displaystyle e^f(x) = prodlimits_k=1^inftyfractanh(kpi x)tanh((k-frac12)pi x) = prodlimits_k=1^inftyfrac fracq^-k-q^kq^-k+q^k fracq^frac12-k-q^k-frac12 q^frac12-k+q^k-frac12 = prodlimits_k=1^inftyfrac(1-q^2k)(1+q^2k-1)(1+q^2k)(1-q^2k-1) =$

$displaystyle = prodlimits_k=1^infty (1-q^2k)(1+q^2k-1)^2 = sumlimits_k=-infty^+infty q^k^2 = vartheta(0;ix)$

The “closed form” for $,f,$ is:

$$f(x) = lnvartheta(0;ix)$$

Please see e.g. Theta function .


$displaystyleprodlimits_k=1^infty (1+z^k)(1-z^2k-1) =1$

$Leftrightarrowhspace2cm$ (logarithm)

$displaystyle sumlimits_k=1^infty sumlimits_v=1^infty frac(-1)^v-1z^kvv = sumlimits_k=1^infty ln(1+z^k) = -sumlimits_k=1^infty ln(1-z^2k-1) = sumlimits_k=1^infty sumlimits_v=1^infty fracz^(2k-1)vv$

$Leftrightarrowhspace2cm$ (exchanging the sum symbols which is valid for $~|z|<1~$

$hspace2.7cm$ and using $~displaystylefracx1-x=sumlimits_k=1^infty x^k~$)

$displaystylesumlimits_v=1^infty frac(-1)^v-1vfracz^v1-z^v = sumlimits_v=1^infty frac1vfracz^v1-z^v - 2sumlimits_v=1^infty frac12vfracz^2v1-z^2v = sumlimits_v=1^infty frac1vfracz^v1-z^2v$

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edited Mar 22 at 15:44

answered Mar 22 at 10:54




  • $begingroup$
    Where does the first identity come from? "Let's use..."
    – Diger
    Mar 22 at 11:27

  • 1

    @Diger : I've added a note . ;)
    – user90369
    Mar 22 at 12:54

  • $begingroup$
    Very nice answer, thank you! I haven't checked numerically yet, but I trust you
    – Yuriy S
    Mar 25 at 8:03

  • $begingroup$
    @YuriyS : You are welcome! And thank you for paying attention to my answer although my answer is 2 years too late. ;) Explicit values can be seen e.g. at the web page for Theta function (the link above).
    – user90369
    Mar 25 at 9:08

  • $begingroup$
    Where does the first identity come from? "Let's use..."
    – Diger
    Mar 22 at 11:27

  • 1

    @Diger : I've added a note . ;)
    – user90369
    Mar 22 at 12:54

  • $begingroup$
    Very nice answer, thank you! I haven't checked numerically yet, but I trust you
    – Yuriy S
    Mar 25 at 8:03

  • $begingroup$
    @YuriyS : You are welcome! And thank you for paying attention to my answer although my answer is 2 years too late. ;) Explicit values can be seen e.g. at the web page for Theta function (the link above).
    – user90369
    Mar 25 at 9:08

Where does the first identity come from? "Let's use..."
– Diger
Mar 22 at 11:27

Where does the first identity come from? "Let's use..."
– Diger
Mar 22 at 11:27



@Diger : I've added a note . ;)
– user90369
Mar 22 at 12:54

@Diger : I've added a note . ;)
– user90369
Mar 22 at 12:54

Very nice answer, thank you! I haven't checked numerically yet, but I trust you
– Yuriy S
Mar 25 at 8:03

Very nice answer, thank you! I haven't checked numerically yet, but I trust you
– Yuriy S
Mar 25 at 8:03

@YuriyS : You are welcome! And thank you for paying attention to my answer although my answer is 2 years too late. ;) Explicit values can be seen e.g. at the web page for Theta function (the link above).
– user90369
Mar 25 at 9:08

@YuriyS : You are welcome! And thank you for paying attention to my answer although my answer is 2 years too late. ;) Explicit values can be seen e.g. at the web page for Theta function (the link above).
– user90369
Mar 25 at 9:08

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